Hey guys!
We were checking out the Spawning Gear Configuration and noticed that there is a syntax error within the "Use Case" section, where 2 main objects within the same file are defined. I assume this should be in separate files.
{ "spawnWeight": 1, "name": "Military - AKM", "characterTypes": [ "SurvivorF_Judy", "SurvivorM_Lewis" ], "attachmentSlotItemSets": [ { "slotName": "shoulderL", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "AKM", "spawnWeight": 3, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": 1, "complexChildrenTypes": [ { "itemType": "AK_PlasticBttstck", "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.4, "healthMax": 0.6, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 }, { "itemType": "PSO1Optic", "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.1, "healthMax": 0.2, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": true, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Battery9V" ] }, { "itemType": "Mag_AKM_30Rnd", "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 0.5, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 } ], "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "AK_PlasticHndgrd", "AK_Bayonet" ] }, { 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"Mag_AKM_30Rnd", "Mag_AKM_30Rnd" ] } ] }, { "slotName": "Eyewear", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "AviatorGlasses", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1.0, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 }, { "itemType": "", "spawnWeight": 1 } ] }, { "slotName": "Body", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "GorkaEJacket_Flat", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1.0, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 } ] }, { "slotName": "Legs", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "GorkaPants_Flat", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1.0, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 } ] }, { "slotName": "Feet", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "MilitaryBoots_Bluerock", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1.0, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 } ] } ], "discreteUnsortedItemSets": [ { "name": "Obelix", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 0.6, "quantityMax": 0.8 }, "complexChildrenTypes": [ { "itemType": "Pot", "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.1, "healthMax": 0.8, "quantityMin": 0.1, "quantityMax": 0.1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "BoarSteakMeat", "BoarSteakMeat" ] }, { "itemType": "Mag_AKM_30Rnd", "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.1, "healthMax": 0.8, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 } ], "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Rag", "BoarSteakMeat", "BoarSteakMeat", "BoarSteakMeat", "FNX45", "Mag_FNX45_15Rnd", "AmmoBox_45ACP_25rnd" ] }, { "name": "Asterix", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 0.6, "quantityMax": 0.8 }, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Canteen", "Rag", "Apple", "AmmoBox_762x39_20Rnd", "CZ75", "Mag_CZ75_15Rnd", "AmmoBox_9x19_25rnd" ] } ] }, // <------------------------------------ Error Here { "spawnWeight": 1, "name": "medic", "attachmentSlotItemSets": [ { "slotName": "shoulderR", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "PipeWrench", "spawnWeight": 2, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 0.8, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": 2 }, { "itemType": "Crowbar", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 0.8 }, "quickBarSlot": 2 } ] }, { "slotName": "Vest", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "PressVest_LightBlue", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1.0, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": -1 } ] }, { "slotName": "Back", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "TortillaBag", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 0.8, "quantityMin": 1.0, "quantityMax": 1.0 }, "quickBarSlot": 1 }, { "itemType": "CoyoteBag_Green", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { 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"quickBarSlot": -1 } ] } ], "discreteUnsortedItemSets": [ { "name": "Medic Cargo 1", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 0.6, "quantityMax": 0.8 }, "complexChildrenTypes": [ { "itemType": "FirstAidKit", "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.7, "healthMax": 0.8, "quantityMin": 0.05, "quantityMax": 0.1 }, "quickBarSlot": 3, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "BloodBagIV", "BandageDressing" ] } ], "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Rag", "SheepSteakMeat" ] }, { "name": "Medic Cargo 2", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.5, "healthMax": 1.0, "quantityMin": 0.6, "quantityMax": 0.8 }, "complexChildrenTypes": [ { "itemType": "FirstAidKit", "attributes": { "healthMin": 0.7, "healthMax": 0.8, "quantityMin": 0.05, "quantityMax": 0.1 }, "quickBarSlot": 3, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "TetracyclineAntibiotics", "BandageDressing" ] } 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