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- User Since
- Mar 22 2014, 12:46 AM (571 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
I did the following:
Changed from Experimental to Regular. I think there might've been a small version mismatch since the game did in fact download a few megabytes after clicking that off. Deleted local game content and reinstalled.
Not sure which fixed it but so far I'm fine.
Can confirm, no idea what causes it. Been troubleshooting and so far nothing seems to be a direct cause. At first I thought it was my firewall, since it wasn't the first time it gave me an issue I uninstalled it. It worked after a restart and then broke again.
Though in my case it's a little different:
- I see people where they were when I first logged in.
- They can see me move around.
- I can interact with items and objects, aside cars which will start but won't move on my screen (will move serverside however).
I am currently reinstalling but I doubt that'll fix it. I think the game netcode got fucked to hell and back by something. My only guess being that the pipe for player interaction is completely fucked.
Sponge, I said it should be a rare spawn IN EASTERN MILITARY LOOT ZONES, meaning it should spawn on its own.
Learn to read, then come back.
No idea how you got that conclusion. I want it to spawn on its own, a top of spawning with the SVD.
If you still think it spawns on its own, then well, keep enjoying early .55.
The dial is broken in first person view. Step outside of the truck and peek into the cabin. The dial will show the correct amount.
I can confirm, so far I believe the following items do not spawn:
- Batteries (pretty big one considering we need those for flashlights and rangefinders).
- M4s
2a) All M4 exclusive attachments (all M4 buttstocks, M4 handguards)
- MP5 buttstocks
- AK Rail hanguards (pretty major since we need this to mount bipods, due to absence of this and M4 the bipods are useless).
So far I have no reason to believe any of the following spawn:
- Batteries
- M4s and all accessories aside sights
- AK Rail handguards
- Fruits/vegetables
- MP5 buttstocks
Sure seems that way.
No, screw this artificial morality bullshit.
They tried in the Mod and this isn't a click to attack kind of a game. You fire at someone, miss, they kill you, they lose the morality points.
I don't think this is a bug. You can put most items in your hands as long as they're in your inventory.
Thing is: with LRS only you obviously can't fire.
Great, I lost my attachable pouches to a tent today.
Thanks Bohemia.
I agree, the last update was a steaming pile of fail. They should completely roll back to .54 and pretend none of this ever happened.
Zombies are more fucking broken than ever before.
Item spawns are completely screwed up with nothing seeming to spawn after Wednesday. My only solution for you is to keep the old one until you manage to get the new item spawning system to work, and keep the new one in experimental, and experimental only until it is god damn ready (but then of course no one will play experimental, it'll be like .52 all over again where no one even tried since you'd die of starvation 500ft from the spawn point).
Game dropped in ratings and a lot of long time players (including most my group, and we used to be on almost every god damn night from .46 to .54) have simply taken a break until Bohemia gets its shit together.
So, Bohemia, get your shit together. I looked at the changelog and I have to say that you aren't fixing anything significant, or at least nothing that's an annoyance to players. No mention of those glitchy shits you call zombies, and no mention of the fucked item spawning system.
Same happens with loose items being dropped.
Bohemia owes me the following:
2 M4s (1 with 60 rnd mag)
1 MP5 (all attachments, RV optic)
1 AK-101
1 AKS-74U
Several mags to aforementioned guns.
Multiple 300 rnd boxes.
Smersh backpack.
It's Wednesday morning here. I don't think there was a maintenance, there isn't shit anywhere. Good job.
Actually I'll take my back my last comment. Items respawned over the Wednesday maintenance and never again afterwards. It is right now Tuesday, you can go through servers and find absolutely nothing BECAUSE NOTHING SPAWNS.
I'll say it again - item spawns are still FUCKED. Roll back the entirety of the old system because you people have no idea what you are going. Stop screwing around, drop the idea of the central loot economy, this isn't a god damn MMO where you get an impenetrable castle and put all your best items for the plebs to see. This is a game where any trip can be your last and any item should be treated as disposable.
It's like you want no one to play this game anymore (and by extension never buy from you again).
I have to give them props for rolling back their botched item spawning system, at very least they had the decency to say "We fucked up". Still, I am not looking forward to their goal of a socialized loot economy. I rather have too much stuff than too little to be honest especially considering this is a game where you shouldn't get attached to any single item you have.
In regards to massive changes like this, experimental exists for a reason. There is nothing stopping privately owned experimental servers (running maintenance more often), and keeping updates in there until all is hammered out. I don't know from whom the directive of "update hits Wednesday maintenance regardless of how bad the update is", but do us all a favor and explicitly call that guy a moron, if it came from DH then I remind you he no longer works there and should not be allowed to run the project to the ground because he is no longer a part of it.
Still, whatever damage done by this update is done. Reviews are overwhelmingly negative, game dropped from top 10 into the 30s, lots of servers are empty. I hate having to say it, but if this remains the norm this game will go down the same path as WarZ (ie. a total recall with the name forever tainted).
@Geez, the problem is on your end.
Non-persistent servers do not spawn anything at all as of this update. I fail to see how it is the hosting's fault. That was after all your decision. Somehow, somewhere, some idiot thought that "let's force persistence, but let's leave an option to have it off so there's no loot there". Didn't know you guys employed Dr. Evil.
Persistent servers spawned plenty when the update went live, partially due to the broken loot tables (apparently being able to find smersh vests in sheds was a bug), partially due to the fact it was a total reset. After that there is nothing. I went through military bases that have not been visited lately finding nothing of value (after going through about 10 of them, making sure the servers in question were persistent, the most useful item I found was an orange drybag). Heli crashes also spawn NOTHING AT ALL anymore. Aside from the most basic items, loot just doesn't seem to be respawning, maybe because things that already spawned are blocking the spawns (in case of which they should be deleted to make room for new).
Persistent servers always had trouble with item spawns. Ever since persistence became a thing, a server being persistent outright meant "you won't find anything here" until about .53, where item spawning was improved (at the cost of running into loot-stacked areas).
Non-persistent servers were a counter-weight against that. You wanted loot you went to a non-persistent server. You were guaranteed that there will be stuff there. You were not guaranteed any specific item, but basic necessities were all there. Now that counterweight is gone.
There is no interesting loot anywhere at this point. Around the time where the update went live I would find numerous guns. Right now, there is god damn nothing.
Saying that it's the fault of the server hosting and not yours is just simply dishonest and immature. It's shoving responsibility for this screw-up of an update to people who had nothing at all to do with it.
If you people cannot create a loot spawning system, that's not a complete failure, then at least leave non-persistent servers as loot zones. Some people are masochists that enjoy looking 12 hours of cans of beans, most aren't.
I've been poking around and from what I can tell, stuff simply isn't re-spawning, at all. It spawned ONCE, probably during Wednesday maintenance, or when the update went live (whichever was sooner), and nothing since then.
This is particularly evident with heli crashes. If another heli crash so happens to be on the same field, what you'll most likely see is the following: an empty helicopter and some leftover loot from the original spawn lying around on the grass somewhere (most noticeable in areas where helis have a dispersion radius).
This also explains why there isn't crap anywhere aside the deepest reaches of the map.
- Area is popular.
- It gets picked.
- No loot respawns.
- Area stays barren.
I went to some villages outlying Severograd and I actually found some food up there, my guess being that I was the first one to bother to venture there on the particular server.
Hey Geez, how about you guys pay attention to the broken loot spawning system?
Anyways, does heating yourself with warm items even work? Every time I tried a heatpack it never seemed to make a difference.
I always press F4 in a situation like that.
The item seems to stay on your character in a glitched and very inconsistent state.
I had this happen to me:
I had a black AKS-74U in my hands without room for it in my inventory. I pulled out my axe and the black AKS-74U disappeared without a trace.
A few servers later, I found another AKS-74U which I put inside my inventory and spray painted green.
A few more servers later I came across a pristine AK-74 buttstock. I took the green AKS into my hands, detached its buttstock, and the black AKS appeared in my vicinity window for a few seconds before again disappearing without a trace.
Maybe if I'd try grabbing it sooner I'd unglitch it. But at that point I pretty much forgot about it.
I wasn't able to replicate this so far.
Abide by the rules if you wish to host the server, your attitude outright shows that you're one of the assholes hosting servers in violation of the rules.
I am tired of the same old excuse that killed l4d2. "We pay so we can do whatever the fuck we want, fuck you". I just hope that Bohemia won't have their heads up their asses like Valve did.
Refund? For what? If a contract is terminated because you didn't hold up your part then you don't get jackshit 99% of the time.
I know I can report them however there's a few problems:
- If you join a random server you may not remember the name, so you can't really report it if you have no information. This game STILL DOESN'T HAVE A WORKING HISTORY TAB!
1a) You need to take the incentive to find who owns the physical server.
- The owner may get a slap on his wrist and continue doing what he was doing. It is unlikely his contract will get terminated.
- These servers are everywhere. It's not one or two rule breakers.
Bohemia outright gives them the tools to break their rules and then pushes enforcement of said rules onto 3rd parties. Said tools need to go if they have little to no legitimate usage.
You're not supposed to tell them that. At least not until they made drinking less tedious.
I don't use glasses, but now that you mention it, I haven't seen any either.
This happens a little differently. The passenger is dragged along by the car (due to how driving is handled, that's why it always looks like you're being driven by a drunk Evel Knievel).
If the car gets too far away from you (e.g. you're desycing alot, or the car from your perspective appears to go into a loop while in reality it moves away, or the car falls under the map). What happens is that for you the car entity ends up outside of the render zone, and on your screen you're spat out wherever your game thinks you're at.
You cannot enter your inventory. You cannot perform any actions, you'll get a message saying "I cannot do that now". Your actual body is still sitting in the passenger seat of the car. If shot, you'll die. If you disconnect that body will get out of the car, if you reconnect you'll be in the spot where the car was. If the car was moving you'll most likely die.
Only way to survive that is to wait until the server restart, which may take a while, probably best to stay energized and hydrated.
Otherwise someone can try unplugging their internet and hoping that BE kicks you out without killing you.
It's linked to the temperature mechanic inconsistently. In other words, you can not be "cold" but still shaking or vice versa.
The fix is to get your character's temperature up. Start up a fireplace and sit next to it for a few moment. The warmer your clothes are the less time it'll take. In a ghillie I went from shaking to being hot in about 15s.
A null pointer exception occurs when a program attempts to access and treat a null (a lack of an object), as an object, pretty much you're trying to reference something that isn't there. In C and C++, a null is generally treated as a memory location 0, which is denoted by the 0x00000000 in the error message.
Since memory location 0 isn't inside any program, attempting to access it as if it were causes an access violation. Which causes the operating system to kill the program and throw the error message to the user.
That's a null pointer exception. I don't think you can fix it yourself.
Other than that you can try changing graphical settings from the dayz config files which should be located in your user directory.
This applies to multiple other things. Crafting the stone knife being an annoying one since the rock disappears the moment crafting starts, not finishes.
This is tied to another bug how actions can hang or fail in high lag environments(or sometimes completely randomly with no apparent reason). Pretty much the servers need optimization and possibility to support fewer players. At the present a 40 player server, that's full, is outright unstable. It's outright mind-boggling that Bohemia is pushing the limit to 75 players, where servers start choking at 20s. That 75 player test server in Experimental is nearly unplayable.
Other actions that may fail include:
Crafting a splint
Using a splint
Bandaging another player
Giving a saline or blood bag to another player
Testing another player's blood
Giving another player adrenaline or morphine
In extreme situations even bandaging yourself may fail, I've had it happen before to a friend. We were forced to leave the server, go to an empty one, where he was finally able to patch himself up.
In my case restarting DayZ and quickly hitting on the UAV prompt fixed the issue. The installer seems to timeout unusually fast.
Shouldn't have hacked or/and duped. My guess being that BE played stupid for the longest time to do a massive banwave with the .53 update, that or the new update started catching everyone.
Same with AK-74.
AK-74 and AK-101 mags do spawn, however rarely. They only spawn in the one storey barracks. Picked up 4 AK-74 mags yesterday and saw a single AK-101 mag.
AKM mags seem much more common. At least the 30 rounders because everyone wants the drums.
Clicking "I understand" is not a carte blanche for fuck ups.
I dodged the problem too multiple times. Just once I hit exactly when it regained connection.
Thing being, this shouldn't be happening in the first place. It's shoddy concurrency control for a database. It's not even a bug, it's a fundamental fuck up that any programmer should be ashamed of. Imagine if the bank were to eat your money because you decided to withdraw when they were processing a deposit into your account? I'm sure you'd scream bloody murder. But these two are the same exact concurrency control fuck ups.
A more responsible dev would put shit like this as their prime priority or at least have an option to somehow recover lost characters. Not Bohemia, they hide behind their (ever growing fewer) fanboys and "it's just alpha". So I guess no concurrency control for another 3 years.
Vilayer NJ 2-19. Don't know if it was restarting, not my responsibility. I don't administrate their servers, nor do I handle how the DayZ public hive operates. If I would write code that's so broken I'd probably just delete everything and start from scratch, which is what Bohemia should've done from the very beginning, but nope, they took the Arma 2 engine, added a few bells and whistles, incremented the number, then they took the same engine and tried to make an FPSMMO out of. Kinda like strapping a jet engine onto a unicycle.
Shit like that happening is god damn unacceptable. Fix your fucking character handling or add an extra check, nothing stops the hive from saying "Nope, the other char is still alive, I'm not saving the freshspawn over the geared guy". I'm sure you added some kind of an interrupt to fix the .50-.51 dupe method, so you can't weasel out saying "That could open a possibility of duping". Every case where there's ambiguity should be resolved in favor of the player, but that's not the case in Bohemia. I really wish I could get a refund because frankly, the 30 bucks weren't worth it (though I should be an asshole and ask for 35 because after all the game is now apparently worth more). I just feel there'd be a total recall somewhere in the future once the devs shoddy codding comes across an obstacle they can't go around and would have to redo everything from scratch.
Hell if this was a report for a dupe method I'm sure they'd bend over backwards to fix it.
In unrelated matter, the mosin could definitely use some kind of a bipod. If not an atlas then maybe some WW2 era one, they do exist. Kinda stupid to take that out without having any valid replacement.
PM73 RAK does in fact spawn in the MI crash sites, I have seen one in the update. No luck with the mag however. Definitely could use a few more spawn points, same for the smersh vest. In fact I think the helicopters should be loaded with loot given their rarity. Something like at least 1 guaranteed western primary spawn, at least 1 guaranteed western secondary spawn, and mags for the guns. Finding a chopper should be like Christmas, not a disappointment because the site decided to spawn an officer's cap and two makarovs. Maybe the lower bound for loot should be increased? Pretty much every single spot in the chopper would spawn something?
Maybe add some NATO camps out in the woods that'll have chance of carrying western loot? Making loot difficult to find makes the game tedious, not hard, and only encourages more server hopping.
That's about it.
The following do not spawn, or at least I have no reason to believe that they do:
Meat cleaver
Hunting knife
Pistol suppressor
Atlas bipod (disappeared in .48 or .49, I had a few after the grand wipe, there's definitely a few in some hands, kinda useless since the mosin no longer accepts them)
Mp5 buttstock
Mp5 compensator
Mp5 rail handguard
Quiver for bolts
Quiver for arrows (never seen one anyways, do they even exist in the game?)
Chenarus prison pants/shirt
Chenarus prison hat
There are also numerous items that have been scrapped from the game, like the tactical vest and the Zluta sodas. Both of which I'd like to see make a reappearance eventually. The tactical vest mostly because it is an armor item like the press vest, survived 3 mosin shots before thanks to one. All other vests in fact do not offer any protection higher than general clothing.
Weapon flashlights are all over the place. I saw one in a garage yesterday.
We're talking about Ghillie Suit here, an item actually called that which covers the entire body aside for the head, hands, and feet. Made from 10 burlap strips and 4 nettings (as opposed to a top which only covers the shoulders, back, and upper thighs from behind).
I checked what you said. A pristine can didn't work either. The suit is presently bugged and I hope they'll fix that soon.
+1 this
It's annoying. I spend a long time looking for all the burlap only to not be able to paint it green.
I think the issue is that the game thinks you need more than 100% of a can to paint it. If it was a missing item with an existing formula would make it disappear.
I agree, BE is crap and simply doesn't work. I haven't seen a single BE ban in the past 5 months. I haven't even seen any kicks as of recent aside from prosaic reasons like a client crash or BE failing to initialize. Haven't even seen a single kick from stuff like file inconsistency.
Engine is also very open for abuse. I mean hell, this is the only game that I know of where a hacker can push commands into the server so you'll do some kind of an action. Also only game where collision detection comes from walls repelling you client side. Which lets hackers block that function and hop through walls like air and cause you to fall off a building a die because the server doesn't notice that there's a wall there.
Rabbits do exist. I saw them before. Generally in fields with tall grass so you just hear random hopping in the grass. You might not even see the bastards because of how small they are.
Wolf, I hope you'll starve to death repeatedly.
"This has been scheduled for a fix."
-Andy, December 17, 2014.
God damn liar.
More the reason to use Skype or Ventrillo or Team Speak.
I think zombie aggro and pathing mechanic needs fixing first, with a much more liberal fuck off mechanic for when there is no path available, and a much weaker chase (ex. you cut 2-3 corners and the zombie loses you instead of having mental GPS).
You opt to speak in game and then you find your building surrounded by zombies.
Attachments sometimes do not show up in some cases. Picking the gun up generally lets you see what's exactly on it.
Chances are also that someone just took the attachments off. I'd often leave behind AK-101s with wooden parts because I like having my gun completely black. (ie. replace the wooden part on an AKM or AK-74 with AK-101's).
May 10 2016
I would also like to add that the bug is still present in .45 experimental. My friend and I went to the NEAF and did some potshots at the buildings to try to get a sense of distance. Past about 300m the bullet impacts no longer render.
Confirmed, this shit needs to get fixed this very moment. Not in the next update (which likely won't be out for another month or so).
I say no to trying to inject morality to any open world game like DayZ.
It was attempted in the mod and it was a piece of shit system. Someone opens fire at you and misses. You kill them. You lose morality points.
Not to mention that the paranoia irl comes from two things:
- You don't want to go to prison.
- You don't want to die yourself.
If you're able to kill with impunity, then trust me, you won't be pulling your hairs out because of it. You /might/ feel bad about it, but that's about it.