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- Mar 7 2013, 3:36 AM (623 w, 1 d)
Jun 27 2016
Jun 18 2016
figured out the issue, but it's weird, basically, the sensitivity is too low on the throttle default sensitivity, you have to push it 75-100% to get it feeling like the throttle is doing anything, (you also need to make sure to make sure the + and - sides of the axis are set to thrust.)
I have this problem as well, I use a thrustmaster hotas x, only real work around is using thrust increase and decrease, but that's a bit meh.
Jun 15 2016
Jun 11 2016
May 10 2016
Could equip it to the laser or flashlight spot, so you have to choose between said items.
Especially useful as paratroops can't carry backpacks or other heavy supplies that need to be in a backpack for these kinds of missions.
Anyone else experience this?
m4 scorcher, mk6 mortar and the mlrs, I try to do the mortar about half a click to one km, the scortcher about 5 click away, and the mlrs aboout half the map, I'll add the steps real quick
the speed is actually set using the images that show a solder walking, running and sprinting.
must be, I think it'll be on stable in a few days or a week or two.
Tis a duplicate of 0018377
Like maybe being able to select one or more units and have a unique command or menu for firing on a position.
Preferably without using team-speak, it's better when TS is optional and such.
Definitely would be nice.
maybe you should report the need for combat mode options in feedback lehmann.
Would like to see for sure.
Especially in ZSC, makes defending a sector much harder when they can see the mines as you place them, haha.
Could also just sync the support module to certain players, would also be nice to see a zeus able to create fire missions from vehicles when a player calls it in through the radio, like they would to a commander.
Would be nice, especially as Zeus can only lanuch the basic warheads and such, so you don't need laser designation or FOs for the artillery.
I can't see it and I'm on the dev build, strange.
I'm of the opinion that, while it'd be nice to see some female PC models for SP and MP, I'm not sure it matters, all the female friends I have that play arma don't care that you can only play as a guy in the game.
Figure out why they do this, the engines are not running at time of spawn, so a temp fix would be _this setPos [getPos _this select 0,getPos _this select 1,1000] In the vehicle init box to give it time to recover from the fall, though, still needs to be fixed in that engines should be onn when used.
Edit: or not, haha, still crashes the UAV, this fix was for a f-18 mod I found, UAV still acts as if no one is driving.
Edit 2: fixed the crashing issue, but still disconnects as soon as it's called, so still can't be used for support calls.
Also needs a jet autopilot so you won't crash while in the laser and ir screens.
True, I just kinda like the IR and laser screens that jets have, they seem like fun if done right.
I would think that different lock techniques would be nice, depending on the missile used and how it would lock on, and of course, taking into consiteration the glass cockpit and the helmets with the hud built in and such, haha, the tab lock is only really good for radar based systems that lock onto long range air targets, I'd rather have a laser hud, and the IR systems that lock onto the heat signatures right in front.(unless that's changed with technology upgrades, like being able to chose what IR sig is locked on, depends really.) Just would like to see 3 different, but easy to use systems of locking.
I'd like to see this, at least for marksman DLC a improvement to the action menu and button interface, anything at all that's better then what we have would be welcome for sure.
I like the idea of a slightly more dificult target aqusition, just not too over the top, just edits based on the missile types and how the lock and track, haha, we don't want it so complicated that it's hard to get into.
I think this would be a good idea.
still need this, even in Zeus, :P
Try setting the blocks to a certain hight.
I don't think the fatague system is in there yet for weight ether.
No, becasue in ace, earplugs don't have negative effects, so you put them in, and never take them out, might as well be standard gear. rught here, upvote?
Also, I left the info small so one could make suggestions on how to do it and such.
re post of a few others, XP(I have one of these too.)
And you also have to make new gear, like the wind measurement thing, and possibly add zeroing for wind as well as range, haha.
I don't want ace in it's serenity ether, the idea is more for windage to affect snipers and such, usually wind doesn't do much in CQC and such, just seems nice to have, and it's easy to implament, also means the spotter actually has more of a job, haha, there's a reason you usually need spotters, :P
Oh? link please, I serched using the keyword 'wind'
Well, I eman like you can choose the players once the mission is made and such, think like you start up a can designer for at least 00 plahyers, but you only want a squad vs squad game, you can pick that in the paramiters, and the player slots would reflect this, just somethign I'd like not a big deal if it dosin't happen though.
No it can't, the number of player slots in a mission is hard set by the mission designer, you can't change it on the fly when you start up a pre-made mission and go to the parameters.
I don't really like ACRE, minor things might be nice, but mostly don't think something like radio jamming or have bad signal woould work unless you could get people to use the in game voice over team speak or steam voice, those two things should be mods, but a realistic feel to the raido channels might be nice, as well ashearing when someone talks near you even if they're on another channel.
May 9 2016
that depends, how removable are bipods on most weapons, like, can you remove them the way you can the scope, and, what should be put on if you take the bipod off?(only reason to take it off would be to put on on.} part of this is because unlike many scopes and side attachments, underslung stuff is apparently very hard to remove or doesn't always fit.
I like that it can zoom in and out as well.
If you mean on the scale of ace, probably not going to happen, that kind of thing isn't fun for the average player.
It's already at a phase were it's not too complicated, you have diffrent parts of the body that take damage differently, the only way to make it 'better' would be to add major artery detection and have bleed outs and such.
They'll be including a wounding and bleeding wound system...likely not as realistic as you guys want, but it's how it goes.
I know, XDD, I mean I wanted to know for a opinion on other GLs should be taken off tickets, after all, the only reason to have GLs taken off is to put something else on, like a bipod, foregrip, or that special under-slung shot gun.
I'm more just curious for other tickets and such, :)
Does that include bipod and hand grip type attachments as well? just curious, because some people are arguing for interchanging attachments like that, but if they can't be changed on the fly then doesn't seem like a big deal then, :o
Would be nice, but they might not have time for it, which is unfortunate really, would love to be able to put a launcher on a appropriate weapon.
It is a nice idea, but I'd like go to say that it's a low priority feature, unfortunatly, they MIGHT add it if they have time, but they might do somethign else more likely, like bipods.
snachal charge at wall, hiding behind the second hanger from it, died, lol.
IT's really too bad you can't delete or edit feedback posts, :(
Though, I did survive when I was hiding behind the container right behind that hanger, reason I wonder if those hangers are designed not for cover and such.
Well after O posted this I remembered that the hangers don't count as good cover haha, I was trying to distroy that one wall to the far right on the airfield, that thing is indestructible, I used to explosive charges and two snachal charges, haha, but yeah, there's allot of things you can't seem to use as cover though.
Also, keeping barrel awareness is really important if you're doing a bounding fire line(where your standing up and a freind is kneeling in front of you, I think that can be used for lots of bullets down range, not sure if there's any oter use for that stance.)
Yeah exploited, this isn't a arcade game where your sights are actually a camera inside your barrel, you have to check where your barrel is while using stance to get your barrel up juuuuust enough, best way to do this is quickly switchign in and out of optics.
Seems more reasonable to me, you have to make sure your barrel is not in front of the rocks, remember, you barrel and sights are not in the same place as the gun, the closer you are the more off this will be, depending on the zeroing on the scope. It takes some stance adjustment and going in and out of optics to get it right, so I don't think it's a issue.
yeah, getting on vehicles would be complicated but would be worth the addition if they did, even if you basically just attach to the vehicle like you do on a mh-6.
Yeah, I'd get off REAL fast if I was on a tank being fired on, but there might be a situation where you main weapons are disabled but you don't want to abandon the vehicle. also, riding on the side of a would you get off if you were being shot at in the air? XD
Also, at the very least would be nice if you could climb up on a vehicle, something I got from a freind shows that just being on top of a vehicle will allow it to carry you, which would be a simple way to let you do this improvised stuff at least for ground vehicles.
I think the the situations he's talking about would be if there's not seats available, there likely should be a limit to how many can get on a vehicle like that, and issues that come with that(like a limited aim radius depending on how your sitting on the vehicle) and some vehicles I don't think you could sit on, like the hunter does not seem like something you could hang onto/lay on.
Just keep asking, BIS relies primarily on word of mouth to sell their games, making the user base happy will almost have to be a nessesity, now of course, there's certain ace features that ARE too hard core, but the ace mods will take care of those hard core things.
As a note, reason I don't think shooting out of windows and such in not OP, look at BF3 please, it works in that game, and you're ina armored vehicle!, shooting out a window will leave you more unprotected then that.
I want to shoot out of windows as well, after all, they do that in war too, heck, a sniper rifle inside a humvee would be fun, evne if moving that thing around would be as annoying as heck(and resonably so!)
Could be a mistake? I know I set a feedback or two incorrectly, can't change it after you make the feedback, which is a LITTLE silly in my opinion.
I don't think you need to be able to open a backback to see into it, you can open them if you need to(unless you actually can't) but take all, I like.
I think they haven't added stamina yet, we know that that's going in for sure but it's not in there yet.
-Making Foregrips, Grenade Launchers and Bipods/Gripods an attachable item not a separate weapon."
IF they even add the two other items, which I hope they do, would be lovely to see them, but the devs might not have time to mess with stuff like that, so it's hard to tell.