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Exploit - Fireplace/Garden Plot stacking used for base boosting
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


Hello there!

Since the release of the cfgGameplay.json back in 1.15 community servers have finally been granted the access to noclip placements for basebuilding, but that came with a side effect.
The same settings, specifically the "disableHeightPlacementCheck", allows game exploiters to stack fireplaces and garden plots on top each other enabling anyone to create mid-air bridges to boost inside bases without the need of any raiding tools.
The majority of the communities around have rules set specifically against boosting, and while keeping track of it it's possible, it's a task all by itself.
This is an exploit that can be replicated exclusively on servers using the BaseBuildingData section in cfgGameplay.json to enable BuldAnywhere, which covers the majority of the Console community servers.
An official solution to this would be immensely appreciated because it would bring back the need of a player progression before been able to raid.
Attached are 2 clips showing how the exploit works.

Wishing the best day to the whole team!


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  • Make multiple fireplaces, place them stacked on top of each other. As long as 1 component is left, or the kindle or the sticks can be taken out to create more fireplaces.
  • Dig a garden plot, get on top of it and dig another one by using the first as footing, repeat.
Additional Information

The solution to this matter would be as easy as removing collisions from unlit fireplaces and unused garden plots.

Event Timeline

100% agree, this is detrimental to servers on console

Get it fixed or else i'm poring the staff-room coffee on all the computers, simply diabolical that things like this are still in the game SMH MY HED

They need to fix that and another issue is swimming under the map

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Oct 16 2022, 9:38 PM

Issue Partially Fixed

While is not possible to stack fireplaces anymore [ 2nd clip showing the issue solved by having the fireplaces holograms clipping in an already placed one] the issue from the first clip is still to be addressed. Fireplaces can be placed inside walls so to create a ladder.

Fireplace glitch back with last hotfix.
Please fix by remove player collisions from fireplaces and garden plots, or any other means.
This bug allows even fresh players to raid any base without the need of progression to find the right tools.

Exploit - Fireplace/Garden Plot stacking used for base boosting still happening in April 2023

Vpyr added a subscriber: Vpyr.Apr 15 2023, 9:12 PM

I Agree with this 100%, needs to be fixed and given the Barrel Treatment by removing its Collision Hitbox,

In Community Servers, Server owners can turn off build anywhere for just Garden Plots, they should do the same with Fire Places.

SSmith added a subscriber: SSmith.Apr 20 2023, 5:26 PM

Please increase the priority on this. Multiple methods in the comments/main post could work.

Can we please get some kind of action on this!? Fireplace boosting completely ruins the game as every base can be raided, it’s a really big problem on community servers. It’s as simple as disabling collisions just like you did for barrels.

If you turn this setting off to prevent stacking garden plots, what other game functions are affected?

In October 2023 this issue still exists. Is there nothing that can‘t be done about that? There nust be a way to fix this. I know many Vanilla Communities that really suffer heavily from these abuses. Is there no other way to keep noclip turned on and to keep fireplaces from being stackable at the same time? Please, we really need a solution.

I hope this thing to get fixed

March 2024 and both fireplace & garden plot boosting are still rife in the game.

Are we able to get any kind of official confirmation on why the devs wont just turn off player collisions with these two items, just like they did with barrels. I see no reason why players must be able to collide with these objects as both should always be on the ground.

March 2024 and both fireplace & garden plot boosting are still rife in the game.

Are we able to get any kind of official confirmation on why the devs wont just turn off player collisions with these two items, just like they did with barrels. I see no reason why players must be able to collide with these objects as both should always be on the ground.

Facts! this issue seems like its a high priority and should be relatively easy to fix. but I guess Candy canes and anniversary tshirts were more important.

Reopening this, because after quite some time of the "buildanywhere" option being in the game for community servers, garden plot and fireplace placements are still a gamebreaking exploit.
I get the "use it at your own risk" related to players clipping walls and tents.
But giving a feature that allows from one side players to have more freedom of where they want to base, while on the other allowing to exploit bases to the point that doesn't matter how tall a wall is anyone with no tools can get inside, breaks the experience.
Fix always was as easy as removing collisions from those 2 objects, please consider it because it's a topic that will always come up. People need a progression to be able to raid. Even if they get some tents around and boost that way, fair enough, they can try with 1 or 2 tho. Fireplaces and garden plots literally allow to make stairs as high as their persistence in exploiting this mechanic. Removing those geo lods wouldn't affect the game, garden plots get as high as shoe level, fireplaces would still burn players within trigger area from the centre.

Haas added a subscriber: Haas.Mar 26 2024, 1:21 AM

simple fix, simple solution. good luck buddy.

kuzyn added a subscriber: kuzyn.Apr 18 2024, 12:00 PM

Any news if colllisions for garden plot and fireplaces can be disabled for 1.25 or 1.26?

I doubt it as there’s no status updates.
Would be great if we could have some official recognition from Geez & Co acknowledging how game-breaking this is and a commitment to resolve it.

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Apr 18 2024, 12:45 PM

I posted comments about this during the stream yesterday every 2 minutes hoping to get a reaction. Got nothing. And I’m assuming they either don’t know or don’t care at this point. I haven’t bothered playing the game for the last few months because of this very issue. It’s completely ruined the game for me. 😞

Geez added a comment.Apr 18 2024, 2:24 PM

Hello everyone.
We hear you, however such implementation is not straightforward and currently we are investigating our options whether this is possible.

Hello everyone.
We hear you, however such implementation is not straightforward and currently we are investigating our options whether this is possible.

Couldnt you just do what you did with the barrels to remove the hitbox. I’m not a developer so I get that I’m making major assumptions here but it’s been over a year and a half of this issue plaguing servers. It’s a constant effort to prevent it by banning people when they can just make alt accounts and use those to do it instead.

There has to be a simple solution and I’m sure we could even come up with more simplistic ones if needed.

One example. Allow us the ability to turn off the fireplace or gardenplot option entirely through a setting or toggle. Then we can use the greenhouses instead for growing and the indoor fireplaces for cooking.

I’m sure you guys can come up with options but we need something soon.

Glad we finally got some official comment on this. It’s reassuring to know it’s still being looked at. We understand it’s not as simple as just pressing a button, but for an issue as fundamentally game-breaking as this there needs to be something done, even if only temporary whilst you work on a more effective permanent solution.

  • Disabling player collisions (like what you did with barrels) is one suggestion, which looks like a really effective idea
  • Adding some kind of cfggameplay toggle to force all plots/fireplaces onto the ground would be another idea
  • Making it so these objects can’t collide with player built walls, could work, though seems more complicate than the above two

These are just some temporary workarounds that would render this widely abused exploit redundant.

Geez added a comment.Apr 19 2024, 10:53 AM

Glad we finally got some official comment on this. It’s reassuring to know it’s still being looked at. We understand it’s not as simple as just pressing a button, but for an issue as fundamentally game-breaking as this there needs to be something done, even if only temporary whilst you work on a more effective permanent solution.

  • Disabling player collisions (like what you did with barrels) is one suggestion, which looks like a really effective idea
  • Adding some kind of cfggameplay toggle to force all plots/fireplaces onto the ground would be another idea
  • Making it so these objects can’t collide with player built walls, could work, though seems more complicate than the above two

    These are just some temporary workarounds that would render this widely abused exploit redundant.

Please keep in mind that disabling the basebuilding limits is something the server owners do at their own risk. The system is designed with the limits enabled exactly to prevent unwanted behaviour just as it is on official servers. However, we are aware of how much the community ran servers contribute to the game experience and we value the experience they provide, therefore we will look into what could be done as I have mentioned previously.

Any chance we’ll see this patched with this update? Or we waiting another couple years to see it?

Glad we finally got some official comment on this. It’s reassuring to know it’s still being looked at. We understand it’s not as simple as just pressing a button, but for an issue as fundamentally game-breaking as this there needs to be something done, even if only temporary whilst you work on a more effective permanent solution.

  • Disabling player collisions (like what you did with barrels) is one suggestion, which looks like a really effective idea
  • Adding some kind of cfggameplay toggle to force all plots/fireplaces onto the ground would be another idea
  • Making it so these objects can’t collide with player built walls, could work, though seems more complicate than the above two

    These are just some temporary workarounds that would render this widely abused exploit redundant.

Please keep in mind that disabling the basebuilding limits is something the server owners do at their own risk. The system is designed with the limits enabled exactly to prevent unwanted behaviour just as it is on official servers. However, we are aware of how much the community ran servers contribute to the game experience and we value the experience they provide, therefore we will look into what could be done as I have mentioned previously.

Can we get any update on this one and whether it will be patched with the upcoming update. I understand your point but you’ve set the precedent by fixing the barrels already for the same issue. It really should be something that is addressed.

They could easily fix this by disabling collision on things that are floating, if there is auto bans made by the community that check for these then I don't see why there cannot be an official fix for this.

Any word on this yet?

Surprised to see still no movement on this, one of the biggest issues facing community servers to date. With various different options available to fix including some that seem like they should be pretty straight forwards as have already been done before to other objects. This has been ongoing since 1.15 and we're now at 1.27 with no fix in sight. Will this ever be addressed?

Surprised to see still no movement on this, one of the biggest issues facing community servers to date. With various different options available to fix including some that seem like they should be pretty straight forwards as have already been done before to other objects. This has been ongoing since 1.15 and we're now at 1.27 with no fix in sight. Will this ever be addressed?

It does seem slightly improved. At least on my server it’s gotten better. It’s much more difficult to place the garden/campfires in glitchy spots.