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- Sep 22 2013, 1:25 AM (600 w, 8 h)
May 10 2016
Cool feature +1
I thought about something, what if the AH99 blackfoot had different profiles? with that I mean a profile made as a stealth/scout helicopter (the one ingame) and another made as an attack helicopter with more firepower (So it can face Mi48 kajmans easily).
@AD2001 the Mi-8 is a placeholder, as I asked before:
''Any ideas/suggestions regarding the CSAT Heavy transport helicopter? Nato could have the V22-osprey, and AFF already has the Mohawk.''
Mi-17? Kamov ka-60 is designed to replace the mi-8, but what about the Mi-17?
About the AAF having superiority fighters and attack helicopters, although being a small country they have a very complete army, but they don't have any AA vehicle neither a air superiority aircraft, so that's why Air superiority fighters would come to be useful here. Same for attack helicopters as they could be armed with AA missiles, or at least being able to face other attack helicopters and ground units.
Maybe a modified version of the Mil-Mi 35 could be an option since many countries have these, and by 2035 it should have some upgrades.And AAF seems to have NATO/CSAT mixed stuff too.
Maybe the superhind, as they already use It in toh:
The other reason for this would be multiplayer, I remember playing warfare gamemode, and I would like to see this in Arma 3, AAF has huge disadvantages as it is right now, so that would lead to unbalanced situations if AAF players had to face NATO and CSAT factions, and I would like to see AFF vs NATO vs CSAT matches, and every faction having a vehicle with the same role, despite the ''unbalanced'' differences in armament and design that they might have.
@DarkSideSixOfficial Nice feedback.
I decided to give CSAT the Chinese blue whale instead of the C-130.
changed the AFF Eurofighter typhoon for the JAS-39 Grippen.
Any ideas/suggestions regarding the CSAT Heavy transport helicopter? Nato could have the V22-osprey, and AFF already has the Mohawk.
@AD2001 good points thanks for your post :) , but I'm ok with that differences, these give each faction a bit of personality. What happens is that there is a lack of vehicle roles in each faction, and that is what is unbalancing things.
for example:
Attack helicopters: NATO has the AH-99 Blackfoot, and CSAT have Mi-48 Kajman , sure they might be different form each other, but they have a vehicle that fulfills that role. my question is, where is the AFF Attack helicopter? I suppose devs are going to add it in a future patch, but in case they did not consider it, here is the request to let them remember. (Maybe eurocopter tiger?)
About the Light transport/attack helis and Medium transport helis, I think it is balanced as it is right now, although NATO ones are more specialized for each role:
NATO has AH-9 Pawnee, which cannot transport troops, but can give light/medium air support. Then the MH-9 hummingbird has no weapons, but can transport some troops. Then NATO also have the UH-80 ghost which has 2 miniguns at the sides, and it is able to transport more troops than the MH-9 hummingbird.
CSAT PO-30 and AFF WY-55 Hellcat are a mixture of the AH-9 Pawnee attack capabilities and the MH-9 hummingbird/UH-80 Ghost transport capabilities. Despite that, I would like to se a MH-9 hummingbird kind of aircraft for CSAT and AFF, so at least this way they would have more than 1 transport and recon helis.
''MBTs - They both have a 120 mm cannon, but the NATO one can carry 6 people in the back, while the CSAT one is smaller and more agile (or is it?).''
Not sure about that, I don't remember either the AFF tank characteristics, the MBT52 Kuma. also there is a new version of the NATO tank.
''Heavy transport helicopters - Only AAF has them (at the moment?).''
I hope is only at the moment as you say, I would like to see the return of the MV-22 osprey as a NATO heavy transport helicopter, not sure about what the CSAt could have. Any ideas?
''Jets - Only AAF has them, at the moment.''
Check the last Arma 3 update, 2 CAS aircrafts have been added:
A-164 Wipeout (futuristic A-10 )
To-199 Neophron (Reminds me of the su25 frogfoot)
I think they should add 3 more that were specialized in dogfighting though. (CAS/AA)
AA and arty vehicles - Okay, they're completely the same, just mounted on a different chassis. NATO does have an MLRS, though.
Well that's unbalanced too:
OTAN: M4 Scorcher
CSAT: 2S9 Sochor
OTAN: M5 Sandstorm MLRS
AA vehicles:
OTAN: IFV-6a Cheetah AA
CSAT: ZSU-39 Tigris AA
the other thing I missed a lot in this game are the cargo transports such as the C-130, there aren't any cargo transport to deliver supplies yet. That's why I suggested the V-44 Pelican for OTAN, I have no idea which ones could CSAT and AAF have though.
Weapons seem to be alright.
Both Blufor and Opfor require of new aircraft, it seems that 2 CAS aircrafts are coming, but nothing more. We should get some heavy vtol transport (Mv-22? V-280?) and a cargo vtol (C-130 vtol version, v-44 quad tiltrotor?).
apart form that as arziben have said they are practically balanced, despite that it's Opfor the one that has more options and advantages (Attack helicopter available to transport infantry while blufor's not, chopper has rockets while blufor's not maybe it's blufor the one that should get new aircraft, v-280 for example).
Indded this would be a nice feature, +1
Sure having the name of all the props at hand for scripting would be helpful, upvoted +1
I did some concepts for the V-25 (Stalth V-22) , V-45 (Stealth V-44) and V-280 (Stealth V-280) and other CSAT possibilities:
How cool would these look ingame!
@Fri13 ka-56 and mi-48 are totally different designs: turret, cockpit, stealth... The only similar thing that they share is that dual blade rotor engine. Looks more like a new generation Mil-mi 28 for me. Despite that I agree with the request of that ticket about yaws.
Non existing vehicles today will probably exist by 2035, for exampla pak fa t50, v280 or v44. Of course if they add non existin vehicles (concepts/protypes) they should try to make them realistic but taking into consideration this is the year 2035. V280 third generation tiltrotor is dated for 2016 aproximately. So what we will have in 2035? Exoskeleton suits?
even china is trying to créate (Or copy) their own quadtiltrotor called blue whale:
so yes, no doubt that the future is Stealth and VTOl/tiltrotors/stol.
The Mi-48 is based off Mil-mi 28 (turret, cockpit), Mi 24 (can transport infantry) and Kamov Ka-50 as you said. It's an helicopter based off existant helicopters, but it does not exist itself, that's why I said ''Created by BI''.
If thats true you made my day :D but for some reason I can't find the source, where did you find that information? forums? BI main page? Arma 3?
But It's a shame that if they are only working in CAS planes, that means that they are not working on VTOLS/Heavy transport planes. Hopefully they will add that later.
EDIT: added this to a forum discussion:
@ DrDeathO5
Basically youre saying that with those 2 CAS aircrafts arma doesn't need any other vehicle... Tell me, what vehicle are you going to use to parachute a vehicle? How are you going to transport infantry in a plane? Having said this I prove that there aren't enough vehicles yet. But im not saying they should have high priority, these could be added at some point since i agree that bug fixes are main priority, and if you have read the main post you'll see that I said this.
Of course when tools are released, moders will be able to create their own stuff, but something basic such a cargo plane or heavy helicopter should be oficial, more when there is no type of this vehicle for blufor and opfor.
I also suggested a MLRS for opfor, and a hovercraft as a posibility. Downvoting this, means that you do not want any other vehicles than the ones that are ingame, so think about what are you downvoting, because i don't think that is reason to downvote this.
If people still uses this pretext for downvoting this i'll create another ticket specifically for cargo plane/vtol and v-22 with defensive system since these were the main points of the post and I added the other vehicles along the way to request everything at the same time.
I'm not saying that the only ones that should be added are from this list, these are just posibilities and suggestions, I'm pretty sure BI will make others that are not mentioned above too. But i thought this could be a good influence.
@AD2001 Thank you :)
''The two CAS airplanes are mostly finished in terms of their most detailed artwork Level Of Detail (LOD). They are now undergoing texturing and LODing, before handing them off to the encoding, audio and animation departments. And there are yet more ''brand-new vehicles'' being sculpted by the artists''
I wonder what are those Brand new vehicles, hopefully the ones I mentioned above and many more.
I only noticed the wrecks from Arma 2, I'll check that later thanks. and if they add the osprey I hope it will have a defensive weapon system:
The wreck vehicle is a C-192, which looks exactly like a C-130. i hope they will not use the C-130 when they will probably be decommissioned by that time.
I found the post:
I think these 2 planes are the buzzard, which are already ingame for independant faction. I said that in the post though.
Even in the case that was true, we still have the issue for a large transport aircraft for Arma 3 or multiple transport aircraft which is why I made this post too. Only 2 planes is not enough(Arma 2 had over 8, and the islands were smaller).
Why did you downvoted? Whats the reason? We as a community can decide what would be the most realistic and fun fixed wing transport aircraft for Arma 3. If you downvote give reasons please. And if you have a better suggestion or disagree about something feel free to post it.
Thank you.
I consider high command a very important modulle and gameplay experience, they should fix everything related to high command, and add more tactical options.+1
I noticed this, it should be fixed +1
Desgraciadamente dudo mucho que consigamos el Arma 3 limited or deluxe edition en caja en España, no cuando ya en estas alturas aun no ha salido. Lo que si veo posible es que saquen una versión del juego con alguna DLC como hicieron con el ArmA 2 + Operation Arrowhead. Pero eso seria dentro de bastante tiempo... Parece que nos vamos a tener que conformar solo con la versión descargable de Steam.
I saw this feature in a F/A 18 Superhornet addon for arma 3, this should be implemented for arma 3 +1.
Upvoted for the dog! +1 Plus this should be really fixed.
Looks like BI did a mistake when it comes to sizes, this should really be fixed. +1
And, since it is the year 2035, why not an updated MV-22 and perhaps a V-120 Valkyrie? Those 2 should do the work (In addition they would be VTOL, so you wouldnt need an airport to land and deploy vehicles or infantry).
and talking about aircrafts... I really hope that an updated versión of the A10 was added too.
I agree, 4 more should sit on the side with their feet dangling off, for a bigger chopper I would go wih an upgraded v-22 or the v-280 prototype upgraded (sinc eit's just a prototype it probably will suffer changes). Then instead of the C130, i would use a Quad tiltrotor V-44 aircraft. I don't think they should reskin the mohawk for blufor.
This will improve multiplayer a lot! +99999999
This is really important, upvoted +1
3Stratis + Altis?
Yes, it's a MUST.
- Bigger battlefield, separated by ocean.
- big airports available for opfor and blufor.
- naval battles and more free space for dogfights.
BI, this could perfectly be a christmas gift. Upvoted +1
I was just going to post a ticket related to this, I'm glad to see this was assigned.+1
You follow orders, but you're not a mahcine, this indeed should be fixed. +1
Any way of changing between flashlight/Laser? Because this feature would be really useful.+1
This is one of that features that shouldn't be a mod but an oficial feature, upvoted +1.
The user who made this should work for BI, upvoted. how is this not assigned yet?
Infantry using buildings for cover? a must be +1
Nice feature +1
May 9 2016
Cool feature +1
This would be much better. Upvoted.
''Parkour'' in Arma 3? you got my vote +1 This shouldn't be a mod but an oficial feature.
+1 ,for example some merkava tanks crash and get stuck making waypoints unavailable for them since they cant move. Pathfinding should be improved.
Basically making your unit air taxi you, (?) sounds really good, that would be a good feature for high command too, for example when ordering to move long distances the pilot would land, would wait for the infantry to enter inside, then move to destination. Upvoted +1
Perfect for stealth, if the AI is improved and it is harder for them to spot you, this should be added. +1
Why not improving arma 2 3D editor for Arma 3? Upvoted +1
Recoil is a serious problema, 1 friend tried Arma and due to the buggy recoil he did not like the game.
Indeed, I hate that. It really should be changed. Upvoted.
Hope they fix this soon. upvoted.
Glad to hear they are working on it!
Biped weapons would be really useful at some circumtances, upvoted.