The function dGeomCreateCylinder is unlinked. The other dGeomCreate... functions work as expected.
There is no way to set the lifetime for a rigid body either created through Object::CreateDynamicPhysics or dBodyCreate... . After ~15 seconds the rigid body is removed from the world taking with it collision and the ability to use SetVelocity.
dBodyApply... has no effect on Object instances - but works fine with Car instances. Instead dBodySetAngularVelocity and SetVelocity has to be used but these lead to improper physics simulations. Only works when called in EOnSimulate.
(Minor issue) The method Entity::OnCreatePhysics is called both when the rigid body is created and deleted for the Object. This can be taken advantage to know when the rigid body is destroyed except for 1 frame the rigid body does not exist and can allow the Object to fail collision detection (fall through terrain/other objects).