Duplicate of 0000369.
Please search before posting.
Moderator, please close this ticket.
Duplicate of 0000369.
Please search before posting.
Moderator, please close this ticket.
I have a GTX 660ti (non-overclocked) and I have everything on ultra. If there aren't ten smoke grenades in about 10 m2, I never get below 30 FPS.
Unable to reproduce.
I have a slight performance impact, but it's negligible.
/didn't vote
Not, BI's responsibility.
Moderator, please close this ticket as a no-bug.
Was that in vanilla Arma 2?
Picture? Video?
Resolved in the latest Dev build.
It should actually be ** not [] for what you said.
But...look at the kittens.
[insert random offtopic chit-chat or spam here]
I really don't like to get 30 e-mails overnight.
Doesn't it currently work like this?
I think he doesn't even need NVGs.
Duplicate of 0006428. Please search before posting.
Changeable RPMs for the miniguns have already been requested so please remove that.
The AMV-7 has a commander seat?
This has already been reported/requested. Moderator, please close this ticket.
The AI can shoot down my chopper from 700+ meters without any issues.
OK, but how did you take the screenshots? I suppose one is taken with Steam and the other one with Fraps or something?
You showed us two screenshots, one of them is in-game the other one is a screenshot.
Try verifying the game cache and removing any mods you have. You should also upload DxDiag or something.
They've added quite a few goggles/glasses when the full game was released. Do you still want more?
They do use flashlights, but I'm not sure about the vehicle lights.
What's a "stache change"?
Oh, so you meant an explosive satchel, OK.
So, can they usually stand/sit there? For example, can they be put there via moveInCargo or something?
Btw, upvoted.
Yeah, I can see that. I think that the missing door was already reported, but I'll upvote this ticket too.
Why did you use attachTo?
Open Steam, right click on Arma 3 in your library, click "Properties", go to the "BETAS" tab, there's a drop-down menu, select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs", click OK and close the properties. You will now get a little update and you can play with your friends. Enjoy!
Arma 3 > Properties > BETAS > NONE- opt out of all betas
You could try uploading DxDiag files.
Are you sure it's easy to do? Doesn't the face have to be a 3D model?
What weapons did you try it with?
Was there any AI and if so, did they also get in the choppers?
Upvoting for Everon and only for Everon.
Silly me, the third one is the camera. :P
AFAIK they're two cannons, the big one for HE rounds and a small one for AP. If this is not true can someone please correct me. I didn't vote.
"sarcastic/sardonic/satiric nature of this post" ROFL
Please change the summary to reflect the ticket itself.
The pilot can land a helicopter even if the rotor is damaged. It was actually requested to make the second way the only way of landing. It is not clear what you want, do you want not to be able to land it or to be able to land it? I shall not vote for now.
Downvoted all the way!
-->Thats right.
That's right.
And he knows English than you.
Didn't you previously state that you have a 550M?
Yes, servers should probably have an option to choose whatever you said. It should be in the options for singleplayer.
Imagine Fallujah in Arma 3 with Apex and this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7260 :D
I was joking and I'm in no way against this. Why would I be against this? You could've easily found out I use an Nvidia card from my previous notes.
Fallujah with Apex would burn right through two Titans in SLI. :D
EDIT: I added a smilie face because nobody understood that I was joking. :P
Yeah, the vegetation is already great.
Btw, do you even read your notes before posting them?
Does PhysX do anything in the game currently?
Do you mean PhysX could help with rain? Or Apex?
I'm watching a 2:20 min video of someone destroying...a wall.
Can some of the CPU load be transferred to the GPU?
Ever heard of Altis?
4 pieces would be a dream come true.
Could you post a video?
OK, I'm not really sure what you said, but as I understood APEX isn't hard to implement. OK then, I upvoted, don't worry. Just, the clothing is unnecessary.
The first video was OK. The second one was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I barely noticed any difference in the third one and I think APEX clothing is unnecessary. And although it looks nice, I think it would be very hard to implement, it'd be resource demanding and...AMD? But, I'll upvote.
Duplicate of 0004411. Moderator, please close this issue.
Confirmed, upvoted and already reported.
I'm going to cover each section individually:
Buildings in the editor: There are mods for that, I don't know why BIS doesn't add it in vanilla Arma 3.
Making loadouts: It is a confirmed feature, so you can remove it.
In-game map maker: I don't think it's possible. Arma maps are too complex for that.
What exactly is the issue? Does the flag disappear when using attachTo?
TL;DR means "too long;didn't read".
First thing you're talking about: Dividing mods into categories. This is a good idea, but it'll require a lot of work by the Armaholic moderators (look at the number of A2 mods). You could make the mod-makers pick the category, but there are some mods in the wrong categories on Armaholic so it's a bad idea.
Second thing: Disabling mods when joining servers. Okay, this also a good idea, but there could be a problem of the game not recognizing it as a mod if not using Steam launch parameters, but putting the .pbo into the "Addons" folder. I'm not sure bout this so, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Last thing: "Lite" versions of the mod. So, if someone doesn't have a mod, he can download a "lite" version with the model and low res textures (and sounds, which you didn't mention). Okay, this one is actually a good idea, but it's almost the the same thing as 0006428, only the way you want it would be less time consuming.
But, from what I did read, I think this is a duplicate of 0006428.
If, not could you please sum it up? The ticket is huge.
I didn't really understand what you meant. There should be some indicator for "ready to fire".
The Titan MPRL Launcher using AP and AT missiles has already been requested. The interface is okay for both the PCML and RPG.
Three levels are actually okay.
Agreed with delta062, it would require a lot of work.
A single claymore can knock down a tree, your argument is invalid.
Duplicate of 0002452. Please search before posting.
Bushmaster ACR
"myriads of weapons"?
Here's the MX: http://www.bushmaster.com/acr/#/intro
Here's the UH-80:https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMDBqHwYfU06Z9WWt8hx_Ija0zo4FnZ9Zl_XiR_qhYoevVQeEK
But AFAIK they're not in widespread use.
Try the FHQ M4A3 pack.
Because all of them had different attachments. In Arma 3 there is a modular system for attachments.
And why does it need one of those rifles? As you said you can mod it in. There are already 3 (or even more) mods that have M4s.
All of the issues with the AI have already been reported, but a computer WILL NOT be able to replicate a human for years or probably even decades. The recoil has been reported. The commo rose has been requested (and I downvoted it). Please remove those from the ticket.
Why do you want to instantly climb a ladder when you come near it? I'm sure even you'd get annoyed. Or jump over a wall? How hard is it to press "V"? Even in BF3 and CoD you have to press space to jump over something.
It's because you picked tactical glasses in the profile menu.
A faction should override the profile settings.
I think the smoke grenades should remain there about 10 mins after the smoke has ended, but they should be removed after those 10 minutes to save performance.
Wait...how many mepwaygames are there?
How about twelve year olds?
Can you provide a link to said peeing mod?
Eating is acceptable, but Dayz and smoking are not.
They still want it to be realistic. They don't want lazorz.
This is possible. Changing the vote.
They wanted something like 2015 (I think you said it looked like that).
I just saw the changes and the XM25 is going to be in the game, but laser range finders although possible would be OP.
They still want to have it like today. They don't want nanosuits (which you also made a ticket for *facepalm*) or anything like that. Thermal goggles? And I guess you also want to have recoil-less .50 cal machineguns for autoriflemen, .50/.408 cal sniper rifles for marksmen and recoil-less 7.62 60-bullet-mag assault rifles for regular riflemen. And grenadiers will have an 62mm GL. AT riflemen will have NLAWs/RPGs rechambered in 200 mm. Snipers will have an XM109 with and extended magazine. And tanks should have railguns with instant travel time and no bullet drop. We should also have hang gliders.
...and there's not going to be an F-35 in the game.
So was the Comanche, but it's in the game.
Moderator, please close this issue as a duplicate of issue 0002638.
Until this is implemented http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19692&comments=1#c44354 .
Try Planetside 2. :D