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StJimmy (St. Jimmy)


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User Since
Mar 5 2013, 7:57 PM (628 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Sep 6 2023

StJimmy added a comment to T174784: Current amount of stamina doesn't get saved on server. Always on full when relogging in..

Made even a separate mod for it now

Sep 6 2023, 12:18 PM · DayZ

Sep 5 2023

StJimmy added a comment to T174784: Current amount of stamina doesn't get saved on server. Always on full when relogging in..

Actually even better solution:

modded class PlayerBase
	override void AfterStoreLoad()
Sep 5 2023, 12:30 AM · DayZ

Sep 3 2023

StJimmy added a comment to T174784: Current amount of stamina doesn't get saved on server. Always on full when relogging in..

So just this is really needed for the Stamina to get loaded from the PlayerStats since seems like PlayerStats aren't loaded before the Init but they're loaded before the first Update cycle. There's not a single m_Player.GetStatStamina().Get() in the StaminaHandler to actually load the Stamina from save. Why is it even build like this? Also there's basically three times m_Player.GetStatStamina().Set(m_Stamina) calls because SetStamina also calls it though SyncStamina, which there are two in the Update.

Sep 3 2023, 4:38 AM · DayZ

Aug 17 2023

StJimmy created T174784: Current amount of stamina doesn't get saved on server. Always on full when relogging in..
Aug 17 2023, 2:47 PM · DayZ

Mar 26 2023

StJimmy added a comment to T171196: Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled..

I've now gone through installing the Fanatec drivers from 412 up to 447 and 450 current versions. It's now not crashing if I've my wheel plugged in. But it's crashing now if I've my ClubSport V3 Pedals plugged in, so it went to completely opposite now.

Mar 26 2023, 9:34 PM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy added a comment to T171196: Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled..

Here's thread and post by me and looks like Fanatec has tried to see where the issue is for some time.

Mar 26 2023, 6:58 PM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy added a comment to T171196: Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled..

Also it happens in DayZ. Somehow had the wheel at Xbox mode and not in PC mode first when I tried.

Mar 26 2023, 6:03 PM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy renamed T171196: Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled. from Arma 3 & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled. to Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled..
Mar 26 2023, 6:03 PM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy added a comment to T171196: Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled..

Also if I remember right this didn't happen in the 2022 Summer-Autumn, so some update happened after that.

Mar 26 2023, 5:54 PM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy added a comment to T171196: Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled..

Log files collected by Fanatec Driver.

Mar 26 2023, 5:44 PM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy created T171196: Arma 3, DayZ & Arma Reforger BSoD when Fanatec wheel plugged in and BattlEye is enabled..
Mar 26 2023, 5:42 PM · Arma Reforger

Sep 30 2022

StJimmy added a comment to T165426: Zeroing issues on M249 SAW, M16, PKM and RPK-74.

Still there even in Experimental. Some examples

Sep 30 2022, 2:06 AM · Arma Reforger

Jun 13 2022

StJimmy added a comment to T165204: Not enough "eye zoom"! Cannot properly see distant enemies..

What about if the focus is lower or you couldn't do it at all except when you walk or stand still. That way you could better focus when you go slowly. Focusing should be hard when you move especially sprinting.

Jun 13 2022, 4:31 PM · Arma Reforger

May 27 2022

StJimmy created T165426: Zeroing issues on M249 SAW, M16, PKM and RPK-74.
May 27 2022, 12:45 PM · Arma Reforger

May 25 2022

StJimmy added a comment to T165350: Hardcoded keybinds in respawn map and switch radio UI.

Hmm should've do collection of all hard coded keybinds? I've noticed some inventory actions are hard coded like dropping items (G) and there were some others also. Can't bind Inventory to good old G for that reason... Need to check later more if you aren't faster.

May 25 2022, 11:59 AM · Arma Reforger

May 20 2022

StJimmy added a comment to T164972: Game stutters when moving mouse, if mouse polling rate is above 125hz.

Likely related to the negative mouse acceleration that they have in the game? Very noticeable how bad it's when you go in vehicle turret.

May 20 2022, 9:44 AM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy added a comment to T165009: INPUT: Weapon Mode select - (Toggle Muzzle/Firemode) input firing repeatedly instead of once - on rebind.

There are some other keybinds that do the same. Here's the list I know so far:

May 20 2022, 9:40 AM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy added a comment to T165037: Mouse Button 4 and 5 Missing.

None of the mouse things can be set in-game. However Mouse Button 4 and 5 are supported already which are button 3 and 4. They just need to fix the in-game binding in the menu. Alternative way now is to edit .chimeraUserInput.conf file. When you bind something in the keybind you want to set, it appears there.

May 20 2022, 8:53 AM · Arma Reforger

May 19 2022

StJimmy added a comment to T164873: Keybinds cannot be cleared / Cannot bind mouse inputs.

Workaround until fixed for all bindings is to download the tools and edit the .chimeraUserInput.conf file. Need to bind something else first for the specific keybind to appear in there:

May 19 2022, 11:07 AM · Arma Reforger
StJimmy created T164937: Default control is Prone instead of Prone or stand..
May 19 2022, 1:33 AM · Arma Reforger

Nov 19 2018

StJimmy added a comment to T133713: Can't subscribe & install DayZ Tools.

Yes it's now working. Thanks!

Nov 19 2018, 10:43 PM · DayZ

Nov 18 2018

StJimmy added a comment to T133713: Can't subscribe & install DayZ Tools.

According to Baty my issue (and likely couple others who were in the preview testing in 2014) is getting fixed on Monday. They likely forgot to add in the allowed list our "temporary" keys that they had decided to become permanent :P

Nov 18 2018, 1:26 PM · DayZ

Nov 16 2018

StJimmy added a comment to T133713: Can't subscribe & install DayZ Tools.

Still no DayZ Tools showing. There must be something blocking that content from some of us. I guess not many have tried to get them yet so it's not more widespread issue?

Nov 16 2018, 3:53 PM · DayZ

Nov 14 2018

StJimmy added a comment to T133713: Can't subscribe & install DayZ Tools.

Picture from the Store Page of DayZ Tools

Nov 14 2018, 10:54 AM · DayZ
StJimmy created T133713: Can't subscribe & install DayZ Tools.
Nov 14 2018, 10:52 AM · DayZ

Mar 27 2017

StJimmy added a comment to T123936: GPS and vehicle compass missing in the layout options.

Seems to be fixed in the hotfix RC.

Mar 27 2017, 5:42 PM · Arma 3

Mar 21 2017

StJimmy added a comment to T123936: GPS and vehicle compass missing in the layout options.

Yep this is in the main branch. Seems like you've slipped some parts of the new system in the main branch and that's why the UI layout is bit bugged.

Mar 21 2017, 4:24 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy added a comment to T123936: GPS and vehicle compass missing in the layout options.

Here's a topic in the forums where I picked this issue:

Mar 21 2017, 12:07 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy created T123936: GPS and vehicle compass missing in the layout options.
Mar 21 2017, 12:01 PM · Arma 3

Feb 2 2017

StJimmy added a comment to T122186: 64-bit crash after map change in editor. Possible memory leak..

This seems to be fixed. Just downloaded new dev build after testing the one where the issue was (when this report was made) and I couldn't make the game crash at all.

Feb 2 2017, 7:43 PM · Arma 3

Dec 16 2016

StJimmy edited Additional Information on T122186: 64-bit crash after map change in editor. Possible memory leak..
Dec 16 2016, 2:46 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy added a comment to T122186: 64-bit crash after map change in editor. Possible memory leak..

Hopefully they're good now? From tomorrow I won't be on my computer for a month...

Dec 16 2016, 2:45 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy added a comment to T122186: 64-bit crash after map change in editor. Possible memory leak..

Dec 16 2016, 2:42 PM · Arma 3

Dec 15 2016

StJimmy added a comment to T122145: Crash when switching maps Arma 3 X64.

Yeah I can always repro it when I've played for a while on another map. It's usually very quick crash then.

Dec 15 2016, 11:42 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy added a comment to T122186: 64-bit crash after map change in editor. Possible memory leak..

Also some notes what the values were without Arma 3:

Dec 15 2016, 11:18 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy added a comment to T122186: 64-bit crash after map change in editor. Possible memory leak..

Crash files and dxdiag from the crash that's in the video

Dec 15 2016, 11:08 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy created T122186: 64-bit crash after map change in editor. Possible memory leak..
Dec 15 2016, 10:59 PM · Arma 3

Nov 7 2016

StJimmy added a comment to T120801: Cant Put My Fists Down!.

OK so here it's how it happens:

Nov 7 2016, 2:07 PM · DayZ

Jun 9 2016

StJimmy updated the task description for T117524: [Apex] Tanoa Georgetown couple of ad signs are over each other so they z-fight.
Jun 9 2016, 8:36 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy renamed T117524: [Apex] Tanoa Georgetown couple of ad signs are over each other so they z-fight from Couple ad signs are over each other so they z-fight to [Apex] Tanoa Georgetown couple of ad signs are over each other so they z-fight.
Jun 9 2016, 8:15 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy created T117524: [Apex] Tanoa Georgetown couple of ad signs are over each other so they z-fight.
Jun 9 2016, 8:14 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy edited Additional Information on T117509: [Apex] Low performance even with high-end GPU when watching forest and trees with sniper scope in Tanoa. (with video).
Jun 9 2016, 4:30 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy renamed T117509: [Apex] Low performance even with high-end GPU when watching forest and trees with sniper scope in Tanoa. (with video) from [Apex] Low performance even with high-end GPU when using sniper scope in Tanoa. (with video) to [Apex] Low performance even with high-end GPU when watching forest and trees with sniper scope in Tanoa. (with video).
Jun 9 2016, 4:12 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy created T117509: [Apex] Low performance even with high-end GPU when watching forest and trees with sniper scope in Tanoa. (with video).
Jun 9 2016, 4:11 PM · Arma 3

Jun 8 2016

StJimmy created T117450: You can turn and kill the small white rocks in Tanoa..
Jun 8 2016, 6:46 PM · Arma 3

Jun 2 2016

StJimmy created T117141: DLC ghillie suits are acting the opposite way..
Jun 2 2016, 7:20 PM · Arma 3

May 30 2016

StJimmy added a watcher for Arma 3: StJimmy.
May 30 2016, 6:28 PM

May 11 2016

StJimmy added a comment to T115934: Walking energy consumption is too extreme.

Added a video and information in additional information:

The boring walking/jog part is 4x speed up.
It took ~944s to jog and get the orange hungry status.
It took ~2156s to walk and get the orange hungry status.

I don't know the speed of those movements. Knowing those would be easy to calculate the energy/distance ratio for both of those movements. All you can easily see is that you can cover a lot more by jogging.

I start from a certain point.
I start to walk just when I've reached the yellow hungry status.
Then I walk until hungry status is orange.
I stop, eat and start to jog back when my hungry status has just changed to yellow.
Jog until the hungry status is orange.

Notice how much further I got when I jogged compared to walking.

May 11 2016, 2:13 PM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T115934: Walking energy consumption is too extreme.
May 11 2016, 2:13 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T114773: 0.59 Experimental Crash Memory could not be read..

Edit: Yes now I remember that I was talking in the radio. I usually keep my VON open so everyone near me could hear me and maybe not shoot.

May 11 2016, 1:32 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T114773: 0.59 Experimental Crash Memory could not be read..

Happened second time now so it can happen pretty often.

May 11 2016, 1:32 PM · DayZ
StJimmy set Category to category:gamecrash on T114773: 0.59 Experimental Crash Memory could not be read..
May 11 2016, 1:32 PM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Additional Information on T113770: Animals are stuck or running around confused.
May 11 2016, 7:08 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T113306: Virtual Machine Exception game freeze in 0.58 experimental.

I only had -nospalsh and -newui so yes it could be the -newui. Need to test and try to produce repro situation. Hard to say yet because it was very random for me. I haven't text chat with anyone yet so need to test that simple thing first then.

May 11 2016, 6:53 AM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Additional Information on T113306: Virtual Machine Exception game freeze in 0.58 experimental.
May 11 2016, 6:53 AM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T113248: You can't look up enough. Limits a lot of 1st person view..
May 11 2016, 6:51 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T112813: Give us an option to toggle off constant vignette from settings. (Currently only Pause/Break key toggles it on/off).

I uploaded three pictures that should show everyone what effect the vignette has in your screen. You can toggle that on/off but you need to toggle it off every time you get in a server. It annoys me to see those lines in my screen because they're ugly. That vignette doesn't do anything else in the game other than what you see in those screens.

You need to watch the pics in full screen. If you can't see them well then you need darker background. They're more obvious when playing the game than in those screens.

May 11 2016, 6:37 AM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T112813: Give us an option to toggle off constant vignette from settings. (Currently only Pause/Break key toggles it on/off).
May 11 2016, 6:37 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T109909: Pristine pumpkin has a "rotten" texture.

Rotten can also be pristine. Likely working as intented.

May 11 2016, 5:01 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T109895: Able to cancel drinking from pumps and still receive hydration.

Noticed this Yesterday from the PAX Stream so it's still true in 0.58.

May 11 2016, 5:01 AM · DayZ
StJimmy set Category to category:gamecrash on T109033: [0.55.126884] Experimental client crashing.
May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T107746: Free look view rotation has been bad for some time already..

Another extreme video about the issue. Best reproed when sprinting with 2h weapon and freelook somewhere. Sprint and don't and you see that extreme changing. Also freelook when sprinting is like in a rollercoaster.

May 11 2016, 3:46 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T107746: Free look view rotation has been bad for some time already..

Sorry I wasn't enough specific. I'll write a repro. It's very simple:

Have a one handed weapon or no weapon at all in your hands and your hands must be down, not raised.
Lean back or forward, which means move mouse up or down. Best example is to look at your feet.
After that use the free look button (Alt) to look around.
Start to jog. With sprint and walk it doesn't work.
Now when you look around you should see the same behaviour as in the video.

I think that happened with two handed weapons before but that probably got fixed some time ago.

May 11 2016, 3:46 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T107746: Free look view rotation has been bad for some time already..

Yes I see everything horizontal if I've my head leaned front and watching left and right.
How it's currently in DayZ is not how it shoul be at all. It can cause even some motion sickness on people and it looks freaking stupid and buggy as you can see in my video. If that's a desing decision then it's very bad one.

May 11 2016, 3:46 AM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T107746: Free look view rotation has been bad for some time already..
May 11 2016, 3:46 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T105899: 0.51 patch broke my performance fix.

You likely don't even need these -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=3 -maxMem =8192
Also -maxMem =8192 should be -maxMem=8192

Have you even tried without parameters? -noSplash is likely the only thing you need.

May 11 2016, 2:39 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T105221: [0.51 Experimental] Instant game crash: "Initialization error 2." Can't launch the game..

OK I tried literally everything but I finally found the solution. I had set use large pages from registry to allow large pages files for DayZ.exe but now that the .exe has changed it made the game crash instanlty. I did that because of fred42's tbbmalloc for large page files but now that the .exe has changed radically it doesn't work :P

Sorry for your time loss.

May 11 2016, 2:11 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T105221: [0.51 Experimental] Instant game crash: "Initialization error 2." Can't launch the game..

There's no RPT or any dumps created from sessions that I try to start with experimental. They're dated about month ago and RPT got only things from stable. Sorry but there's nothing to help you out. Crashes too fast to even create any dumps.

May 11 2016, 2:11 AM · DayZ
StJimmy set Category to category:gamecrash on T105221: [0.51 Experimental] Instant game crash: "Initialization error 2." Can't launch the game..
May 11 2016, 2:11 AM · DayZ
StJimmy set Category to category:gamecrash on T104609: [0.50.125271] Crash in the latest experimental.
May 11 2016, 1:47 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T104601: [PRIMARY REPORT] Rain indoors.

Yep confirmed

May 11 2016, 1:47 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T104378: [PRIMARY REPORT] Random crashes on 0.50.

I got a crash but there wasn't any crash dumps created of the crash. Only event logger naturally has something.

May 11 2016, 1:39 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T104003: [PRIMARY REPORT] Automatic movement, character does not respond to controls.

I've a problem where my character suddenly sprints couple steps and get back to the speed I was going. Very annoying when you're fighting against something.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

I WALKED in Berezino for 1.5h and almost died for a bled out, at least I was unconcius once. I've found good amount of food and I'm now healthy. I've only walked except when I fight against zombies. If you spawn in a bad place it can be tough for first but when you've clothing and a backpack you can survive. Running everywhere can be one of the reason why people say hunger and thirsty is now OP.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

I like how the stomach isn't as big as before.
Hunger and thirsty probably comes too quickly but I didn't test yet have they changed that radically.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T103979: Game Crash on desktop with the latest experimental.

Uploaded a new crash that just happened.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T103979: Game Crash on desktop with the latest experimental.


May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
StJimmy set Category to category:gamecrash on T103979: Game Crash on desktop with the latest experimental.
May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

StJimmy added a comment to T101412: player character randomly enters "throwing position" while holding nothing, stuck in animation.

Happened for me when I just tried to thrown an item. Got stuck in the animation and relog was the only solution

May 10 2016, 11:52 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T101012: Kicked for talkign in Direct Chat?.

Still an issue. Freaking annoying when you can't hear what other player is saying and if you type couple times you get kicked... But seems to be addressed according to the forums.

May 10 2016, 11:39 PM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T95842: Edge Smoothing problems.
May 10 2016, 8:44 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T95841: Alpha to Coverage (AtoC) settings aren't working right.

This has been for a long time but now I remembered to report this. I prefer use trees only option in Arma so I'd like to get that option working ;)

May 10 2016, 8:44 PM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T95841: Alpha to Coverage (AtoC) settings aren't working right.
May 10 2016, 8:44 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T93924: Box of 7.62x51 Ammunition Contains 7.62x54 R Ammunition.

I remember Rocket saying that they don't want to do all the different versions of 7.62 but use only one that fits all the 7.62 weapons. Not realistic but that's the plan. Naturally it can change at some point.

May 10 2016, 7:36 PM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T89346: Running side of a hill makes groud look black or even see through the ground (video).
May 10 2016, 4:54 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T87987: Items falling through floors.

I think this is an issue only with some buildings and not all.

May 10 2016, 4:00 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T87976: Night Time Broked.

The game has simulated moon phase so moonless nights are darker than with a moon. Also overcast affects how bright it is outside. Get used to it.

May 10 2016, 4:00 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T87407: Grass/Tress texture error.

Just noticed this. Your videos are private so we can't see them.
/Or my issue is maybe different not sure. I'll upload a video in a minute.

May 10 2016, 3:36 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T87292: 344MOA of M4 needs fixing..

Just tested yesterday to shoot a zombie couple hundred meters away with ACOG sight. Aiming at the same spot and the bullets got left, right over and under. It's crazy.

May 10 2016, 3:31 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T87253: Emptying 7.62 mm 20 rounds, confusing message.

Those boxes probably aren't empty. You need to empty the box and you get the ammo not split.

May 10 2016, 3:30 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T87131: Error: Device reset failed, error 8876086c.

Are you using Windows XP? I get that error when I tried to run the game with -winxp parameter.

May 10 2016, 3:18 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

i7 2600K @ 4,4GHz
MSI 560 Ti 448 1,2GB 800/2000MHz
G.Skill RipjawsX 2x4GB 1600MHz
Samsung 840 SSD 250GB

"When this occurs, what is your system performance like? i.e. RAM/CPU load etc."
GPU doesn't get fully utilized when watching buildings. The more buildings in field of view the less GPU gets utilized. CPU load in towns is between 20-30% but without hyper threading that means 40-60%. CPU usage is the same in forest but GPU gets utilized over 90% and naturally fps is better then. RAM seems normal.

"Does this occur on all servers? Are you able to switch servers and confirm this?"
No matter what server.

"Does the time of day seem to affect this at all? Does day/night have any noticeable impact on this issue?"
No matter if day or night.

"What was the server load like? How many people were online at the time, were there a significant amount of zombies/players/bodies in the area at the time?"
Zombies and loot might effect. No matter if 10 or 40 people on the server.

I've played Chernarus+ alone in the editor in Arma 3 and performance is very good. I can run stable 60 fps in Cherno and everywhere else but in standalone it's between 20-40fps. I'm wondering if the loot is very unoptimized in this game or is the building draw different in A3 and DayZ?

For me it feels completely unoptimized client side issue and Rocket has sad that client side isn't optimized at all so I'm really waiting for it. I really feel like stable 60 fps pretty much everywhere can be achieved after the optimization.

May 10 2016, 2:09 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T86612: Even small slopes make you stop running (when having flashlight on hands turned off and to the side).

Workaround for now is you need to release the running key so you jog. I've my running on shift+W and if too steep slope comes I release shift and I jog. If I wouldn't release it I would walk.

But this thing needs to be fixed at some point.

May 10 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T86459: No right mouse button zoom for Mosin with iron sights.

I kind of hope this is a feature.

May 10 2016, 1:09 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T86442: [Collision] Collection of buildings that make the character stop on stairs or doorways etc..

Some more additions yesterday and today.

May 10 2016, 1:07 PM · DayZ
StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce on T86442: [Collision] Collection of buildings that make the character stop on stairs or doorways etc..
May 10 2016, 1:07 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T86440: Loot @ Deerstand North of Kamenka.

This has been true on every deerstand that I've visited.

May 10 2016, 1:07 PM · DayZ
StJimmy added a comment to T84947: Game launches with small and wrong resolution.

RTSS RivaTuner Statistics Server seems to be the cause of this now. It wasn't back in the day when I reported because this happened even without it. Now this only happens if I've RTSS running.

May 10 2016, 12:21 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy added a comment to T84947: Game launches with small and wrong resolution.

The DXGI seems to happen likely because I've to close the task from the task manager. I'm now trying to see if it's Avast doing something though I can likely say sure about that only in the next week. No time to test more.

May 10 2016, 12:21 PM · Arma 3
StJimmy added a comment to T84947: Game launches with small and wrong resolution.

350.12 drivers have the same issue so it isn't that.

I removed those parameters and still the same thing.

May 10 2016, 12:21 PM · Arma 3