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- User Since
- Jun 25 2013, 8:57 PM (609 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
REal life or in game?
Well if you are gona compare GTA V with ARMA 3 you're gona have a bad time. 2 Both different games with both awsome features.
yhea yhea i know i know. SO do i. Its just im comparing it with ace one bc its the only working one. THe only issue we had with ace was the pilot is the only one that can deploy the rope and ofcourse with AI it brings problems. No way of scripting that.
Dennis. I would love to upvote your comment.. Haha thats exactly what alteast i want. Just like ace but. I have to disagree with the Only pilot thingy since AI is way to dumb. Unless tyl3r99's idea gets implemented using WP for making AI fastrope.
Prospekt plz leave this form. THere is not room for people like you. You either upvote a post because you want it and like the idea or you downvote it because you don't like the idea. you're not gona rate somthing because you dont like the way it has been asked.
This should be on the forms i belive.
Just downvote this. This boy is trying to turn this into cod..
Yhea no.
Yhea this system is really nice. I used it in sandbox 2 (Crysis 2). Pretty much draw some shapes in buildings like halways enc and the AI walks all over the place whitin the border of the marked area. As you described ^ doing with vehicles could bring some new features as advanced cargo loading enc.
since when does this game have drones? Anny way i did notice this issue with some other aircraft mods.
Child off 0010634.
I'd like to hear my own country (Netherlands 'dutch') speak in this game.
this allowdamage false; Will make you immortal. Script bunnies use this quite allot.
the thing i said you should do also works for ai. Atleast for me in A3 and A2 it works.
If you somthing for AI units aswell you could use simple vehicle respawn :P It works just fine but yhea takes a lot of time. In this case a module would be better.
marker: Respawn_west
Make a notepad with in it:
respawn= "BASE";
respawndelay= 10;
Save as description. Drag that into your mission folder and you will respawn every after 10 seconds of your death on the marker you called respawn_west(for opfor call it respawn_east)
Lets put this in the not so important catagory.
This is by far the most retarted bug ever. I have not had this luckly but i can understand the frustration to people who have this issue. /upvoted.
Well yes Twist you are right but still. Different types of water different effects. Its just easyer for bis and less time consuming to have evidence and things they can work off then having to find the material themselfs. Also since the poster is a diver himself i htink he can provide us with better info then google. :P
@MulleDK19 he upvoted his own post..
@Mitor. No we want him to suffor for what he did.
1: Makebackups of long work
-I always make backups incase i messup somthing somtimes having up to 20 different mission.sqf's in a special backup folder all date'd and noted with what i changed.
2: This is a mestake you made not the Dev's you cant simply edit text in the mission.sqf whitout knowing what you are doing.
3: Don't come on this feedback tracker and bellently spam it with why you think this is a bad game. Its beta its ment to have mestakes so the devs can work on it.
4: just makeshure in the future you preform step 1.
i forgot 5. If you're mad count to 10 so you dont come here and go raging over your mestake.
actually in A2 it be worse. They Grab they're AT at Inf do nothing with it. then walk away like nothing happend.
and you guys are 100% shure that you aren't driving this thing over a rock or some other decal.
THis is somthing for the script writter and not for bis. UNless bis is implementing a lift system its good to notefy them about this.
Well if you want to make a simulator then id suggest looking into most details and perfecting them.
why would you want to wear a balcava and a helmet. wait nevermind.... That actually sounds logic. /upvoted (aslong as you dont go douchebag wearing a cap and a helmet or bandana and helmet.)
This thing is not a sub sub marine. This thing doesnt come with oxygen tanks to keep you alive inside the vehicle. Its for military divers to get to an location quicker. /downvoted. (just wait for full release till they add real sub marines)
Aint no boddy got time for that! No like seriusly Eve ndo arma is a sim i'd like to be abble to take off whitin 5 min and not an hour.
Yep voted up. We use the 3D's : Direction distance Description:
Visual(enemy spotted but he is in a non combat mode) Contact(Enemy spoted in combat mode about to atack you -> Direction in meters (100 m, 500m half a click) -> direction (North east south west -> bearing 064).
You are explaining things by using resources from youtube. Old outdated video's showing concepts and things never are implemented in real life. You actually are arguing with yourself. You explaining how radars today can track multiple targets witch is true. Then you say they can shoot at all thoes targets (not at the same time). I mean seriously use some comon sense. A plane usually carries not more then 10 AA missiles. Shooting all of them at once is just playing dumb. If they all miss you are screwd. It seems like you do not understand thigns like comon sense and realism. Also calling people realism haters is just childish go away from this feedback track if you cant take people disagreeing with you. Most people think this is an unneeded and unrealistic feature thats why we disvote Its our opinion just as yours is that this is. Pull your head out of your ass.
I do play bms and i do play dcs but thats not the point. I mean if its true what you are saying why has this never been used in real life? right because its either not possible or impractical. How high is the change of hitting 4 targets at the same time? You'd just be wasting ammo. Also you are describing senario's of how this would be usefull. But you are describing behaviour no player will show nor AI. Lets keep it real changing radar in arma to allow multi lock and multi fireing of missiles is not gona change annything usefull. Its just gona allow noobs to shoot down large groups of other pilots trying to achief somthing. The only thing bis should do is add no features as clickable cockpit more cockput sounds Usable MFD's but as already a Dev said not gona happen. Also not because you think somthing is realist means that the rest things aswell. Look at the votes you talking about we and so far we is only 5 people and the rest things its not. Also if you want more realistic flight start making tickets about Damage. Plane physix (Turbulence croswind loss of parts). and other things that do matter.
I mean we can all agree that flying in arma is horrible. But changing somthing that already works is not gona change annything to make it more realistic. The Radar in Arma already works it allows you to track multiple targets and quickly switch between targets after a shot.
LOl i also play DCS BMS4. Its already hard locking on 1 guy and making shure no one else is trying to shoot you. So having to lock on 10 different guys and shooting at them is just useless. Also idk but the change of 1 of hem hitting is small. Wasting so much missiles would just be playing dumb
@Heruon exactly
@Demon Take a chill pill and re read what i just said. Comes down to what CXN2615 said. You are posting this about Fire and forget and Multi radar tracking. Wich is already possible in arma. However Fireing at 10 different targets at the SAME time is impossible. They are trying to make the technology but right now its not possible.
Its not possible. Multi radar tracking is possible but multi engagement is not. Not because other arcade games like HAWX and Ace combat have features means that arma should have them. DCS sims are military grade simulators so lets not even descust if they are realisic or not. This fella is talking about shooting 8 missiles towoards 8 targets that would by today's tech simply cause the system to overload.
Also this feature is not needed at all. Would simply cause unbalance and give hackers whole new things to play with.
^dont feed the trolls :P
Let me gues you used multi aa in hawx.... Seriously this is a simulator thoes games are just arcade shooters for people that want to kill time in they're boring lifes. Also Multi locking does not work in reallife simply because a radar can only focus on 1 thing whitout interfearing with itself. Multi tracking is possible do using radar imput from other aircraft and ground installations giving pilots a dynamic view of where all the enemy's all. But locking on 10 targets at once and shooting a missile at it? no not gona work.
actually people that downvote this look at real facts. You on the otherhand just need to turn back at arcade shooters. Seriously people stop saying that things possible in other games whitout looking at reallife facts should be implemented. Especially features that are gona lead in massife rape.
Pro tip: Don't play wasteland. Also this is somthing with server scripting. Not the game itself. GO to wastland forms and tell them the A3 script is bugged.
Use a normal joystick. IDK but PS3 contrlllers Xbox 360 controllers are not working properly in A3. Joystick on the otherhand is perfect.
Exactly. I mean all you need is a guy with some binocs smasshing the spot button revealing all targets for someone to shoot. Would ruin the game so deep.
Exactly. Could you i beg you. Plz change the post to instead of highlighting enemies and objects. To using thermal. The bounding thing is good. But highlighting NO.
Yo what is this? some kind of troll? Like seriously people stop turning this game in the new battlefield... If you want sniper spotting systems that outline enemy's go play cod or battlefield. Also I must agree on the Boosting people over walls but there already has been a post about this.
Hackers hack because they think its fun. The only reason for them to be fun if they can hear people rage or see theyre work is noticed.
Bandwith the amount of data you can send in a xx amount of time.
A hackers are not gona have fun since it takes hours to get results from this and hackers dont like that.
And the bandwith:
If you want this to be noticble you need to send allot of data in a xx amount of time.
ANd if your bandwith doesnt support that xx amount of data its not gona happen.
Do not only think in if its possible or not also think about the human nature behind this and the technical nature.
A: would people doing this get results from it soon enough for them to be pleased.
B: Would the time and money they spend in this worth the time it takes to get a small/medium/large result.
C: Is it reachable whitout having to spend to much time money on the resourches needed for this.
Today you can simply download simple tools to mess up peoples game play. Far more easyer then this and the results are instant.
BTW im not trying to turn this into an argument. Wer are just saying that even do this is doable the change of someone spending so much time and money into doing somthing that hardly impacts the player is slim.
XD true. Also do you understand the meaning of bandwith? Like making these files is cool but they will never be good 1 hackers dont get profit from it and 2 your net wont sustain such bellend spam
Yes now imagine the lag. 20 players would mean 60KB's now imagine that times 100 6000KBS or 3MBS for just injecting people a hour with 6 MB of data. YOu can go as high as you want but at one point your bandwith be like F**k this and you lag. Not to mention the amount of calculations the game itself requires to do and other things people do like listen to music download a torrent. Its just impracticle to do this.
Yhea thats also somthing. You can pretty much do annything on arma since they DOwnload the mission from the Server. Go figure you can attach viruses to it since the scripting is .SQF and SQM.
Okey true. But doing that (and i think you mean it sends package's of a xx size every now and then to stack the amount of space used on hdd). That could be possible. But by zombie server you mean server with mission that spams you with updates till the file is 10gb.. i dont see that happen. Since lag would be huge. Server has to send game updates to clients and received them at the same time. Whil doing it it must also send packages to players of certain size's and thats gona suck up some bandwith. Maybey we can test your idea by trying to make 1 mission file 500MB large and then stopping so we wont mess up annyones pc (Just 2 or 3 man test).
Imposible. Server bandwith would be enormaus not to mention it cant spam you with virables. ALl you get is a cached version(playable) of the map on default. Everything else that gets put in(player location gear enc) is stored serverside. The only way for it to do that is on loding it would say receiving mission file 1 KB out of 10000000 KB.. wich yhea go figure no one is gna wait for that.
Exactly. And yhea even if this is somthing to be fixed hackers find a new way annyway. Its just more a tip then an actually issue for mission makers to check everything trough.
This actually does work. A friend of mine tried it out after this post just now. You can actually mess aboud and log on servers with other identities. This means you with Virtual ammobox can take someone else gear. Not to mention that if you are in Stratis life you have all that that person has. You can easly transfer vehicles and cars to yourself. then rejoin as your self and enjoy the profit.
Its weird do. THe one (like me) can run this game perfect almost maxed out whitout FPS drops no crashes enc, on a system that should not be abble to do that. Other people with systems 10 times better then in this case me have so much issues it wants almost wants to make you ask for refund.. Really weird engine the guys at bis put to gether..
IK. I like how they say they want to fix the engine but all the change log shows is bug fixes.
As far as i know everyone has different problems with the engine of arma. THey should stop working thoes little bugs and put all power in fixing the engine.....
"Than lets start with smoke!"? Show me some pics of ur frames facing a smoke screen.
Then you are not fine. Try turning down view distance anti thingy enc(also turning on Motion blurr and bloom effect will help(trust me it worked for me)) I run everything ad medium up to high whitout massife lag spikes with explosion. I actually tested a couple of day ago the effect of helicopter wind's on smoke with 20 Exploding cars. THen i tested the effects of a helicopter going full speed crashing into a group of cars (10 explosions 30 vehicles 1 crashing/rolling and burning helicopter) my fps dropped by 10 but still was at 20/25.
its your system then. I mean i have Overal to middle object middle shadows 1/3d
Sampling 100 Textures standard i think
Objects high
Terrain low (im not looking at the ground now am i)
Shaddow low (they are glitched some shaddows are broken)
Particles high
clouds high (ultra is a fps sucker)
pip high
HDR high
Dynamic lights ultra
Display windowed
res idk
Aspect custom
Vsync high i think
Interface small
Bloom max radial blurr max rotation blur max depth of field 10 i think idk
ANso filtering off (its fairly useless in beta)
FSAA (lowest also useless at beta)
Atoc disabled
PPAA off (Not usported on windowed)
Anso off (ALso useless in beta)
I run at 30 to 50 whitout anny drops. Even do my fps is 20 lower then yours its worth giving these settings a shot since me and a friend of mine do not have fps drops (Unless cluster fucking a map)
IDK what else and why preformance is so different on 2 compleetly different systems WHIle
Mine is worse then yours..
NO NO NO AND NO!!! I KEEP TELLING YO U AND DONT HAVE THESE ISSUE's. Seriously you think everyone has these issue's bc posts like this get 100 upvotes. Me and my friends play (+-30 people) allot of a3 doing large (+-30 VS 100 ai including 20+ vehicles) whit out hard impact at all. Also i do not own a TITAN gpu. I own a 550M witch is the crappy GTX 500 laptop series (ITS the vista of GPU's).
Its most of the time the logic i smell in people. I do know the utilization is bad and that fps can get bad. But seriously some people run it maxed out and complain about bad fps. If you know the game is not optimized at its time run it on normal or low and dont make posts about bad fps every 12 seconds.
^proving my point: UPGRADE YOUR HARDWARE!
I run on a Nvidia GTX 550M its a laptop GPU and it sucks ass. I have 30 to 40 FPS while on MP 30 to 50 FPS on single player. I never have FPS drops accept when i run 100 AI's. Either Upgrade hardware or clean system. So far as i know neither the people i play with Have massife FPS issues either Single player or MP as you desribe above. And as you are saying only gameplay? Change the title and cathahory
Ok so heres the thing. They are comparing cards by how they are seposed to be. 650 is seposed to be worse then 480 but lets look at the facts. YOu can have a card that has a high bandwith super duper ram and other funny facts. Buts if your Clock speed is slow it just wont happen. The 650 on the otherhand has a lower bandwith less ram but clock speed shader cores enc are higher then the 480. I'M telling you the 650 is OPTIMIZED! onless like the 480 where they just wanted to see how much they could put in a card. If you look at what people say the 650 is better because of its optimazation unless for the 480 who for its priced is just a old brick. Ofcourse some sites will say 480 is better because they get payed to do so people buy that thing for 3 times the prices then the 650. And trust me i ran a 650 and 480 together side to side and the 650 just does it all better. The 480 is nice but its not gona take a while for it to just become to outdated.
Wait. You actually said the problem exist from arma 2? its defenetly your system then. run the game on low thats all i can say. I mean arma 2 is not optimized but btter then arma. Also it has les particles then A3.
Thats what the website say? Ofcourse they say the 480 is better its 10 times more expensive. Have you ever tested both these cards? 650 is better. Cheaper quiter less power better speed. Get bf3 bout 50 to 70 FPS when maxed out on 650 and on the 480 we got 40 to 50 with slight drops here and there. But yes do what seems fine for you but im telling you better start investing in some upgrades while they still are cheap.
Just check the link and se for yourself. Most aspects that are vital (shader processors clock speed enc) 480 is outdated Its not about weather updates are for your cards its the fact that Nvidia optimized newer cards for new games engines motherboards enc. The old ones are good i wont dis agree with that. But the simple fact 650 is faster and more optimized for newer systems and newer games already says enough. Like i said before Bis should optimize by clients should 2. You cant expect one of the newest games to run good on a 3 and a half year old Card by only new updates... thats just imposible.
And ?? i dont se annything regarding the 480.
NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN.. sorry had to that. Well its true they're CPU and GPU utilization today is crappy. But having FPS drops that hard from just such little amount of particles is somthing clientside aswell. You must understand that they keep updating Nvidia Physx every little month aswell for the drivers. Your system is bout 1 and a half year old so go figure how much updates they're have been and how of the chart you are. Its both sides that have to realize they have to optimize they're systems for better preformance.
Not tons of players have YOUR problem dropping frames under 10.... And trust me when i say your GPU is outdated. Its not a big difference with the 650 but price and power usage already is one massife improvement. Not to mention the 650 is comp with the newest software and hardware. Most of these people that have these issue's give specs and run out 3 year old cards. And some even run on ATI AMD cards..
650 TI is slower in some fronts but has a higher core speed then your 3 year old 480. In theorie the 480 is quicker but outdated with today's drivers UNless for the 650 who is still up to date.
DOnt blame arma on this one. Tons of people run this game decent you are the only one that has such fps issue's by trowing 1 or 2 smoke grenades or blowing up a car.. This is clientside issue. I know arma should be optimized better but you should also consider upgrading your hardware.
Yep now that Kol9yN mentiont it your GPU is old. Get a GTX 650 superclocked. Its cheap and powerfull.
I like how double languaged this is:P annyway you have a beast system. Im jallous but I run on dell xps L502z Intel I7 quad 2.5 GHZ turbo boost 2.7 Ghz 8GB DD3 ram 1TB HDD and a crappy Nvidia Geforce GTX 550M.... I get 50 FPS and 30 when blowing up 40 PLus cars with 100 AI strolling around on medium settings. I have no idea what could cause FPS issue's like yours. Try updating Nvidia drivers. I updated mine and the preformance got boosted by 10% your GPU prob gets Preformance boost of 20% atleast thats what they're site says but so far it actually was true.
True. But on the 10 slot missions on dedicated servers with 30 slots? there is areason for that. Arma 2 takes up tons of ram calcualting AI. Thats why people run headless clients next to Dedicatedserver.exe the Hclient calculates the AI while the server.exe sends data and makes everything work out. You must understand that 40 slot servers usually only have room for 25 to 30 people. Because that other 10 of players of bandwith Is reserved by either headles client and the server itself.
But yes its worth a shot defenetly. THey should allow people on BIS that have Bought arma be able to download a program that allows them to spectate and or play at the same time. THis would mean you can record and play at the same time either the mission or your own character.
NO. extra slots take to much space on servers. You must know data must be send between server and client to keep an up-to-date battlefield. As for spectator this means you would resevate an extra amount of Bandwith only for people that want to watch. I know what you mean and im upvoting this but the changes are low that servers will actually do this. Since it costs extra money to rent servers with higher bandwith.
not only that. I dont know about this. I use both DEF build and recommended build. No errors..
It got removed by maddogx as dupe. there is already a ticket about this but its somewhere on the darkside of
xD same here. FIlter on this side is crappy so im rather not filter stuff will see if its dupe or not. And hey we give the mods somthing to do :P.
Already made post about is but got closed as dupe -.-. But yes you are right. I already had frustrations in A3 trying to build bases and having to mess around with The GIANT squares with a ? in them.... and i dont like 3d editor so it was not an option.
A module! Not a script. Just a module that enables this feature. And then some params yo ucan change (Power if pushing of players is enabled enc). Also this is more one of thoes features for clans or people that play serious.
i HOPE. i MEAN THEY finaly implemented a decent physics system.
You guys mean a module called: Dynamic interaction.
Could be added as module for clan editors. Only used for when you play with people you can rely on or CO-OP missions where people that mess up by trolling get banned.
Like in arma 2.. Z prone x crouch c normal stance. much better then arma where you have to pres 10 buttons to lay down and 20 to get up.
Remapping isnt such pain in the ass. I mean you only have 20 buttons on your controller so.
Had the same thing with PS3 controller. Also Motion axes thingy is enabled by default..
[Continues random oftopic shit]
I cant my head will explode..
Im just gona make a graph descriing what you think what i think and put it in some nice feedly paint skill thingies xD
Lol i get over 50 mails a night all from feedback. Thats why i move them in a different folder in my mail. So i can check them when i wake up..
Ahh well i can agree with that. So what about my system only witched around? using onnly 1 to 0 for selections and for unit you just press F1 to F11 and it will change the menu.