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- User Since
- Nov 24 2021, 9:46 PM (171 w, 4 d)
Aug 7 2024
May 29 2024
Mar 23 2024
Reopening this, because after quite some time of the "buildanywhere" option being in the game for community servers, garden plot and fireplace placements are still a gamebreaking exploit.
I get the "use it at your own risk" related to players clipping walls and tents.
But giving a feature that allows from one side players to have more freedom of where they want to base, while on the other allowing to exploit bases to the point that doesn't matter how tall a wall is anyone with no tools can get inside, breaks the experience.
Fix always was as easy as removing collisions from those 2 objects, please consider it because it's a topic that will always come up. People need a progression to be able to raid. Even if they get some tents around and boost that way, fair enough, they can try with 1 or 2 tho. Fireplaces and garden plots literally allow to make stairs as high as their persistence in exploiting this mechanic. Removing those geo lods wouldn't affect the game, garden plots get as high as shoe level, fireplaces would still burn players within trigger area from the centre.
Feb 19 2024
Feb 10 2024
Feb 9 2024
Feb 3 2024
Jan 31 2024
Jan 28 2024
A stupid example when done within the game.
Jan 22 2024
Jan 17 2024
Hey guys!
Any info if adding REFRESHER_RADIUS to globals is being considered to be added to next release?
Jan 9 2024
There you go with the ticket.
A technical question about API downtime asked from the official support is asked to be redirected on discord where no people working in their technical department are, because being a configuration?
It is impossible to work with this.
Jan 8 2024
HI Geez!
Can you please send us the names of the problematic servers where the issue manifests
It's not server specific.
It's a global Nitrado Rest API global downtime. 500 class response from all endpoints. Affected all services that use the Nitrapi as intermediate to get/post server data.
Last one happening between 22:50 till 00:40, the one previous one was yesterday between 2:50 till 3:20, CET time.
It's probably getting mitigated, but it still continues.
Jan 6 2024
Dec 22 2023
Dec 12 2023
I second this.
It would be great to have a standard and style to follow, which can only happen from the original source.
Nov 10 2023
This feature would work wonders for buildings that are constantly looted against buildings that barely are.
Gets my upvote.
I second this, story wise having more corpses, maybe with various stages of the infection, would give a more imaginative background on how the virus came to be and evolved, rendering the cities an inhabitable battlefield
Nov 7 2023
Whoever has the same issue, untick this
11:47:04.779 [BIOS] Register server returned: {"api_code":"validationFailure","code":400,"message":".meta.serverTime should match format "date-time"","uid":null}
Oct 30 2023
Oct 27 2023
As a request, would be possible for you to ask Nitrado to allow subfolders to be created inside the custom folder, so that server owners can organise their files in a more logical manner?
In addition to this, the cfgGameplay example provides this
Oct 25 2023
Oct 23 2023
Oct 20 2023
Oct 19 2023
Attached the server RPT showing MedicalScrubsShirt_White still spawning
11:40:50.643 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: [RESPAWN CANDIDATE] MedicalScrubsShirt_White missing:2 [cnt:4, nom:6, min:4] 11:40:50.643 Adding MedicalScrubsShirt_White at [7422,6149] 11:40:50.643 Adding MedicalScrubsShirt_White at [6092,4194] 11:40:50.643 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: MedicalScrubsShirt_White respawned:2, tests:2 missing:0
12:37:48.292 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: [RESPAWN CANDIDATE] MedicalScrubsShirt_White missing:2 [cnt:4, nom:6, min:4] 12:37:48.292 Adding MedicalScrubsShirt_White at [7560,6109] 12:37:48.292 Adding MedicalScrubsShirt_White at [9528,10284] 12:37:48.292 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: MedicalScrubsShirt_White respawned:2, tests:2 missing:0
13:18:59.798 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: [RESPAWN CANDIDATE] MedicalScrubsShirt_White missing:2 [cnt:4, nom:6, min:4] 13:18:59.798 Adding MedicalScrubsShirt_White at [7533,6118] 13:18:59.798 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: MedicalScrubsShirt_White respawned:1, tests:1 missing:1
MedicalScrubsShirt_White still there after updating the ignorelist and restarting the server.
Oct 18 2023
Bump for this. Would be extremely helpful for doing a map, but not character, wipe as officials.
Oct 4 2023
Sep 22 2023
Sep 14 2023
Sep 2 2023
That exports named to differentiate between maps. You do not need a wipe for the map to work. You do need, for some odd reasons, to upload it as Nitrado server stopped.
Sep 1 2023
Deleted the files. Not even the time and someone snooped in my server cos of it. SMH.
Apparently nolog was set and while it didn't account for RPT previously, now it does.
Sorry for the hassle.
Please delete or set this private for some sensible infos in the files I sent.
Please, set this as private if possible.
Aug 31 2023
Use this as template for the spooky areas
{ "AreaName": "SpookySpot", "Type": "SpookyArea", "TriggerType": "SpookyTrigger", "Data": { "Pos": [1000, 1000, 1000], "Radius": 175, "PosHeight": 25, "NegHeight": 10, "InnerRingCount": 2, "InnerPartDist": 40, "OuterRingToggle": 1, "OuterPartDist": 40, "OuterOffset": 20, "VerticalLayers": 0, "VerticalOffset": 0, "ParticleName": "graphics/particles/spooky_mist" }, "PlayerData": { "AroundPartName": "", "TinyPartName": "", "PPERequesterType": "" } }
This for smoke, fire, etc
{ "AreaName": "Smoke", "Type": "SpookyArea", "Data": { "Pos": [1000, 1000, 1000], "ParticleName": "graphics/particles/smoke_heli_wreck_01" } }
Aug 29 2023
Aug 16 2023
@Geez any update on this matter?
I retested on Experimental and it seems to persist.
Jun 13 2023
May 29 2023
May 11 2023
May 9 2023
@j_bird133 Do you have a UK server? Those are notorious to keep people (even from the UK) unable to log, or logging with those problems.
Apr 17 2023
Consider the inside of the gate the side where you can place planks, metal wire is on the left. You're able to remove the wire only if you see it from the inside part of the gate.
Apr 16 2023
If a player hits another player with a gun swing (melee) that doesn't show the player prompting the swing
14:55:28 | Player "YasaNoa" (id=72D105176C85438544ED3FF1BC0A1B1F03684472 pos=<9347.6, 2004.5, 7.7>)[HP: 98.9] hit by Ruger1022 into LeftHand(46) for 10 damage (FirearmHit_Rifle)
Apr 15 2023
Pick a different spawn point. That usually happens when the spawn point isn't valid because it collides with something in the world.
Some times can happen that with a restart the server doesn't create a new logfile and instead chains the previous server sessions into the current logfile.
Apr 9 2023
Additional to this, whenever a player is run over by a vehicle, it just specify the vehicle and not who was driving it (I assume driver and any passenger should be connected to the vehicle db)
02:27:18 | Player "victor8012046" (DEAD) (id=12EE5A2217F26ED4F8FA7E703B7DCE6B657723DE pos=<6162.7, 2292.7, 12.4>)[HP: 0] hit by Sedan_02_Red with TransportHit 02:27:18 | Player "victor8012046" (DEAD) (id=12EE5A2217F26ED4F8FA7E703B7DCE6B657723DE pos=<6162.7, 2292.7, 12.4>) killed by Sedan_02_Red
Similarly to the ones above, if a player logs out while uncon, which forces death on their character, the records doesn't properly work
22:42:09 | Player "Ricki964" (id=B7913C5515520A661D27FC1104A18EF42180129D pos=<13017.2, 10497.3, 6.1>) is unconscious 22:42:10 | Player "Ricki964" (id=B7913C5515520A661D27FC1104A18EF42180129D pos=<13017.9, 10496.9, 6.3>)[HP: 65.2026] hit by ZmbM_Mummy into RightLeg(3) for 9 damage (MeleeZombieMummy) 22:42:25 | Player "Unknown/Dead Entity" (id=Unknown pos=<13019.5, 10495.7, 6.3>) died. Stats> Water: 515.086 Energy: 434.096 Bleed sources: 3 22:42:25 | Player "Ricki964"(id=B7913C5515520A661D27FC1104A18EF42180129D) has been disconnected
Feb 20 2023
The _DE objects are with the ones that can indefinitely persists if used with JSON, just adding them if someone checking this has a similar problem.
Feb 18 2023
Feb 12 2023
If an *already dead* player body is shot, that shows up as
Inconsistent line in case removing barbed wire, showing fence IDs
Feb 10 2023
Another log line that gets detected wrong. If a player kills themselves with the grenade launcher (and with a grenade in case detects the killer) that shows up as kill instead of suicide.
12:48:49 | Player "JeffC Xbox" (DEAD) (id=95CBA1DB39EE66BEF4C714C747E2B95E81B9AB93 pos=<2204.1, 11095.4, 265.3>) killed by Player "JeffC Xbox" (DEAD) (id=95CBA1DB39EE66BEF4C714C747E2B95E81B9AB93 pos=<2204.1, 11095.4, 265.3>) with M79 from 0 meters
Feb 5 2023
Dec 15 2022
@Geez this needs to be attachment, not cargo.
Dec 14 2022
Dec 8 2022
Nov 8 2022
PO-X vials are hardcoded to spawn (3 to 5) with the contamination strike since 1.19, cannot be changed on console. Set a lifetime on the vials lower than the duration of the strike itself.
Nov 4 2022
In types change the bonfire lifetime to match the one of your server session.
Nov 3 2022
Fireplace glitch back with last hotfix.
Please fix by remove player collisions from fireplaces and garden plots, or any other means.
This bug allows even fresh players to raid any base without the need of progression to find the right tools.
Oct 20 2022
Oct 19 2022
I honestly do not know since when a server needed a restart for banlist / whitelist to take place but no, not even the restart fixed that.
Oct 17 2022
Issue Partially Fixed
Oct 12 2022
Sep 29 2022
- Most roads decals (asf1, asf2, dirt, mud) are almost impossible to place because not real decals, but 2d assets. Some other road decals, like the crosswalk, instead adapt automatically to the terrain. On console we do not had access to the road tool, so in certain cases is almost impossible to make new roads. It would be amazing if all roads would work as the adaptive decals counterparts.