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More realistic balistics(bullet drop, windage) and other ACE features on "expert mode"
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Would be nice to see some of ACE features in released game on expert mode.
Wounds, balistics, etc.


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Not A Bug

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severgun edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 7 2013, 5:26 PM
severgun edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
severgun set Category to Gameplay.
severgun set Reproducibility to N/A.
severgun set Severity to Feature.
severgun set Resolution to Not A Bug.
severgun set Legacy ID to 2751083636.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM

It's already there.

It's already there.


No wind
No wounds, only 2 states (wounded/not wounded)
No loss of consciousness
No medecine (epinephrine, morphine, bandage)
No stamina and weight influence("Run, Forrest, Run!")
No bipods
No ACE weapons/ammo (arty, guns carried in parts, laser guided missiles, etc.)

Now "expert mode" mean only hardcore AI and some settings like no HUD, no crosshair.

Goose added a subscriber: Goose.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM
Goose added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 6:32 PM

Why do you say there is no bullet drop? That is concerning. When / where did you notice that?

Sorry. My fault. There is bullet drop. But everything else?

Eskill added a subscriber: Eskill.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM
Eskill added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 6:40 PM

This is only alpha as of yet and it have only been out for 2 days.

I'm sure this will be incorporated later on.

Don't they have stamina implemented? as for medicine, I prefer the way arma3 did it, rather then lots of different medicines, you get a single medical pack to heal yourself once, I feel that works well and if you want more complicated medicine things just use ace, right?

Also, I can understand the no blacking out, it gets boring sitting there staring at a black screen.

This is only alpha as of yet and it have only been out for 2 days.

That's why I placed tag: "Feature Request"

I'm sure this will be incorporated later on.

That was not in ArmA 2 OA/CO and was not mentioned at E3 year ago. So we need to pray.

Now I am pessimistic. But the hope is still there.

Yes, as Eskill said, you have to keep in mind this is a VERY limited set of functionality and features as this is the first Alpha build. They are looking for more serious failures in more core functionality, not so much things that are missing.

Though, I do support, windage and bipods, those are the only two I'm not sure will be added(minus loss of consciousness and lots of medicine, which I feel isn't needed unless your a ace player), Really want to see bipods especially.

...this is a VERY limited set of functionality and features as this is the first Alpha build...

I'm not asking it for now. I'm asking it for release.

ACE Features list:

Robot added a subscriber: Robot.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM
Robot added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 6:56 PM

upvoted, very important

I would not like loss of consciousness and lots of medicine for release, I'm sorry, that's just WAY to complex for me at least to enjoy. I fully support BIS with the current model for healing yourself.

Again, if you need that functionality, ace will likely give it for DL.

..I'm not asking it for now. I'm asking it for release.

Then, from a QA employees point of view, don't clutter the bug tracker with feature requests when the game isn't going to be "released" for at least another 8-9 months. The devs need bug reports, not feature requests.

I would not like loss of consciousness and lots of medicine for release, I'm sorry, that's just WAY to complex for me at least to enjoy.

If this mode will be done, just don't play it. Normal mode is normal. HUD, crosshair, noob AI, etc. (Also, there is some more intermediate levels of complexity)

Then, from a QA employees point of view, don't clutter the bug tracker with feature requests when the game isn't going to be "released" for at least another 8-9 months.

LOL Do you really think that this features can be done in 2 days before release?
Ok. Where is feature requests thread? Roadmap is clean.

I'm pretty sure I would not like to see that even in elite game mode, but use ace if you have to have loads of medicine, also, multiple medicines couldn't be limited to just elite by the pure nature of the game, you ether have the meds or not, not elite mode tons of meds.

...but use ace if you have to have...

There is no ACE for ArmA3 and it will not be released right after game release.
ACE mode was made by community in their spare time, which means speed and quality of coding is pretty bad. People work better if it is the main job and they paid for it.

ArmA without ACE is just regular shooter.

And I like it as a regular shooter, I play arma as a GAME, not a supperly realistic mil sim, I HATE ace, evne if I like some of the options, other things are just too complicated to get the hang of, I couldn't use ace for more thena few hours, and I couldn't even figure out how to heal myself.

Luckz added a comment.Mar 8 2013, 9:14 AM

I don't want to deprive others of the ability to enjoy the game to the fullest, so I'm voting yes even if I have little interest in using epi-pens.

I HATE ace, evne if I like some of the options, other things are just too complicated...

facepalm again.
Just use normal mode or other one for noobs. That's why I want this features ONLY IN ONE MODE, for people, which can read. Which can read help topics and key list. Which want and can play hardcore. I know a few games that combine the arcade and simulator. This is possible and I want this for ARMA.

I couldn't even figure out how to heal myself.

If you don't know how airplane works, that doesn't mean, that people shouldn't fly on them.

You don't get what I'm saying at all, ESPECIALLY the medicine, you CAN NOT have complicated medicine in just one game mode, the devs would have to figure out how to make that work with the editor, which would clash with that idea. also, why do we need blacking out, in arma2 is your inquired enough you fall to the ground, unable to do anything, that's basically the same exact thing.

As a note, I am ONLY arguing ageinst blacking out and complicated medical systems, the rest will ether for sure be in there, or I hope to see them.

you CAN NOT have complicated medicine in just one game mode

I know games with arcade and simulator modes all-in-one!!!

why do we need blacking out, in arma2 is your inquired enough you fall to the ground, unable to do anything, that's basically the same exact thing.

What are you talking about if you didn't play ACE at all?
With ACE, one hit and you need morphine, if you don't have one, you will be unconscious. In vanilla ARMA you can "rembo" till the end of mission.

Hit in legs - can't walk
Hit in arms - hard to aim, can't heal yourself

It dosin't work in the edtior, that would require a entire revamp of the editor system for items that can only work in one game mode, I don't know about you, but that's at least a years worth of work in my eyes.

The vanilla wounding system makes sense, it shouldn't be so complicated that it takes the fun out of it, which is what that does, I can understand being shot in the lets making it harder to move, and the wounding system will make it hard to aim with ANY damage already, but it dosin't feel like you have to know where your shot(which you cannot do ina game) when you get hurt. And finally, the first aid kit counts as morphine and all that other shit, in one EASY TO USE package. It's stupid to make that more complicated, especially when they announced release in less thena year, so I'm saying, if you want ace use ACE.

Also, one hit will not black out a soldier, if that where the case there wouldn't be a priority system for being wounded in real life, it'll hurt a ton, but you won't be unable to fight with a single gunshot wound to your arm or leg.

It dosin't work in the edtior, that would require a entire revamp of the editor system for items that can only work in one game mode, I don't know about you, but that's at least a years worth of work in my eyes.

Add 1 item to the Item crate not so hard. And why you always talking about editor?
They can make trigger.
if mode not equal elite, then dont spawn elite stuff.

Because it really is a ton of work to add in something the editor is not designed for, it was never designed for game mode in mind, they'd have to script in whole new stuff just to cater to items that only exist for hard core players, that, to me, would be a very very bad design decision this late in development. Windage, on the other hand, is easier to script in, you don't have to make new items or script commands for it, you just have to make wind effect bullets if on a certain level of hardness. It's how you make a game really.

wind is needed! MAybe its in but when it is - I dont recognize it as wind.

cevune added a subscriber: cevune.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM

"No wind
No loss of consciousness
No medecine (epinephrine, morphine, bandage)
No stamina and weight influence("Run, Forrest, Run!")
No bipods"
There are weather options for wind, so I'd be surprised if they didn't implement an effect on bullet physics by release. Though that seems like more of a beta/post beta issue than an alpha build test.
Loss of conciousness would be interesting, but again, not an alpha build feature.
Well there are FAKs which are essentially the bandages, plus boxes with some form of medical item, so again, I'd be surprised if they didn't implement more wound detail in future versions. I mean hell, we have those already and the game isn't populated with the full item list (as far as i know, anyway)
Stamina and weight? I can positively say that as your stamina runs out you move more slowly, your weapon is less stable etc as per previous titles, but i haven't been able to test whether or not actual load makes a difference (though I have heard tell that it does, in fact)
No bipods sadly, but there is at least one, probably multiple claims on that feature alone ( )

We do need wind affecting bullets.

Try placing some target 1 km away, zero in your rifle to a range close to that, press hold breath key and fire. Hitting it is way too easy, while IRL wind would ruin that shot.

Remember how without ACE snipers ruled Takistan? Dudes who run with M107 and Javelin?

SYSTEM added a subscriber: SYSTEM.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM

the stamina system in ACE was more than just weight and aim shattering.

weather was a factor (extremely hot summer tired you more than a fresh breeze), woundings where a Factor, if you had got morphine was a factor. you where not able to run the whole time, at a time you had tiny black outs and fell down, and if you wouldn'T slow down, it would appear faster and more often until you were not able to stand up for a specific amount of time.

the wounding system was not just 4 more items to use, but they had a function and they had risks
using epinephrine on a bleeding soldier wouldnt help much
when he wasnt bleeding and you used only morphine, he wouldnt wake up
if you used too much morphine he gets an overdose, resulting in extreme aim shake, perhaps blindness and resulting in death through overdose.

there was an option to set revive time. so when he was hit very bad, instead of dying instantly he could be unconscious for as long as mission maker wished. after that, without treatment he would die. you could give some CPR or stabilize him to extend his lifetime.

its hardcore, but it is extreme immersive and should be there Asap. i hope ACE devs are fast.

@goldblaze: you were not unconscious by one shot, but with bloodloss and pain you could fall unconscious at any time. the higher the bloodloss, the higher the chance

@SYSTEM - this is a brilliant example for stuff that the community would be eager to provide.

I think this would be best implmented by a mod team.

BUT! A big BUT.

I think BI should deliever all that is needed to implement such a system in a polished way.

Animations are the biggest part of that - exspecially since BI got their own motion capture studio!

What would be needed is:
An animation for treating a wounded (not the current animation which made it back from Arma 2)
An Animation for a humbling soldiers (beeing hit in the leg)
Animation for beeing stabalized.

And if that is delievered - let the community play with it. It wont take more than a week till the first system will be out then;)

Best regards

I agree with nordkindchen.


i loved ACE, best mod for arma 2 by far.
it was one of the best feelings when you set up for the 1800-2000m sniper shot, you had wind accounted for as well as drop and then bang...

you watched as the little red tracer flew through the air and into your target

Rewan added a subscriber: Rewan.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM
Rewan added a comment.Mar 13 2013, 2:02 PM

Sorry but ArmA II balances Game with Milsim. ACE unbalance toward the Milsim part a little too much in my opinion. (Heck if you want real milsim just get VBS or go to the closest army recruitement building).

Anyways there'll be a ACE3 mod (at least I hope), just wait for it and stop trying to push on other people your favorite mod because it's "t3h sw4g l33t 0mgZ"

And before any of you can cry because "I just don't like ACE" or that I'm a "noob" : WGL was one of my favorite mod. ;-)

@Rewan: WGL? I like some of the things from ace, but I agree there's things ace does too much, I'd love to see windage for example, but ina limited way, possibly hard mode it? but I really, really don't want to see complex, over the top medicine and wound states, If I wanted to learn to be a army/airforce/etc medical officer...well yeah, XD. There's allot of stuff that are reasonable though that could easily fit into the game without pushing into too milsim.

Luckz added a comment.Mar 13 2013, 2:38 PM

IMO ArmA 3 should strive to be more realistic than the hyper-realistic milsim Battlefield 3 (hurr) in every aspect, and at least on par with the WW2 arcade shooter Red Orchestra 2 (hurr).

BF3 has bipods, RO2 has weapon colliding with terrain/objects.. surely having those in the base as well as some wind isn't too much to ask for.

Considering ArmA 2 already "boasts the most realistic combat environment in the world. It models real world ballistics & round deflection, materials penetration, features a realtime day/night cycle and dynamic wind, weather and environmental effects" ....

Rewan added a comment.Mar 13 2013, 4:37 PM

@goldblaze : WGL was the "Ultra duper mega swag realistic mod" for OFP (now known as ArmA Cold War Assault), flying an AH1 never have been more fun... being interrupted every 20 seconds by engine/hydraulic/weapon system/radar failure :p
Great mod nonetheless.

@Luckz, I don't know if you looked into the Mission Editor but since A3 you can define the direction/strength/gusts in the "Advance Intel" part. (That wasn't available before).
As for the bipods, I'm for them but as a bonus feature rather than a "MUSTDOOMGNOTREALISTIFDONT". Weapon colliding with terrain/objects... I would say the engine limit this, but I ain't any expert in that area.

@Rewan, I think he meant the wind effecting bullets, which I can understand, and I don't think it'd be hard to implement, but that means we won't know if it's in there as far as tell release, so fingers crossed(for that in hard mode anyway., windage would frustrate the fuck out of newbs, I dunno about you, but I'd like to see new people join the community, as does BIS.)

weapon collision is very, very hard, AND, it's not needed for a core feature, just because you can clip your gun through a object right now won't make it a terrible game, hehe, it's be nice, but I would call it very low priority, it's not impossible with the engine I don't think, but you probably need to add a new bounding box to what you have already, which is harder then it sounds, bipods I think would be easy by comparison. :P

Why would this features only be available in expert mode?
I think wind-affected bullets is a must on every level. If they wanna do an authentic mil-sim, it shouldn't be that easy to get a 1000 meters hit

Well the OP wants everything in expert mode, even things that would take too much time to expert mode it, besides, wind effected bullets, are very hard, again, would drive away the newbs doing reqruit, maybe regular, and defiantly hard and vetrian should have wind though, besides, you can stll have wind in recruit if it was option, you can choose to enable or disable individual things in hard, regular etc.

Why would this features only be available in expert mode?

Noob players and DayZ kids want play with laser guns.(point and kill)

I think this would be best implemented by a mod team.

Community doesn't have fulltime paid job for that.
Money is a stimulus to make code better.

If you play Arma 3, you're playing it for its realism and large scale sandbox warfare. If you want an easy game for running and gunning this isn't your game then.

ACE features are a MUST HAVE!

I'ms till against total ace features, and I'll keep saying it, it is too much, I don't like the radio system, I don't like the medical system, and I don't like the idea of weapons jamming up, heck, my real life soldier freinds don't like that idea, what we do like, is bipods, wwindage and other features that seem nature in a game.

Also, on the subject of radios, why bother, people would just cheat by using team speak or skype anyway.

As rewan says arma3 is a game that balences game with milsim, and we like it that way, ace is there for the total mil sim.

I'ms till against total ace features, and I'll keep saying it, it is too much

I'm still want to say. Go and play total mil sim, CoD!
Noobs must play in noob mode on servers for noobs with crosshair, map markers, gps etc.

and I don't like the idea of weapons jamming up, heck, my real life soldier freinds don't like that idea

In real life weapons stop jamming when you don't want that? No? So why it shouldn't jam?

people would just cheat by using team speak

LOOOOOL Can you explain that?
Teamplay is a cheat? 0_o
Shacktac, UO, WOG, Tushino and others communities are cheaters cuz they are using radio through TeamSpeak?

the radiothing is ACRE, another mod designef for usage with ace (but an optional one)

but hey, yes, i get it. i want to play a Mil Sim, what the game was intended, so i am the hyp0r Sw4g 3L1t3 guy, that has to GTFO because Arma clearly has to be point and shoot and autoheal.

Rewan added a comment.Mar 14 2013, 1:30 PM

severgun, I advise you enlisting yourself in the army since everyone playing this game not like you is a "noob". Stop trying to act like a "pro" and become one I say... in real life that is.

Now ACE and ur "uberleet" features splits the community in two kind and I'm pretty sure that's not what BIS wants. (Else there would be no A3, only game would be VBS3 with full ressources of BIA and BIS behind it).

......You're acting like I think arma as is a mil sim, it's not, and i LIKE it that way, half mil sim, half game, use fucking ace, or better yet, amaricas army!!!! for the total mil sim, seriously, play AA, it has everything as a core game and can be effing modded, so it's all you fucking want, XD

ViiK added a subscriber: ViiK.May 7 2016, 11:27 AM
ViiK added a comment.Mar 14 2013, 2:12 PM

@goldblaze and Rewan
I don't get your arguments as OP requested these features only for specific difficulty settings. Next step would be to have a proper support for custom difficulty settings where you can enable/disable features to your own liking or tailor them to a specific server. Half of this stuff is done again and again by mission makers - re-inventig a wheel (aka having markers on map but no 3-rd person camera, by running veteran and making their own map markers using script).

Another point. Year after realise each ARMA/OFP game becomes a platform for mods, this is what keeps new people joining, this is what brings new sales. It's not like if BIS implements requested features then we don't need ACE or game will become a solely for hardcore players - there will be mods which will add even more complex features and newer players will have even more choice and variety of server without need to deepdive into specific mods. More or less what you want - to have balistics, winding and etc. without let's say ACE wounds, that exactly how you can get it when it's not a part of the mod but a switchable feature of the core game.

Another point here is that it was extremely difficult and limiting to make features such as balistics and damage model just by using scripts. Now it seams that basis for modular damage model is already in game - I don't see you complaining about that.

PS: There are many people here who served in army, including me, this dosn't make our opinion on GAME/MILSIM more valid then others. We are not discussing RL here, leave your "I've been to army - I know better" for other places.

I'm not arguing against wounding systems, or windage, I want those features, it's the complex stuff that's like, blacking out, or complex medical systems, that's something ace can do, arma3 will already have a basis for medical items thanks to the FAK, that can be expanded on by ACE, but, I want the stuff that's easy to grasp in the core game(Windage on normal/hard mode, bipods/weapon deployment, a simple yet fun wounding system, and a simple but expandable medical system) but not 10 different medicines, having to sit there at a black screen for half a hour because I didn't USE the right medicine, as for radios, might be nice actually to have a bit more complex radio system, but you need a reason for people to use the normal radio over team speak to cercomvent the in game radio.

my main argument is because the core game is for the entire comunity, not just ACE people, the devs NEED to cater to all of us, and the best way to do that is with systems that a newb can learn, but mods can expand on, ACE users will still have ace for the total mil sim.

Rewan added a comment.Mar 14 2013, 2:42 PM

"specific difficulty settings"

That's my problem, there's only ONE community of ArmA, you don't go around throwing hardcore features that might delay the release of the final game for a minority of people that enjoys picturing themselves as "better" in a GAME because they have a better grasp at gamemechanics. (Because it's all about the gamemechanics in the end)

If the features were planned by BIS from the beginning I have no problem against it, if it's just something they "HAVE TO ADD CUZ ITS PRO" then I have a problem :
Again, don't get me wrong, I played with the WGL 5.1 in OFP - MP included; I played ACE/ACE2 with "simili-militari" structures, it's fun... a little bit, but you shouldn't abuse it else you loose the "game-aspect" of the hybridish Infmilsim/Game ArmA is.
I'm not quite opposed to ALL the features from the ACE (would love to have bipods for exemple), what I'm against here is the mentality of some people that disregard the community they are part of.

@Rewan: well, it was statet that is was on elite mode, or the better, integrate it as a module that can be expanded by modders, but i think the core functions of the medical system in Ace should be there, ready to enable if the mission maker wishes, so it is not so much of a hassle for the ACE devs to find a proper implementing system and that they only need to expand.

@SYSTEM, I think it depends on the wounding system you want, there can be too much in that reguard, espesally if that wounding system is deprendant on 10 diffrent medical supplies, but I want to wear what you want for a woundign system, as bis does have plans to add one, later.

well, the Ace wounding and medical system was fine in my op.
there where 3 kinds of bandages (normal ones, bandage kits for bigger bleedings, tourniquets) morphine and epinephrine (there was some more, but my com never used these, so i am not used to them and they are not absolutely necessary), and medkits for medics to get some basic field dressing of heavily wounded soldiers (would lead to some resting damage, but not much). i liked the bleeding and the blacking out, made it a bit more dangerous to run around bleeding because you could faint in front of an enemy. you had to rely on your team when you where hurt, someone would potentially carry you to a medic while the rest of the team provides cover. it was just really immersive, and i like it much more than the one click heal system it is right now.

ViiK added a comment.Mar 14 2013, 3:07 PM

"Minority", not sure who you mean by that, last time I recall the most populated servers were DAYZ/Wasteland, ACE based scenarios, Warfares (many running veteran) and different kinds of closed community servers. What is most important all those "minority" servers were running MODS, not just vanila games with a recruit settings.

I've seen a number of mods that have partial features of ACE or the same features with a different implementation and their own twiist. All that work people had to do from scratch.

I'll just ask our community to vote this up as one of the main reasons why we still play (almost) the same game for the last 10 years is modability of the game. If requested feature gives more advantage to modders - people who create content versus people who just consume it - aka casual ARMA players, we will vote it sky up as some of us are modders as well.

This is not about some elite old gamers versus casual players, this is derived from past experience spent in modders driven game, which attracted huge amount of casual gamers at the end, not the other way around.

@ system They might add a wounding system and bleeding out that'll knock you out, they have bleeding already installed in the game so they just need to add the wounding system, but, again, I think FAKs, are enough, they still count as limited supplies, and only heal so much, while a medical officer is the only one that can heal you totally, that seems like enough, just pretend the FAK has all that medical gear inside it, you can still only carry so many and have to be carful about gettign shot.(If I remember, in ace, you still just had apply bandage in the action menu anyway.)

@goldblaze: that were some advanced settings to limit morphine and epinephrine to medics, its not default.

"Implement all the ACE things" is not a valid feature request.

Please search for existing feature requests and vote those up, otherwise create a new separate ticket for each feature request that does not yet exist.