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- User Since
- May 19 2014, 6:51 PM (566 w, 3 d)
Jun 9 2018
May 28 2018
Jan 20 2017
Jan 14 2017
Yep I like to use fireplaces :)
You cannot tan wolf pelts yet. Also holding it makes your arm stretch like that.
Jan 13 2017
I think the place you look to perform the action is bugged. I've seen if you look at certain walls you can find the bugged spot and place it down.
Yeah you have to remove it and reattach it.
You cannot put the normal tent on your back, only military tents. You can however put the blue tent in your inventory if you have a big enough backpack.
Or don't double carry? It would be pretty hard to juggle weapons in a confrontation, especially if it goes in your backpack.
It will be toggle-able and better than the current text messages.
Yup the blue hospital buildings are where to find medical supplies now.
This is due to poor server performance, and is a known bug.
Yep Balota has way too many civilian rifles.
This has been like this ever since they added vehicles. Just it didn't matter so much until .61 hypothermia.
Dec 24 2016
I think that building has an issue with the doorway being too small.
Yeah player position should be tied to vehicle position.
This has to do with either gloves or the face masks I think.
Were your status messages bugged and not updating?
Was the server full/high pop? Apparently the devs think that if you join the same time another player is disconnecting then your statuses will be bugged.
I honestly think that players are just more spread out over the map. Idk could be bugged too.
I think it's the way overeating is handled. Probably won't see any fixes until new player controller.
Yeah right now I have to use GORKA for sudden rainfall.
There's clearly a gap between the wall and the stairs right?
They probably wont get to look at this until the holidays are over.
Were your player statuses updating in the TAB inventory screen?
Just keep feeding them crash dumps, they will slowly iron them out.
Did you notice by chance if your player statuses (hunger/hydration/bleeding) ever show up and update?
I think this is due to player statuses being "stuck". Thus your player never leaves the unconscious state due to the statuses never updating. Logging while unconscious results in fresh character.
Follow the steps here to upload crash dumps:
Did it say your wounds are itchy?
Dec 19 2016
Do you know what server it was on? It may have degraded in server performance and it would help out the devs.
Dec 17 2016
Known Issue
Known Issue
Did you get any hunger or hydration statuses?
This and the Quonset huts at military bases.
Dec 16 2016
Yeah noticed the same thing.
I've noticed some servers the statuses are like frozen. When I respawn I get no status messages. I usually have to join another server to get them to start working.
Were player statuses updating properly?
Dec 15 2016
Getting shot in the chest your clothing and items take a lot of the damage. I bet he was extremely low on health after getting hit the 2nd time. Since you got shot in the foot (you think) all the bullet went through was your boots.) That's my theory. Maybe the winny was nerfed.
Did you launch the 64 bit exe in steam by right clicking on Dayz and clicking Play DayZ x64?
I had this issue on a couple iterations back, but I have not tested it as of today (12/15). It appeared to had been fixed. Maybe server performance is back to being wonky, and door states are not synced correctly between server and client.
Known issue: T121974
Anyone monitor the exe ram usage? It might have a memory leak that causes issues after playing for a while. I haven't tried playing today's build (12/15) but as of 12/14 I have had no issues playing on the 64 bit client.
Yeah the ladder climb animation as of 12/14 was rotated incorrectly with the ladder, and you get stuck above and below climbing the ladder.
Yes I found clothing at a small military camp with loot in it that could not be picked up. I could however split ammo into my inventory, as well as perform other interactions to drag the gear out. My guess is that gear picked up by other players "ghost duplicated" on the ground.
@Geez This issue is still occuring on my end as of 12/14.
They don't want to patch the legacy code and risk breaking other things. They are focused on implementing the new player controller instead. I think until they change the way apple trees work then it should stay. Currently its a dumb implementation to search for apples almost as if you are blindly reaching into the tree. Just my thoughts.
Just happened again, logged off one server, joined another and boom CTD.
Yup its still a little laggy at the server browser.
You might need to reinstall windows if it keeps happening.
Dec 14 2016
Right click DayZ in steam and click Play DayZ x64
This is a funny little bug. They recently changed the sounds your player makes when you step in the bear trap. The woman character does the pain sound way too often. Also I think it took a relog to go away (after patching myself up)
Dec 13 2016
I agree, especially with the military tents. It takes forever to scroll to the bottom.
It's possible the backpack ghosted on the ground and someone found it. They cant put it on but they can move items out of it. Relogging thus updated your inventory because the items were taken out by another player.
They are working on balancing the sounds. Currently they lowered some sounds so that gunshots are VERY loud!
I have the same issue where running around the map my fps will drop for a second then come back up. I think (based on my own observations) its the way DayZ loads necessary assets into memory. I think with the new 64 bit client they will have more memory to work with, so that the game doesn't stutter trying to load whatever it needs at a moments notice.
Dec 12 2016
This is a known issue and won't be fixed until new player controller is implemented (.62/.63)
I think thats the point, your ears adjust to the low levels of volume. That makes it so that when gunshots go off they are extremely loud and life like. Now I'm sure there is some balancing in order, but overall its pretty cool. It makes me jump when someone shoots close to me! :)
Make a shortcut to your desktop (the 64bit exe) and right click and there should be a context item that says run with high powered NVidia Gpu.
Dec 9 2016
Do you have it set to use your GPU in NVIDIA Control panel?
Thats why in Nvidia control panel, set the global setting to use high performance GPU.
Yup same thing happened to me with SKS
Yeah same thing, found clothing on the ground that I could not take, but could take loot out of. It's probably ghosted from another player.
Zip it and upload it somewhere, then link it here.
Dec 8 2016
Poor server performance
You might need to upload your crash dumps so that the devs can look into it. If you are really itching to play, you might want to try updating drivers. Worst case backup your computer to external hdd/reinstall windows and steam then dayz.
Yeah I think a re-detect audio device button/current sound device text would work.
Dec 7 2016
Clearly you face planted!
Provide the link to your steam profile, so that devs can reset your profile.
duplicate T121892
Try starting steam as admin. Then launch dayz.