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Walking energy consumption is too extreme
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


There's no reason to walk in DayZ. Has been like that for over a year already.
It's more efficient to jog everywhere and even sprint is good when you compare it to the walking. Walking consumes way too much energy. Also it doesn't keep you warm. Make the walking state consumption at least half what it is now so there's at least some reason to even use it.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Walk and notice you can't go as far without getting hungry as if you jog.

Additional Information

I can post a video later if you want to see the difference. Though I believe you can easily calculate that from the numbers you've in the files.



The boring walking/jog part is 4x speed up.
It took ~944s to jog and get the orange hungry status.
It took ~2156s to walk and get the orange hungry status.

I don't know the speed of those movements. Knowing those would be easy to calculate the energy/distance ratio for both of those movements. All you can easily see is that you can cover a lot more by jogging.

I start from a certain point.
I start to walk just when I've reached the yellow hungry status.
Then I walk until hungry status is orange.
I stop, eat and start to jog back when my hungry status has just changed to yellow.
Jog until the hungry status is orange.

Notice how much further I got when I jogged compared to walking.

Event Timeline

StJimmy edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 1 2016, 8:18 PM
StJimmy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
StJimmy set Category to Balancing.
StJimmy set Reproducibility to Always.
StJimmy set Severity to None.
StJimmy set Resolution to Open.
StJimmy set Legacy ID to 408283455.May 9 2016, 12:26 AM
StJimmy edited a custom field.
StJimmy added a subscriber: StJimmy.

Added a video and information in additional information:

The boring walking/jog part is 4x speed up.
It took ~944s to jog and get the orange hungry status.
It took ~2156s to walk and get the orange hungry status.

I don't know the speed of those movements. Knowing those would be easy to calculate the energy/distance ratio for both of those movements. All you can easily see is that you can cover a lot more by jogging.

I start from a certain point.
I start to walk just when I've reached the yellow hungry status.
Then I walk until hungry status is orange.
I stop, eat and start to jog back when my hungry status has just changed to yellow.
Jog until the hungry status is orange.

Notice how much further I got when I jogged compared to walking.

Geez added a comment.Feb 12 2016, 9:53 AM

Hello St. Jimmy and thank you for the report.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.