proto static bool RayCastBullet(vector begPos, vector endPos, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, Object ignoreObj, out Object hitObject, out vector hitPosition, out vector hitNormal, out float hitFraction); proto static bool SphereCastBullet(vector begPos, vector endPos, float radius, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, Object ignoreObj, out Object hitObject, out vector hitPosition, out vector hitNormal, out float hitFraction);
The out variable hitObject is always NULL, everything else works as expected (intended)
RaycastRV and RaycastRVProxy aren't suitable as they stop registering a hit after you are far away from the center of origin for the model (50 metres). RayCastBullet does register the hit but there is no way to know if it is the object I want.