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- Mar 6 2013, 12:48 AM (624 w, 7 h)
May 10 2016
Isn't that intentional? I don't really need a swin mask outside of the water or am I getting that wrong?
Jumping from any height in full gear needs some recovery time. Animation isn't perfect, but knowing where to move (and where not) while in a firefight can also give you an advantage over your opponent if he makes a wrong step (e.g. over an edge).
Press [Num] 0 (default) to use sights! Works on EVERY weapon with sights available! Never used it in any ArmA title before?
God dammit, I'm typing too slow. :P
Loved ACRE...
Will love it more if it gets official...
VSync in ArmA was never a good idea to use. Unless you use TrackIR or freelook very often (like literally ALL THE TIME), it's not a big deal. Just my two cents. :)
Saw a lot of posts from you. On a mad "Get-your-facts-straight-don't-duplicate-issues"-reply-spree? :P
What do you exactly mean by "flicker"?
Sure, the framerate of the screen is worse than your usual sights, because it uses PiP (huge amount of processing power wents into this).
He put this issue under "low" priority and as "trivial". Don't nag. ;)
I think that's normal. Considering that PiP has to render a second "screen" which takes a huge amount of processing power. Remember the days, playing split-screen with your buddies on consoles? Either details were getting lost or framerate goes to hell...
Exactly the same thing...
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sorry, forgot about this: On another request (, I wrote that holding the F key is also a viable option.
May 9 2016
Wrong picture? I think?
Most weapons in the alpha use caseless ammo! No shell is ejecting! Look it up!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't even hear the pin being pulled from the grenade. That and the incredible throwing speed feels very unrealistic. Sorry, but even COD (<- mentioning this game here feels like an insult and shouldn't be necessary) feels more realistic in that way.
It's realistic and the way to go in my opinion. Infantry combat should be the fleshed out part of ArmA 3. The "put-primary-on-back"-animation isn't a viable option in CQC. You're nearly faster when reloading your primary...
A similar animation was introduced in ArmA 2 by the SMK Mod and I would really like to see this as the default animation.
If you play Arma 3, you're playing it for its realism and large scale sandbox warfare. If you want an easy game for running and gunning this isn't your game then.
ACE features are a MUST HAVE!
Agreed. Can be found here:
Also, I opened a request for the "Panic Button":
I like it they way it is:
- F cycles through semi-full-gl (or full-semi-gl)
- Weaponswitches through mousewheel + middle mousebutton (so you can't accidential shoot somebody!)
- If you want a safemode, get your freaking finger off the trigger!!!
- The only thing I would really like to see is, if you're holding the F key, it should quickly switch to your pistol, maybe even dropping your primary weapon and yourself (backwards, to "pistol-prone-plus-ctrl-w") on the ground like a panic button in close quarters so you don't have to put yourself through the "primary-weapon-on-back"-animation to pull out your life insurance.
I hope they actually put some 5.56 weapons in there (besides the SDAR). Because all we got now are 6.5 assaultrifles/machineguns and 7.62 marksmanrifles and the recoil on them is fine.
Was does "runs great so far" means from your perspective?
I'm getting around 30 fps in the Editor with only 1 Charakter spawned (me).
We were setting up a 40 player dedicated server (PvP) and it was playable for the most time (around 20-30 fps) but flying around in a helicopter over the map dropped my fps to 10-15.
i7-2600K @stock clocks (3.4-3.8 GHz)
GTX 560 ti @stock clocks (830/1660/2004 MHz)
8 GB RAM @stock clocks (1600 Mhz)
Note: I had the same results in ARMA 2 but with way more characters (AI/Players).
I hope that this issue gets resolved/fixed very soon since it's a funkiller and THE MAJOR PROBLEM of the ARMA series (<- my opinion).
Then why are they called dual purpose if their effectivness goes near 0 when out of water???