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Game stutters when moving mouse, if mouse polling rate is above 125hz
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Using Logitech G502 with latest Ghub software, which allows you to choose the polling rate of the mouse.

When set above 125hz and moving the mouse ingame, it causes a severe stutter.

Slowly moving the mouse does not stutter.

Changing to "software cursor" has no effect, stutter remains.

Dropping the polling rate to its lowest setting cures the issue entirely.

Using a controller does not cause any issues.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  • Set mouse polling rate to anything above 125hz using mouse software
  • Move mouse in game to produce issue
  • Tab out and reduce polling rate
  • Back in game the issue is gone

Event Timeline

noisimus created this task.May 19 2022, 3:21 PM

Having exactly the same issue...

Getting frames in the 60 /70 FPS but using the mouse to turn my character causes major stutters. If i keep spinning in one direction it's kind of stable bet if i then try to spin the other way it's almost like it don't recognise the mouse input.

I have tried an X-Box controller and that is fine can spin about to my heart's content.

Lowering the DPI on the mouse seems to improve the issue but dose not cure it.

I have also tried a Logitech G900 and that has the same issues.

Also as a test i tried the new DayZ on the enfusion engine and that is exactly the same making both games unplayable.

Hi again

Just downloaded and installed the software for my mouse Tecknet M009 Gaming Mouse to see if a lower DPI would help but It didn't, just seemed to as at 50 DPI you had to move the mouse so fast and far just to rotate slightly.

Then i started looking at other settings and changed the USB Reporting rate from 500 Hz to 250 Hz and then it was 100% fine in game, so there seems to be an issue with Enfusion Engine reading higher rate USB Reporting.

I hope this helps you to resolve the issue and enable me to restore the default USB reporting rate of the mouse and solve other peoples issues at the same time.

Likely related to the negative mouse acceleration that they have in the game? Very noticeable how bad it's when you go in vehicle turret.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 20 2022, 11:28 AM