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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 9:30 AM (625 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
i know, there is sampling option, but i dont think it does it same way as nvidia option
... my server is now online for about 8 hours, no crashes, nothing wrong... and i only bought new router, becouse old one was dropping connections when too overloaded with traffic... but i dont think that is reason for crashes i had before :O
its very strange crash, when i was in work YESTERDAY, i started it up via remote desktop, no problem, but after i came home, started it up, it crashed in about 2 minutes.. :O
EDIT: I bought new router Mikrotik RB2011(so not some cheap crap) and dedi didnt crashed once, will test it more for longer time
- Name the archive with your nickname (mine would be "Iceman.rar")
I tried start dedi server today, and its still running without crashing, was there some update?
i didnt change anything :-O
Random server crash (console just close - clients gets "no message received") - crashfiles:
problem file: \windows\sysWOW64\ntdll.dll
PS: tried disable all addons, still crashing - even without player connected
OS info: Win Home Server 2011 (same as 2008 R2 without some features) - Will try Windows 8.1 today
stupid idea, why? Troll can just enter choppa in night mission, and turn all lights on = hello AA :)
i dont think he wants to host it public, he just testing something on LOCAL and ping gets high
- check firewall settings (on PC and router)
- disable antivirus (i had Avira before = masive FPS drops)
- what is your router/switch you are using, some old devices can do lagg
- check game data (via steam)
- check GPU temperature
they should care about AIs 360° backflip-triple-turn headshots at first :) if Your turning is too fast, why you dont just decrease mouse sensitivity ? :D
Try delete your user data to reset settings, maybe that help (or just move it somewhere else)
please submit IMPORTANT ISSUES..
no FPS drop noticed in STABLE 1.0
tried that, no problem. So i think "need more info" :)
i dont think its related to that one, becouse climbing over something is not simple jumping.
Try to jump with 30+ Kg of equipment and guns.. this is not CS/Call of Duty..
"Archery Fetish Mod" :DDDD btw disagree with crossbow in game, maybe throwing knifes, but not crossbow :D
One of most voted on tracker - search before posting :P
For me this problem was becouse some MP missions have custom view distance option, so game render for example 2km of objects, but you set 1800m view distance in mission script and thats why its flying its showing 2km radius of objects, but 1800m of terain, also this problem can be becouse of low Terain quality, low quality = less detailed terrain = flying objects :)
Enabled in firewall ?
not sure about this, but i played on server, where hangar on airfield was removed(not destroyed, rly gone), maybe there is a way to remove objects by scripts :)
"I broke Arma 3 LOL" - stupidest report ever. DOWNvoted
its not a bug, its a feature! :D
i think this can be windows bug and can be fixed by alt-tabing out and in so windows actualy lock mouse inside the window :)
i had similar issue, it worked only if i had Steam Friends windows on second monitor and i move (invisible) mouse on it. Sometimes just Alt+tabing out and clicking back in game fix this
PS: Actualy im not 100% sure if Arma 3 did this, you can try :) try this - DirectX updater
Dupe of milion reports before, please SEARCH before posting something :'(
Sounds are in game by now (DEV).. just played campaign today :)
i noticed that too, lighting without sound :( voted up
Looks like everyone here want 2D trees or what...
if your cooler cant cool your GPU used on max, you need to change it. Game cant do anything with that...
So game developers are responsible for your bad cooled GPU ? :D
edit: If your card is overheating problem is somewhere else, clean fan or but better cooling for it..
I have 2 GTS450 and 6 core AMD and trust me its doing some "heat" but i have good cooling for it, so temperatures are at 65°c max
are these headphones USB ?
you can have flat tires, if you drive over rocks or hit something ;)
Nice idea but i... LOLed so hard when i saw that picture :D
reacting on my last post: Confirmed, just tested it in editor. Its not MP issue, arma just doesnt like vehicle - object collisions :P :(
..its not bouncing that much, but if i speed up time it is
its looks like multiplayer issue - server lags, did you tried that in editor ?
in editor or multiplayer ? in MP it can be because of lag, but yet i know this "bug", engine is not much friendly with object-to-object collisions :)
and M320 is what ? :D thats "tuned" Intervention
I think this bug is Confirmed. I have same problem with Vsync
Vsync disabled - 70+-FPS
Vsync enabled - locked to 40FPS (not 60)
Just tested that in editor of DEV version
you should try DEV version, i have a lot more FPS on it. Btw i noticed something like fps "lock" too, when i cant get 40+ fps, i will test it more at home and send report :)
becouse i dont like half-frames on my monitor :P
What Vsync does is waiting before another frame is rendered, so your monitor will not display half(unfinished) frames, 60FPS = HZ of your monitor becouse if your monitor is 60HZ, it cant display more than 60FPS.
30FPS "lock" can be done by gpu drivers (nvidia have this option for example).
And be happy for 30FPS, smooth gameplay is not about high fps, but about stable framerate :)
yes, there is difference between 30 and 60FPS, but that 30FPS lock is there maybe becouse of that, if you have 30-33-31-30 FPS, game will not look that smooth, as 30-30-30-30 FPS.
There should be option like in Nvidia drivers: Vsync, Vsync (half refresh rate), disabled
FPS drop on MP are most of time server-side problem, if you playing on lagged server, you cant get high FPS.
Also try -cpuCount=[threads] (ex. -cpuCount=6)
And if you have Nvidia SLI setup, you need to set Rendering mode in drivers manualy :)
but not enough USB power is not warranty fail ;) that cable CAN double power, that depends on how its made on motherboard, you must try
try buy this: :) but i think problem is simply in drivers
and not sure if this is your post: also "Well TeamSpeak uses the sound device pretty constantly and heavily since that is what it does" so its driver problem or USB doesnt have enough power = you need that cable, or motherboard with better USB power, just question what MB you have ?
You said your headphones are USB, that means, they have integrated sound chip, if i am right :) becouse soundcard can't "redirect" audio to USB ports
"However, it happens more frequently when I'm also running TeamSpeak" - i dont think thats Arma 3 problem, you should check for latest drivers and there is option your motherboard USB doesnt have enough power to power up these headphones.
I have USB sound card (Creative) so i know what i talking about, a lot of problems were just becouse drivers, for example my soundcard was constantly connecting and disconnecting before i updated drivers. And for me, mission impossible was just installing drivers correctly, becouse Creative drivers are total sh*t-work :D
TIP: Try to disable integrated soundcard on motherboard, try another USB port. But at first, update drivers. OR it can be problem with codecs
still not fixed in STABLE 1.0 but other similar are :'(
New screenshot uploaded, now wait for devs.
- "CLOSED" --- :)
guys dont talk about choppa name thats not important in this report :D but im bored so im gona test all choppers
EDIT: Tested on all choppas and it happens on both versions of PO-30 ("ka-60") and little birds (AH-9 and MH-9). Other are ok
choppa name edited :D
btw i repeat i spotted this only on 2 choppers which are with us from first version of alpha :)
still not fixed :'(
little playing in photoshop:
it can be ugly for some people - depends on your monitor etc.. and thats why this should be adjustable. But devs have more important work to do now :(
friend sent me this: that can help us :)
lets say he/we wants better colors, btw i think they updated it, water seems to be less blue than before
voted up, and i think better contrast can fix it or.. make it better (option in settings will be good solution becouse of so many different monitors)
ye this is same problem as in A2, AI aimbots ;) .. in A2 they were possible to give me headshot in an airplane.. :D
not sure about that in arma, but ye. I am waiting for linux too :)
they will, but not yet - also waiting for linux :)
i was asking info from guy who submited this issue, but ok. :D
btw i dont have any problems with alt+tab and im using it since alpha went public :)
+ what screen-mode you using ? fullscreen / windowed without borders / windowed
disable fxaa and aa and try again + did you do some modification of settings in nvidia panel ? that can do problems...
EDIT: New nvidia drivers released, try clean installation
"need more info" - what's your GPU, drivers (are updated ?), did that before ? ..
"People downvoted this post and mine because they think Nvidia features are Nvidia only"
- LOL i down voted this, becouse its ... other reason (dont want to talk about that again and again and again...)
talking to the wall... totaly.
But have nice dreams about that, becouse apex buildings will not happen ;) part of physX =/= 1 "click" for developers, its completely rebuild of engine, multiplayer part and AI at first place.
"GPU and CPU and preforms bad" - Thats what they are working on right now for your info.
"trust me in arma are not hard to render" ..and now someone is game developer in bohemia interactive :D
"change you a re blowing up entire city's" - Airstrike, artilery ?
..And what you think, game release is here in some months, so THEY GET TOTALY CRAZY AND COMPLETELY REBUILD WHOLE GAME ? :DDDD
-> Go on forums and start topic Arma 4 ideas / wishes :D
Vid demonstration with 1 building, now lets say we have big island in arma with thousands of objects
- ultra fps hungry - again, think about calling air strike or artilery inside village when hall of buildings will be destroyed - or you have NASA computer ?
- multiplayer sync of all these destroyed parts - just imposible
and for your info BF3 model of destrucition is pretty simple, becouse 1 building is like 8 pieces of walls (for example) and every wall can be destroyed, so that why it looks nice. But i dont think even this is possible in A3 becouse again of that large open world, BF3 is just small.. playground.
This technologi just cant be used in that big giant world as arma have ;) - Maybe on some extra objects created for some mission, but not all buildings.
EDIT: I think moderator can close this thread, becouse we all know, its not just possible in Arma 3. But you can try post this on call of duty forums :DD
for your info, they are using CPU version of PhysX
Apex is nice, but ULTRA power-fps hungry (remember Mafia 2 ?). So voted down :(
its not "bug" actualy, its becouse they made it that simple, without any "ending" animation ;)
why you need "2048" and more ? :D nobody will read that
My idea is, its sync-lagg problem, when someone or server (?) see player "out" of chopper but positioned inside of it so chopper/plane explode
confirmed, happend to me too. I just entered chopper and boom. But it was on Domination, so maybe its mission bug
Feedback tracker is spammed by "RPT is spammed" .. what about put these things in 1 report next time ? :(
"is based on" ;) end.
+1 for b101uk
funny is, ifrit IS NOT real vehicle ;) its only inspired by some
Please go play need for speed.. :D and it's already fast as hell
i had same problem, but in MP on server with domination. Domination is VERY buggy atm, like "screaming for medic" sound bug etc, try that in editor - I didn't tried it yet, becouse i am lazy :P :D
6622 reports, you wake up
:D will be nice HORROR game, if they will add something like this - like blood everywhere
i dont think engine is capable of editing terain in-game, but you can do it out-game with DEV tools (i think A2 tools should work for now)
who watched yesterday stream already know, there are 3D optics comming :) btw.: stalker build on cry engine ? :D ..
again.. wait for final game and post this on NVIDIA forums.
its simple, its APLHA (or beta soon) and server-side (or AI at least) is not much optimized yet, thats why you (and all others) have low or lower framerate than in SP :)
btw if you get lucky, you can find server with good framerate
Closing for now, still not assigned so i will spam them latter :D
Youtube dont have 5.1 audio, thats why its on that links :) + thats why its uncompressed, and i dont think 100MB is problem in 2013 :)
lol how can BIS DEVs optimize Nvidia drivers ? ... and you must wait until final release of the game, then post this on NVIDIA forums, NVIDIA doing these game profiles. Not game developers.
you have i7 and still overclocking ? OMG WHY :D you dont need that much power
upload it somewhere else, for example here: and put link to file
"Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\nvwgf2um.dll" (some nvidia driver file)
i found some ppl have problems with this file too (in other games)
> try update graphic drivers to latest
try cancel limit for max ping and wait little bit, loading is slow some times :)
Confirmed, Voted up.
client side have "inside vehicle" status, so lagging player see him inside vehicle
but server simply thinks the player is not inside vehicle, so it sends position of player(not of the vehicle) to the others + some laggs = he is flying behind it.
More lags = longer flying :D