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- User Since
- Nov 5 2016, 1:16 AM (434 w, 3 d)
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- Administrator
Nov 22 2024
Jun 1 2022
May 30 2022
Feb 8 2022
Have you verified 'DayZ Tools' through steam? Maybe try deleting the workbench executable and then verify.
Jan 28 2022
Dec 26 2021
That is a community wiki so anyone can edit that as long as they have an account.
Nov 18 2021
Just keep retrying until it works. AFAIK that's what BI also does.
Nov 3 2021
Weapons are unfortunately limited to the player simulation rate of 40hz and not independent to the server frame rate.
Oct 17 2021
Oct 2 2021
Sep 29 2021
That's it, refing it all the time.
Sep 21 2021
For the " FPS limit while not focused" does changing the "Update in background" option in game menu change anything?
Sep 19 2021
Also, a way to remove (or change) the FPS limit while not focused on the game. Currently, it is set to 19fps.
Sep 7 2021
Well, Expansion-Vehicles and Expansion-Market are going to be getting an increase in the number of scripts soon, sorry about that. There will be an active effort to reduce the number of scripts in the future though once we know what needs to be reduced.
Aug 29 2021
Aug 26 2021
So glad I switched to PS4.
Aug 2 2021
Use "c".Hash() where "c" is any input string of length 1
Jul 1 2021
Works fine for me.
May 15 2021
Mar 19 2021
Imagine thinking I have private admin access to the feedback tracker because I can delete my own comment 😂😂😂
Mar 18 2021
Feb 13 2021
Do servers even stay up for that long??
Dec 7 2020
Just tested with @DafixCz's mod list. Again, in Stable, hard freezes on "server core", in the new Experimental patch, it goes past that stage.
Used the following mods directly from the '!Workshop' directory.
Dec 5 2020
Nov 25 2020
Nov 22 2020
Nov 21 2020
Duplicate of
Nov 11 2020
Oct 27 2020
Doesn't work @komer for anything but gear changing. Even when following the instructions provided from a duplicate feedback tracker link
Oct 26 2020
They probably are intending you to use the new JSONApi from now on.
Oct 21 2020
Doing this will save hassle with backwards compatibility in the future @Hunterz as the devs add more classes slowly
Oct 13 2020
Probably a workaround fix against this issue
Oct 8 2020
@Arkensor each template is a new class.
Sep 26 2020
The issue has been fixed internally and the fix will appear in one of the future updates!
Sep 25 2020
Sep 13 2020
Nothing you nor Bohemia can fix. This is an issue with sub-par created/packed mods.
Aug 26 2020
Aug 25 2020
Did you configure the Infected you're spawning to use that behavior? By default they don't use that, it's what the Survivor Games Infected used though.
Video of the issue happening on an experimental server (@Helkhiana twitter)
Aug 24 2020
Aug 19 2020
After further testing, it seems that this issue can be resolved.
Aug 17 2020
Aug 16 2020
Did you wait for the HumanCommandVehicle to end before calling StartCommand_Script inside one of the Command Handler override methods, you can check that by seeing the current command id and checking if that command was finished using the boolean. This method works for me as was intended.
I highly suggest just opening up the '' animation workspace file and then looking at how the graph works to wrap your head around why it is just not possible to "reset" animations after a command has ended.
It is not a bug with HumanCommandScript. The reason this happens is because HumanCommandVehicle::GetOutVehicle (or equivalent) was not called before the command change. This is done by design to allow the player to enter the command HumanCommandUnconscious while still being attached to the vehicle. If you want to be detached, call HumanCommandVehicle::GetOutVehicle.
That is the intended behavior for how that method works.
Aug 13 2020
Aug 12 2020
Jul 15 2020
Clothing shouldn't be an Engine class so not sure what the problem is there, holds no proto/native methods and inherits from ItemBase which can be modded.
Jun 27 2020
scripts\4_World\Systems\Inventory\AttachmentsOutOfReach.c line 18 and line 20 need to be changed from:
Jun 23 2020
Oh and @Geez, this ticket can be closed. Works as expected for the Expansion Mod in both 107 and 108.
Perform on the client first within the command handler for the player you are linking and then perform on the server. Notice how StartCommand_Vehicle is always called on the client before it is called on the server, this is why. It is only called on the client which is being linked and the server, you do not need to sync to any other vehicle.
May 25 2020
Can confirm, except for an issue with getting out of seats and sometimes players teleport to 0,0 (mod issue) it works fine.
May 24 2020
That sedan inherits from the script class itembase using a simulation of inventoryitem and at one point I also gave it a mass value of 10. Works fine for me in 107
Both work fine for me.
May 21 2020
An idea on how this could be solved is just to create and then expose a script method which is called after car inputs have been resolved in engine. This can then be used to override the inputs if a modder desires to do so.
May 20 2020
Some more information to help solve this issue.
May 16 2020
This can be closed.
May 15 2020
Use HumanCommandScript instead as a workaround. Works really well.
May 10 2020
Apr 30 2020
Apr 24 2020
This can most likely be reproduced if the server were to freeze for half a second (server fps drops to 20) and you were to already be travelling at 100km/h going north.
There exists some code in the game that means that if the vehicles forward direction is within some small delta of "0 0 1" (North) and exceeding 60m/s (~230km/h) then the vehicle will seem to no longer have any friction/drag applied on it.
Apr 21 2020
Apr 16 2020
Added a temporary feature into Community Framework, in 4_World use this for now. This should hopefully resolve issues until a proper and crash free solution is implemented.
Mar 2 2020
Call this on the server @Hunterz if you want to spawn a magazine in a weapon
Feb 29 2020
Feb 12 2020
Duplicate of:
Feb 10 2020
Jan 31 2020
Jan 30 2020
Not just images from the profile folder but also audio files
Resolved as of 1.07
Jan 20 2020
Create a new mission and load that one instead. Don't touch the vanilla mission
Jan 16 2020
Jan 14 2020
Jan 7 2020
Nov 6 2019
Nov 2 2019
I found a workaround but it's time consuming and will break compatibility with other mods. We are going to use that hack fix for Expansion and break compatibility with other mods.