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User Since
May 19 2014, 6:51 PM (566 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 9 2018

gh0stop created T130334: Stress Test # 21 Server Freeze/Desync.
Jun 9 2018, 10:33 AM · DayZ

May 28 2018

gh0stop created T129342: 63 146951 UI Gradient Bug.
May 28 2018, 2:32 PM · DayZ

Jan 20 2017

gh0stop added a comment to T121185: [.61 exp] No sound after killing player.

Hello gh0stop and thank you for the report.
Have you experienced this issue on the recent stable or experimental version?

Jan 20 2017, 11:48 PM · DayZ

Jan 14 2017

gh0stop added a comment to T122759: Item hitbox stops vehicles.

Yep I like to use fireplaces :)

Jan 14 2017, 1:31 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122846: "I need to add pelt to tan.".

You cannot tan wolf pelts yet. Also holding it makes your arm stretch like that.

Jan 14 2017, 1:22 AM · DayZ

Jan 13 2017

gh0stop added a comment to T122697: Wood-burning stoves not accepting fireplace.

I think the place you look to perform the action is bugged. I've seen if you look at certain walls you can find the bugged spot and place it down.

Jan 13 2017, 11:49 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122756: Repairing wheel without detaching it make them pristine but didn't work !.

Yeah you have to remove it and reattach it.

Jan 13 2017, 11:46 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122778: Cannot take civil tent with me on my back.

You cannot put the normal tent on your back, only military tents. You can however put the blue tent in your inventory if you have a big enough backpack.

Jan 13 2017, 11:42 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122825: Losing your primary weapon easily.

Or don't double carry? It would be pretty hard to juggle weapons in a confrontation, especially if it goes in your backpack.

Jan 13 2017, 11:40 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122783: Please do not add a HUD.

It will be toggle-able and better than the current text messages.

Jan 13 2017, 11:37 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122785: Nothing spawning in barracks bathrooms.

Yup the blue hospital buildings are where to find medical supplies now.

Jan 13 2017, 11:36 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122787: Blue Hangers Doors show open but are closed or show closed but are open..

This is due to poor server performance, and is a known bug.

Jan 13 2017, 11:36 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122827: Balota CLE Issues.

Yep Balota has way too many civilian rifles.

Jan 13 2017, 11:34 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122660: How are you supposed to survive if you die fully geared through hypothermia?!?.

This has been like this ever since they added vehicles. Just it didn't matter so much until .61 hypothermia.

Jan 13 2017, 11:33 PM · DayZ

Dec 24 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T122422: 0.61 stable - Cannot enter door with Orange Waterproof Bag in hands.

I think that building has an issue with the doorway being too small.

Dec 24 2016, 10:03 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122425: Incorrect sign.

Please fix

Dec 24 2016, 10:01 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122429: Vehicles don't update position - Server restart results in character displacement.

Yeah player position should be tied to vehicle position.

Dec 24 2016, 10:01 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122306: Strange Visual/Graphic Bug = Black Eyes & Cracks in Head.

This has to do with either gloves or the face masks I think.

Dec 24 2016, 1:27 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122293: Sign shows wrong direction.

I already gave them feedback to another wrong sign between chernogorsk and elektro over 1 year ago. They still didn't fix it.

Dec 24 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122277: Player Stuck in False Unconcious State.

Were your status messages bugged and not updating?

Dec 24 2016, 1:23 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122344: Hungeer states are broken again.

Was the server full/high pop? Apparently the devs think that if you join the same time another player is disconnecting then your statuses will be bugged.

Dec 24 2016, 1:21 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122362: Players invisible?!.

I honestly think that players are just more spread out over the map. Idk could be bugged too.

Dec 24 2016, 1:19 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122356: Vomiting will bug SICK Status but not affect sickness.

I think it's the way overeating is handled. Probably won't see any fixes until new player controller.

Dec 24 2016, 1:18 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122350: M65 Jacket dont rainproof.

Yeah right now I have to use GORKA for sudden rainfall.

Dec 24 2016, 1:15 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122352: Wall with no hitbox.

There's clearly a gap between the wall and the stairs right?

Dec 24 2016, 1:14 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122402: Game Crash.

They probably wont get to look at this until the holidays are over.

Dec 24 2016, 1:08 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122393: Hypothermia Bug at the Fireplace.

Were your player statuses updating in the TAB inventory screen?

Dec 24 2016, 1:07 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122372: 0.61.x Crash to Desktop - Error in application 0x0..052EB3 .

Just keep feeding them crash dumps, they will slowly iron them out.

Dec 24 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122413: Unconscious Bug 0.61 Stable.

Did you notice by chance if your player statuses (hunger/hydration/bleeding) ever show up and update?

Dec 24 2016, 1:01 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122318: |DayZ .61 Stable 12/19/16 | Unconciousness Is Broken.

I think this is due to player statuses being "stuck". Thus your player never leaves the unconscious state due to the statuses never updating. Logging while unconscious results in fresh character.

Dec 24 2016, 1:00 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122370: x64 client crash on exp after picking up SVD..

Follow the steps here to upload crash dumps:

Dec 24 2016, 12:58 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122389: Sewing kit gives 100% infection chance even when sterilized.

Did it say your wounds are itchy?

Dec 24 2016, 12:48 AM · DayZ

Dec 19 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T122282: Bullets NOT Registering....

Do you know what server it was on? It may have degraded in server performance and it would help out the devs.

Dec 19 2016, 8:40 AM · DayZ
gh0stop created T122283: [.61 EXP] Central East 0-1 Status Messages Bugged.
Dec 19 2016, 8:35 AM · DayZ

Dec 17 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T122232: 0.61 Watchtower ladder bug.

Known Issue

Dec 17 2016, 8:55 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122231: [EXP] Suppressed Scorpion SMG makes no gunshot sound.

Known Issue

Dec 17 2016, 8:54 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122226: Immune to Rain and Temeperature Changes.

Did you get any hunger or hydration statuses?

Dec 17 2016, 4:07 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122216: Door of the workshop too narrow..

This and the Quonset huts at military bases.

Dec 17 2016, 1:31 AM · DayZ

Dec 16 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T122218: Dark shade on Taloon Backpack inventory icon.

Yeah noticed the same thing.

Dec 16 2016, 10:23 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122211: Status Bug in Exp .61 .

I've noticed some servers the statuses are like frozen. When I respawn I get no status messages. I usually have to join another server to get them to start working.

Dec 16 2016, 9:41 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121344: 0.61 Invisible Infected.

Were player statuses updating properly?

Dec 16 2016, 4:20 AM · DayZ

Dec 15 2016

gh0stop updated the task description for T122189: [Request] Higher Resolution Building textures.
Dec 15 2016, 11:46 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122190: Changes in Weapon dammage?.

Getting shot in the chest your clothing and items take a lot of the damage. I bet he was extremely low on health after getting hit the 2nd time. Since you got shot in the foot (you think) all the bullet went through was your boots.) That's my theory. Maybe the winny was nerfed.

Dec 15 2016, 11:34 PM · DayZ
gh0stop created T122189: [Request] Higher Resolution Building textures.
Dec 15 2016, 11:25 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122153: Can't bring Steam Overlay up when running X64.

I always launch my games from the steam app. When I do that it asks me which to choose, normal or x64. I choose x64. Game runs fine, but won't allow me to bring in my steam overlay once in game. I'll have to alt tab and out.

Dec 15 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122149: Server Browser Still Lagging [Urgent].

hmm, laggy or still loading the 1000000 servers?

try setting it to the game versions you want. It will load a massive amount of data, which freezes the browser. Watch the loading of those servers to your right.

Dec 15 2016, 10:44 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122153: Can't bring Steam Overlay up when running X64.

Did you launch the 64 bit exe in steam by right clicking on Dayz and clicking Play DayZ x64?

Dec 15 2016, 10:34 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122162: Stuck at door and movement gets fricky.

I had this issue on a couple iterations back, but I have not tested it as of today (12/15). It appeared to had been fixed. Maybe server performance is back to being wonky, and door states are not synced correctly between server and client.

Dec 15 2016, 10:33 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122165: SKS losing ammo when painted..

Known issue: T121974

Dec 15 2016, 10:31 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122168: Dayz 0.61 exp X64 extreme stutter and weird behaviour..

Anyone monitor the exe ram usage? It might have a memory leak that causes issues after playing for a while. I haven't tried playing today's build (12/15) but as of 12/14 I have had no issues playing on the 64 bit client.

Dec 15 2016, 10:29 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122161: 0.61 - Getting stuck on top of ladder of camouflage bunker.

Yeah the ladder climb animation as of 12/14 was rotated incorrectly with the ladder, and you get stuck above and below climbing the ladder.

Dec 15 2016, 10:27 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122171: (0.61.136700) Phantom items on gound.

Yes I found clothing at a small military camp with loot in it that could not be picked up. I could however split ammo into my inventory, as well as perform other interactions to drag the gear out. My guess is that gear picked up by other players "ghost duplicated" on the ground.

Dec 15 2016, 10:25 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121187: [.61 EXP] Chainlink fence texture not loading fast enough.

Hello gh0stop and thank you for the information.
The change will appear most likely in the 0.62 version, as implementation into the current version would be highly problematic.

Dec 15 2016, 10:21 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121187: [.61 EXP] Chainlink fence texture not loading fast enough.

@Geez This issue is still occuring on my end as of 12/14.

Dec 15 2016, 6:39 AM · DayZ
gh0stop renamed T122156: [.61 EXP] Small Map Bugs from [.61 EXP] Small Map Prop Bug to [.61 EXP] Small Map Bugs.
Dec 15 2016, 6:39 AM · DayZ
gh0stop created T122156: [.61 EXP] Small Map Bugs.
Dec 15 2016, 6:36 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122108: Apples glitch.

They don't want to patch the legacy code and risk breaking other things. They are focused on implementing the new player controller instead. I think until they change the way apple trees work then it should stay. Currently its a dumb implementation to search for apples almost as if you are blindly reaching into the tree. Just my thoughts.

Dec 15 2016, 6:33 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122141: 64 Bit Exe Loading - "Unable to locate a running instance of Steam".

Thanks Ghost. That particular way to boot the game works properly.

Dec 15 2016, 6:30 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122134: [.61 EXP] Crash to Desktop as of 12/13 x64.

Just happened again, logged off one server, joined another and boom CTD.

Dec 15 2016, 6:28 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122149: Server Browser Still Lagging [Urgent].

Yup its still a little laggy at the server browser.

Dec 15 2016, 6:28 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122138: 0.61 Exp. x86: BSOD, memory access violation.

You might need to reinstall windows if it keeps happening.

Dec 15 2016, 12:01 AM · DayZ

Dec 14 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T122134: [.61 EXP] Crash to Desktop as of 12/13 x64.

This crash also happens when you join the same server. It doesn't always happen, but will more likely crash after a long session (~1+ hours).

Play on server A for 1+ hours.
Leave server.
Click "Play" button (which should bring you back to server A)

Dec 14 2016, 11:31 PM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122141: 64 Bit Exe Loading - "Unable to locate a running instance of Steam".

Right click DayZ in steam and click Play DayZ x64

Dec 14 2016, 11:30 PM · DayZ
gh0stop edited Additional Information on T122134: [.61 EXP] Crash to Desktop as of 12/13 x64.
Dec 14 2016, 9:41 AM · DayZ
gh0stop created T122135: [.61 EXP] CentralEast server status update performance poor.
Dec 14 2016, 9:39 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122112: x64 sprain leg, sounds persistent.

This is a funny little bug. They recently changed the sounds your player makes when you step in the bear trap. The woman character does the pain sound way too often. Also I think it took a relog to go away (after patching myself up)

Dec 14 2016, 9:35 AM · DayZ
gh0stop created T122134: [.61 EXP] Crash to Desktop as of 12/13 x64.
Dec 14 2016, 9:33 AM · DayZ

Dec 13 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T122088: Scrolling in the inventory is too slow..

I agree, especially with the military tents. It takes forever to scroll to the bottom.

Dec 13 2016, 12:24 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122089: Items Dissapearing from Inventory [EXP].

It's possible the backpack ghosted on the ground and someone found it. They cant put it on but they can move items out of it. Relogging thus updated your inventory because the items were taken out by another player.

Dec 13 2016, 12:24 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122091: Sound in DayZ.

They are working on balancing the sounds. Currently they lowered some sounds so that gunshots are VERY loud!

Dec 13 2016, 12:22 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122093: Random performance drop of ~50%.

I have the same issue where running around the map my fps will drop for a second then come back up. I think (based on my own observations) its the way DayZ loads necessary assets into memory. I think with the new 64 bit client they will have more memory to work with, so that the game doesn't stutter trying to load whatever it needs at a moments notice.

Dec 13 2016, 12:21 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

I'm experiencing the same. Game crashes 9 out of 10 times while joinging an experimental server after queue. happens on x64 and x86. deleting the battle eye folder seems to work, but has to be done every time.

attached are my last 3 crash messages, dxdiag file and my "dayz" appdata folder.

Stroganov, are you able to reset your computer? I attempted that but windows runs into a problem and makes no changes, i havent been able to figure out how to fix that, tried just about every solution i could, i was wondering if they are connected somehow

I didn't try to reset my computer. Don't think it has anything to do with that. Looks like a Battle Eye problem since it works when I delete the BattleEye folder that gh0stop mentioned. I have to delete it every time I want to join or rejoin an exp. server.

Dec 13 2016, 12:16 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

I'm experiencing the same. Game crashes 9 out of 10 times while joinging an experimental server after queue. happens on x64 and x86. deleting the battle eye folder seems to work, but has to be done every time.

attached are my last 3 crash messages, dxdiag file and my "dayz" appdata folder.

Stroganov, are you able to reset your computer? I attempted that but windows runs into a problem and makes no changes, i havent been able to figure out how to fix that, tried just about every solution i could, i was wondering if they are connected somehow

I didn't try to reset my computer. Don't think it has anything to do with that. Looks like a Battle Eye problem since it works when I delete the BattleEye folder that gh0stop mentioned. I have to delete it every time I want to join or rejoin an exp. server.

Deleting it never worked so i tried to reset my computer bc its farely new and i dont have any important files on it. I found a temporary solution, to download the exp branch launcher then redownload the stable branch launcher, it works for one login but im afraid thats not good enough for me. Ive also contacted battleye a couple times with no response a few days ago, is there service really that bad?

The reinstallation of windows from the website worked like a charm! Turns out i had corrupted files or something from unexpected shut downs (power outage). i was able to redownload the game and relog as much as i wanted!

Dec 13 2016, 12:14 AM · DayZ

Dec 12 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T122044: Glitch military prison wall [Dayz 0.60].

This is a known issue and won't be fixed until new player controller is implemented (.62/.63)

Dec 12 2016, 12:26 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T122061: Gunshots is too loud [DayZ 0.61 exp].

I think thats the point, your ears adjust to the low levels of volume. That makes it so that when gunshots go off they are extremely loud and life like. Now I'm sure there is some balancing in order, but overall its pretty cool. It makes me jump when someone shoots close to me! :)

Dec 12 2016, 12:25 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121958: 64bit 1FPS Bug & Video Card Bug.

Make a shortcut to your desktop (the 64bit exe) and right click and there should be a context item that says run with high powered NVidia Gpu.

Dec 12 2016, 12:20 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

You might need to upload your crash dumps so that the devs can look into it. If you are really itching to play, you might want to try updating drivers. Worst case backup your computer to external hdd/reinstall windows and steam then dayz.

Okay, thank you. I don't mind waiting, not being able to fix the problem is what is breaking my sanity. Should I send the crash dumps to battleye or bohemia?

You can upload the dayz crash dumps here.

Getting your crash dumps:

Go to this file location: "C:\Users<Name>\AppData\Local"
There you should see a DayZ folder.
Create a .zip or .rar file of that folder.

Then take the .zip/.rar and the DxDiag file and upload them to the Feedback Tracker issue. You can do so by dragging/dropping your files into the Description text field for example.

Getting your DxDiag file:

Open the Start menu
Write "dxdiag"
Press enter
A window will open
Click "Save all information"
You will get a text file - that's what we need

But try this:

  1. Open Explorer (Windows Key + E)
  2. In the address bar (at the top, it probably says "▶ Computer ▶"), type %LOCALAPPDATA%\DayZ
  3. Delete the folder called BattlEye

    Also send battleye an email while you are at it!

It isnt allowing me to copy the zip file of my crash report,

screenshot of the error message that pops up on my browser.

Upload it to a file hosting website (like and link it here.

Okay so before i do that stuff, i was able to catch the battleye launcher as it crashed and found this

theres a lot of fake info going on about "SysWoW64" being a virus but its a windows system folder. im just not sure about the file inside of that folder

Do you happen to have an AMD graphics card? If not you might have to reinstall windows, since its a system file. It could be corrupt. You can either reset windows 10 or download the iso straight from microsoft.

I do, i already ran the system file checker tool so the file is not corrupt. Im going to reset windows through the settings. Ill let you know if it works

Whats the importance of and AMD graphics card?

Dec 12 2016, 12:14 AM · DayZ

Dec 9 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

You might need to upload your crash dumps so that the devs can look into it. If you are really itching to play, you might want to try updating drivers. Worst case backup your computer to external hdd/reinstall windows and steam then dayz.

Okay, thank you. I don't mind waiting, not being able to fix the problem is what is breaking my sanity. Should I send the crash dumps to battleye or bohemia?

You can upload the dayz crash dumps here.

Getting your crash dumps:

Go to this file location: "C:\Users<Name>\AppData\Local"
There you should see a DayZ folder.
Create a .zip or .rar file of that folder.

Then take the .zip/.rar and the DxDiag file and upload them to the Feedback Tracker issue. You can do so by dragging/dropping your files into the Description text field for example.

Getting your DxDiag file:

Open the Start menu
Write "dxdiag"
Press enter
A window will open
Click "Save all information"
You will get a text file - that's what we need

But try this:

  1. Open Explorer (Windows Key + E)
  2. In the address bar (at the top, it probably says "▶ Computer ▶"), type %LOCALAPPDATA%\DayZ
  3. Delete the folder called BattlEye

    Also send battleye an email while you are at it!

It isnt allowing me to copy the zip file of my crash report,

screenshot of the error message that pops up on my browser.

Upload it to a file hosting website (like and link it here.

Okay so before i do that stuff, i was able to catch the battleye launcher as it crashed and found this

theres a lot of fake info going on about "SysWoW64" being a virus but its a windows system folder. im just not sure about the file inside of that folder

Dec 9 2016, 4:35 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121958: 64bit 1FPS Bug & Video Card Bug.

Do you have it set to use your GPU in NVIDIA Control panel?

Dec 9 2016, 1:02 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121965: 64bit is not running on the dedicated GPU by default.

Thats why in Nvidia control panel, set the global setting to use high performance GPU.

Dec 9 2016, 1:00 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121974: Weapon painting bug.

Yup same thing happened to me with SKS

Dec 9 2016, 12:58 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121980: Found a jacket stuffed with items, felt like it was being used by another player..

Yeah same thing, found clothing on the ground that I could not take, but could take loot out of. It's probably ghosted from another player.

Dec 9 2016, 12:57 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121984: DayZ experimental 64-bit client crash.

Zip it and upload it somewhere, then link it here.

Dec 9 2016, 12:55 AM · DayZ

Dec 8 2016

gh0stop edited Additional Information on T121896: [.61 exp] Barracks Doors opposite state for zombies.
Dec 8 2016, 4:27 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121942: I bleeded but it was not shown in the inventory .

I don't think it is because of the server performance because it didn't show the modifiers for plenty of minutes.

Dec 8 2016, 4:17 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

You might need to upload your crash dumps so that the devs can look into it. If you are really itching to play, you might want to try updating drivers. Worst case backup your computer to external hdd/reinstall windows and steam then dayz.

Okay, thank you. I don't mind waiting, not being able to fix the problem is what is breaking my sanity. Should I send the crash dumps to battleye or bohemia?

You can upload the dayz crash dumps here.

Getting your crash dumps:

Go to this file location: "C:\Users<Name>\AppData\Local"
There you should see a DayZ folder.
Create a .zip or .rar file of that folder.

Then take the .zip/.rar and the DxDiag file and upload them to the Feedback Tracker issue. You can do so by dragging/dropping your files into the Description text field for example.

Getting your DxDiag file:

Open the Start menu
Write "dxdiag"
Press enter
A window will open
Click "Save all information"
You will get a text file - that's what we need

But try this:

  1. Open Explorer (Windows Key + E)
  2. In the address bar (at the top, it probably says "▶ Computer ▶"), type %LOCALAPPDATA%\DayZ
  3. Delete the folder called BattlEye

    Also send battleye an email while you are at it!

It isnt allowing me to copy the zip file of my crash report,

screenshot of the error message that pops up on my browser.

Dec 8 2016, 1:40 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

You might need to upload your crash dumps so that the devs can look into it. If you are really itching to play, you might want to try updating drivers. Worst case backup your computer to external hdd/reinstall windows and steam then dayz.

Okay, thank you. I don't mind waiting, not being able to fix the problem is what is breaking my sanity. Should I send the crash dumps to battleye or bohemia?

Dec 8 2016, 1:12 AM · DayZ
gh0stop created T121953: [.61 exp] Character Save Position delayed. x64.
Dec 8 2016, 12:58 AM · DayZ
gh0stop edited Additional Information on T121952: [.61 exp] Character Reset on Server Change x64.
Dec 8 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ
gh0stop edited Additional Information on T121952: [.61 exp] Character Reset on Server Change x64.
Dec 8 2016, 12:49 AM · DayZ
gh0stop created T121952: [.61 exp] Character Reset on Server Change x64.
Dec 8 2016, 12:49 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121942: I bleeded but it was not shown in the inventory .

Poor server performance

Dec 8 2016, 12:27 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

You might need to upload your crash dumps so that the devs can look into it. If you are really itching to play, you might want to try updating drivers. Worst case backup your computer to external hdd/reinstall windows and steam then dayz.

Dec 8 2016, 12:10 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121899: No audio output when changing device.

Yeah I think a re-detect audio device button/current sound device text would work.

Dec 8 2016, 12:07 AM · DayZ

Dec 7 2016

gh0stop added a comment to T121895: My game sound is low.

Can I fix somehow ?

Dec 7 2016, 4:37 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121913: Falling in style.

Clearly you face planted!

Dec 7 2016, 4:35 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121915: Spawning in as infected.

Provide the link to your steam profile, so that devs can reset your profile.

Dec 7 2016, 4:34 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121914: Dayz x64 executable does not work with TrackIR.

duplicate T121892

Dec 7 2016, 4:33 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

Try starting steam as admin. Then launch dayz.

I've already tried that, thanks though. I'm not sure of what else I can do, honestly I havent found any solutions to this specific problem so I just did solutions that would fix other battleye problems. I've seen forum posts about the problem but none have solutions. I guess it's just up to the actual company to fix it..

Dec 7 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
gh0stop added a comment to T121907: Dayz Crashes After server join *FIXED*.

Try starting steam as admin. Then launch dayz.

Dec 7 2016, 3:56 AM · DayZ