Hey guys! Hope you had an amazing holiday!
I'm opening this for a major problem we're experiencing on console.
Given the absence of modding for DayZ Console, all of us rely on the Nitrado API to set bots helping us managing our servers.
Player locations & interactions, bans, whitelist, priority, cfg, all is handled through the Nitrado API, meaning all we can do as server owners to manage our servers depends on it.
Here's the problem: since the last week of December, maybe even before that, Nitrado changed their service providers, and since then their API has been unresponsive, working approx 6 hours per day with odd intervals that sometimes had 12+ hours gaps.
The error coming back is an connect ETIMEDOUT API pipe failure.
While we could of course open a Nitrado support ticket and talk with the usual random first level person, it can be confirmed by any server owner reading this that that goes nowhere.
Given that they're our exclusive server host option, it's getting quite ridiculous that we can't even handle our servers and all we get is "apologies we're working on it" every so often.
Hence me asking your help here: can we please have you ask for all of us here to ask to them to give us access under the main dayzxb_missions / dayzps_missions for read/write symlinks to config, serverDZ.cfg, ban.txt, whitelist.txt, priority.txt so we can access those with a much simpler and sturdier protocol like FTP which we already have for dayzOffline.chernarusplus and that fails only in case the connection to the server itself is unavailable?
It would be as simple as having our mirror mission set this way
dayzxb_missions |_dayzOffline.chernarusplus |_config |_serverDZ.cfg |_ban.txt |_whitelist.txt |_priority.txt
Please, it's our only option to run things on console, and it's getting exasperating for us.