The AI was tested while it both inherits from DayZPlayerImplement and PlayerBase classes, neither worked for these two issues listed below. These Players do not have a PlayerIdentity assigned.
Issue 1: Any weapon fired using TryFireWeapon although played the animation and sounds, did not spawn the projectile in the world so no damage or effect is applied to anything it should hit.
issue 2: You can't modify the aim up/down or left/right angle using DayZPlayer::AimingModel or HumanInputController::OverrideAimChange[X/Y]. Tried enabling/disabling the input controller to no effect. Faking it by setting the aim angles in the anim graph leads to it snapping every frame to where the HumanCommandWeapons says the aim angles should be (0, 0).
Proposed fix for issue 2 is allow the HumanInputController work for Players that do are AI controlled on the server/singleplayer.
In single player, the AI spawns with the DayZPlayerInstanceType of INSTANCETYPE_AI_SINGLEPLAYER (5).
In multiplayer, the AI spawns with the DayZPlayerInstanceType of INSTANCETYPE_AI_SERVER (3).