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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 2:18 AM (622 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Upvoted, as you said "A slider with a displayed blast radius" would be the easiest to do i believe, 1 = full strengh and 0 = just for the show.
I was about to create an issue about this.
Raptor : 10 seconds is too much, unless you're are garroting the target. 5 seconds would be enough IMO.
"Victim must have chanse for counteratack! "
No he shouldn't, it's a stealth kill, how could you counter attack a stab? It takes less than a second to accomplish the move from behind. If you want the possibility to counter attack go play a medieval game.
From the link posted above :
"A comparison of the M14 and the AK-47 performed by the United States Army shows that the AK-47 can penetrate helmets within a range of 400 meter"
I haven't seen a single proof of what you're saying scrim.
"Most modern helmets will actually be able to stop a 7.62 round,"
May 9 2016
Upvoted for the lefties
It is possible, buy a better keyboard...
"Can easily avoid the Hiding effect by turning down the object render distance :P "
You clearly never played online, most servers force and lock the object/terrain details.
Blind firing is retarded. Period.
upvoted :)
This is 2013 and we can't eliminate a sentry silently (no, a suppressed pistol is not silent).
Upvoted, it would give a little advantage to bullpups which are a lot easier to use in a vehicle.
Are you serious? Most of us can't get more than 35Fps and you want to maximize the grass draw distance?
upvoted, very important
I tried shooting a civilian with a pistol (9mm) and i needed 3 bullets in the torso to kill him...
I'm not sure, because now the switch is on the S when in semi-auto mode, meaning that S never meant SAFE but rather semi-auto. I don't know a lot about firearms but i figured SA would be better for semi-auto mode. If someone knowing more about this subject could help.
Anyway it's not a big deal, i just find it confusing, i guess the issue can be closed.
Not really, 1307 is about animation, mine is about the weapon model, and the SDAR does not have a semi-auto mode (visually) contrary to the MX, therefore it should always be on Fire mode. Moreover we cannot switch to Safe mode on any weapon.
Thank you for upvoting :)
I agree with Killface.
Upvote this
Upvoted, it would give an advantage to bull pups because you are forced to lower your rifle if it's a full length design.
very important, upvoted :)
Is 100 votes the maximum ?
It would be a shame if ArmA didn't have this feature. UPVOTE
upvoted, devil is in the details