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- User Since
- Jun 6 2014, 6:21 PM (563 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Actually with the update 0.55.127059, the game runs smoother than ever on my PC. Bevor that, it used to drop from roughly 25 at game start to below 10 within an hour. But now it always runs at the FPS when I started the game. So I'm wondering why it is the exact other way round on your PC.
Attached the .DayZProfile file. My settings as displayed ingame:
Rendering Resolution: 100%
Brightness, Gamma: about half
VSync: Disabled
Quality: All "very low"
Video Memory: Auto
Texture Detail: Very high
Texture Filtering: Disabled
Rendering: All lowest possible (HDR Quality: "Very low", the rest: "Disabled")
Hi Rapture81g,
could you please create separate tickets for the issues you posted here? These are separate issues hence a "combo ticket" can be process much worse than separate tickets.
Did you record your third image just now or is it older? Because that issue is already known, but it's considered resolved, having said that I don't know if that also counts for vehicles:
#584 (Sunset shines through mountains and buildings)
Clone of #22956 (Failure to load game)
You are right, it's got to do with the rearrangement. There is a rather simple explanation to that:
When you login, your player data, including your inventory, is fetched from the database and the items are put into your inventory from left to right, from top to bottom. If you look at your images you might notice that where the first gap in your backpack is, the items right of that gap moved one slot to the left.
As a result of that rearrangement, your MP5 does not fit in there anymore as there are no 4x3 slots free. There are enough free slots in total, but not in the shape that the MP5 would fit in. That's why it's dropping to the ground.
I hope I could properly explain the issue. If you have any questions, just fire away.
Hey guyz,
I could not reproduce that issue. Could you please try if this also happens in the lastest experimental branch?
Also, make sure you didn't log out with the medkit in your hands as items will drop to the ground upon log in when you logged out with them in your hands.
The rearrangements happen because when the player data is pulled from the database, the player's inventory will befilled left-to-right, bottom-to-top in the order the data is listed in the database.
This might cause situations where for instance you logout with an empty slot somewhere in the middle of your packpack and when logging in, the empty slot is on the bottom right, because of what I described above.
Hi Einstein69,
thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #22925 (Invisible Zombies, multiple at a time, multiple times a day).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Yes, the method you described is probably even better as your character automatically continues walking when you switch weapons.
Spread the word so people can get unstuck! :)
Hi kilroy92,
sorry about your issue. Could you please try this and report back if you got out? Thanks.
Hi rcolson9333,
could you provide some more information on that issue?
Why do you believe it is invisible zombies and not desync?
When you shoot at them, do you see the bullet hitting them like by blood spashing out of the wound?
Could you, if you encounter this issue again, please upload some footage if possible? That would be very helpful.
Hi Beirao,
thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #5169 (Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level)).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Problem still exists according to #22912 (Memoryerror and c2d (#2))
Hey dawud,
I'm glad to read that you could fix your issue that easily. If you should encounter any issues, feel free to file a new ticket.
Hi Blonder,
could you please attach a dxDiag and the files from
Pack the files into an archive (7z, zip, rar ...). If the archive is smaller than 5.000KB, you can attach it here.
In case it's larger than that, please try uploading it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Thank you.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #134 (apartment block staircase wall glitch).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Hi Nothun,
thanks for the screenshot. This floating hay bale is considered as "landed" :) as of this ticket: #12507
Could you please test if you find this in the latest experimental branch? Thanks.
If you should encounter misplaced objects, please try to menionen where they are. If you don't know, make screenshots of the surrounding area so we have a chance to figure it out somehow. Thanks
Run a Windows update check to make sure everything is up to date.
Try verifying the integrity of your game cache. (Run Steam as Admin, rightclick on DayZ -> "Properties" -> "Local files" -> "Verify integrity of game cache...")
If you try to start DayZ with startup parameters, remove them.
If this shouldn't work, try a complete reinstallation of the game.
And if that still shouldn't work, attach a DxDiag and a zip archive of the files in "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\DayZ" to this ticket.
Follow these steps if none of this should help:
Kind regards,
Hi wilbur99,
thanks for your feedback. Would you mind adding a DxDiag to this ticket? Would be helpful.
I guess his point is that the message should be something like "Missing material to start fire" rather than showing the kindling message though kindlings are the only thing actually NOT missing.
Alright, sorry thouhg.
Whenever you should encounter this issue again, feel free to report to the Feedback Tracker.
Kind regards,
Have you tried this already?
Have you tried this already?
@JustCaused, game crashes are rarely duplicate tickets as almost every crash is unique and therefore should get a unique ticket.
Please attach a DxDiag and a zip archive of the files in "<i>C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\DayZ</i>" to this ticket.
Also, verify your game cache integrity to make sure the files are allright:
Launch Steam as Admin, rightclick DayZ -> "Properties" -> "Local files" -> "Verify integrity of game cache..."
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #22040 (military Tent and small tent disappeared on a persistent server).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your ambitions, we really appreciate it. :)
Hi Zwiderwurzen,
please send us a dxdiag report and files from this folder:
Pack the files into an archive (7z, zip, rar ...). If the archive is smaller than 5.000KB, you can attach it here.
In case it's larger than that, please try uploading it to a file sharing website and link it here.
For future reports please refer to the "How to guide"
Thank you.
Closing this as being unproductive rage rather than a bug report.
Yes, it is unstable, even in the "stable" branch. Yes, random deaths and crashes occur from time to time. These are all well known and well tracked issues as you are able to tell by the amount of duplicates, comments and votes on respective tickets.
You knew this was the case when you bought this game.
In this thread, Dean Hall's very first statement is <b><i>"Do not buy the game yet!"</i></b> because it is not yet a game, but rather a construction site.
On the DayZ Steam page it says: "It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs."
On it says the very same.
So if you expected a nicely playable WIP game, you were either ignorant or simply didn't read.
Nevertheless, I hope you will participate in the development progress by reporting bugs, glitches, crashes and such, because it all matters, every crash report, every DxDiag is different and provides the dev team with information to solve this.
So please, don't rage about this game being unstabe. Rather help making it stable as quick as possible. The dev team does their best so we - as players and reporters - should do the same.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #20648 ([PRIMARY REPORT] Stuck during action - Cancel action available only).
The respective issue has already been resolved. However, please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
You may have started DayZ with the startup parameter "-word=empty". As JustCaused already suggested, disable all launch options and try again.
Also, validate you game files after every update just to make sure there's nothing wrong with them.
If this issue should remain, consider attaching a DxDiag to this ticket.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #663 (Can't connect to servers with the same ip).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
These are two very good questions which I'd like to have answered just as well as hopefully BI and the DayZ dev team, because that - as it is - is a total dick move.
@Franzuu, you may want to read the e-mail behind the <i></i> link e375 posted in his description (same screenshot as attached to this ticket). BattlEye replies there by saying:
<i>Dear user,
You have been banned due to the fact our system had an error with your account, sorry, but you will have to buy a new copy of the game on a new steam account if you wish to play it again.</i>
Alright, this was created out of a rush. Closing it now.
Additional information:
This only happens, if the object hasn't been in the inventory once. (If I'm not mistaken)
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #22040 (military Tent and small tent disappeared on a persistent server).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Hi ExtraDone,
we're glad you could resolve this issue. Feel free to file a new ticket if you should encounter an issue again.
Kind regards,
Try verifying the integrity of your game cache. (Run Steam as Admin, rightclick on DayZ -> "Properties" -> "Local files" -> "Verify integrity of game cache...")
Also, please attach a DxDiag and a zip archive of the files from "<i>C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\DayZ</i>" to this ticket.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #20648 ([PRIMARY REPORT] Stuck during action - Cancel action available only).
The respective issue has already been resolved. However, please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #20648 ([PRIMARY REPORT] Stuck during action - Cancel action available only).
The respective issue has already been resolved. However, please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #22040 (military Tent and small tent disappeared on a persistent server).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Clone of #21925 (New add on in game.)
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #20648 ([PRIMARY REPORT] Stuck during action - Cancel action available only).
The respective issue has already been resolved. However, please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #14792 (Unable to "drink all" my canteen).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Fires can be lit with flares. Issue resolved.
Declared as fixed by ticket author
Fires and smoke? It's not like the apocalypse has come just now. Most of the cars are already heavily rusted, so they stand there for a very long time already.
But aside of that, keep in mind that every complex object influences your FPS. So if the roads were just filled with cars and wrecks up to the horizon, it might influence your FPS pretty badly.
Hi Voltageadk,
please revalidate your DayZ game files from within your Steam library. Right click on DayZ -> Properties -> Local files -> Verify integrity of game cache...
Here's a detailed tutorial on that:
However, this is very likely to be a BattlEye issue.
Please contact BattlEye directly for any BattlEye related issues.
Thank you.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #153 ([PRIMARY REPORT] Random Zombie and Character action noises).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
as already mentioned above, this is neither a bug nor a feature request. Please contact the server provider for this issue. The provider might be mentioned in the server name.
Hi nickolouse,
when your game crashes again, please send us a dxdiag report and files from this folder: "C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\DayZ\"
Pack the files into an archive (7z, zip, rar ...). If the archive is smaller than 5.000KB, you can attach it here.
In case it's larger than that, please try uploading it to a file sharing website and link it here.
For future reports please refer to the "How to guide"
Thank you.
Hi Aethirius,
please send us a dxdiag report and files from this folder:
Pack the files into an archive (7z, zip, rar ...). If the archive is smaller than 5.000KB, you can attach it here.
In case it's larger than that, please try uploading it to a file sharing website and link it here.
For future reports please refer to the "How to guide"
Thank you.
please contact BattlEye directly for any BattlEye related issues.
Thank you.
Hi predators1140,
please send us a dxdiag report and files from this folder:
Pack the files into an archive (7z, zip, rar ...). If the archive is smaller than 5.000KB, you can attach it here.
In case it's larger than that, please try uploading it to a file sharing website and link it here.
For future reports please refer to the "How to guide"
Thank you.
Hi workmanwilliam,
please send us a dxdiag report and files from this folder:
Pack the files into an archive (7z, zip, rar ...). If the archive is smaller than 5.000KB, you can attach it here.
In case it's larger than that, please try uploading it to a file sharing website and link it here.
For future reports please refer to the "How to guide"
Thank you.
Hallo respectis,
leider hat Biggi0001 Recht. Das ist ein BattlEye Problem und darauf hat Bohemia Interactive bzw. das DayZ Entwicker-Team keinen Einfluss drauf. Tut mir Leid.
Bitte wende dich direkt an BattlEye. Die sitzen in Deutschland, sollten also auch der Deutschen Sprache mächtig sein.
Aber bitte benutze im Feedback Tracker zukünftig Englisch. Danke.
Closing this as duplicate.
please contact BattlEye directly for any BattlEye related issues.
Thank you.
This is a duplicate of #20227 (Ghillie SUIT unable to be painted green).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
please contact BattlEye directly for any BattlEye related issues.
Thank you.
please contact BattlEye directly for any BattlEye related issues.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
have a look here:
That guy seems to have found his to solve the problem. Please report back if this worked for you too or not.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #161 (Random Zombie Sounds [PRIMARY REPORT]).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #12755 (Invisible Zombies).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Duplicate of #19191
Duplicate of #19191
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #12755 (Invisible Zombies).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #12755 (Invisible Zombies).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #12755 (Invisible Zombies).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #12755 (Invisible Zombies).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
@thirdy, there seems to be an issue with your attached screenshot file. Could you please reupload that image or - even better - create a new ticket with the respective error and link it? That would be helpful.
That would require the video to be broadcast from the respective steam account to the watching player ingame. Not that it's impossible, there is already a scripting command called <b><i>openYoutubeVideo</i></b> so it might be quite possible to create one to open Steam account videos, but Steam would have to play along and all that is a lot of effort for a rather small feature, imho.
The idea is very cool, I like it. But I'm concerned about the data that would have to be broadcast and stored on the database since a video is a lot more than just a few bytes of player data or item properties.
Hi yaomingg77,
sorry to read that. What you could do for now is run a file check on your installation. If that shouldn't work, try switching to experimental and back.
We appreciate your feedback. Please report back if that solved anything.
Hi guennas,
sorry to read that. Sometimes verifying the installation solves the problem. If it didn't (as you mentioned), try switching to experimental and back.
Please report back if that solved anything. We appreciate your feedback.
Please keep an eye on this and see if some servers will come up on Monday again or if there's any coherence with an eventual exp update if such will come on Monday or Tuesday. We appreciate your feedback.
@HaseDesTodes, it's actually the dayz.cfg (RPT is the log file), but you were very close. ;)
@mobius1, HaseDesTodes is right. There's different types of servers. Those he called "1st person servers" are marked as "Hardcore" in the server browser. They run on a different database, hence your character is independent from those on the other servers.
Therefore, I close this ticket as non-issue.
TiredMiner adresses an important point here.
All persistent items have a life time. If no player interaction happens during that time, they will get deleted in order to keep the servers from filling up with "dead gear" e.g. lying around somewhere in the woods.
That's why you might have lost your tents to the "void". Make sure to interact with your persistent objects at least once a day if you hadn't done that and please let us know if that was the case.
Duplicate of #8589 (Wallhacker, Teleporter or just : Cheater! ( STOP this kiddies ! )).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
I guess that's because the crash sites are spawned randomly and probably there's no checking if one is already there.
I don't know yet how they are spawned, but if this is randomly around the map at any position, you might be lucky as hell, finding this huge coincidence. ;)
Don't fool yourself here. You can eat tons of food between server restarts while in real life, eating a can of beans and drinking a bottle of water can fill your stomach half a day. And you don't die within 20 minutes from eating rotten fruits. So at the current state, the whole health and nutrition system is - compared to reality - preposterously rapid.
I don't know if they're gonna change that, because this would mean that loot would have to be much rarer than it already is, plus you should be able to survive more than an ingame week which is totally off the way DayZ was from the very beginnings of the mod.
@_M4Z_TeR_, no worries. I haven't checked the file size. Nobody will cry if it doesn't fit here. ;-)
Please don't link files from file hosters. Please attach them to the ticket.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #12755 (Invisible Zombies).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
This is a duplicate of #17297 (New Duct Tape Usage).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Duplicate of #49 (Pushed through walls by zeds).
Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.
Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
"Hide body" may be a useful action here.
- I ment it in a way that it would be useful to be implemented.
- At least I still see it on the experimental branch, but it doesn't seem to work.
This ticket as well as the notes below do not provide any value to this Feedback Tracker as there's no clear statement on game related issues. Closing this ticket therefore.
(Summary edited)
Kill messages would not follow the intention of making the game immersive ("HUD free"). Of course, they make it sort of easier to tell if a hacker is on the server. But how would that actually <i>help</i> against hackers?
You need to realize that beside script-kiddies, the way more dangerous ones are groups of people who do this to purposely inflict damage to the game, because they consider DayZ as competition to their games.
Always keep that in mind and be patient with the devs. They are very aware of problems like these and I personally believe that they do what they can to prevent as many attacks as possible as player satisfaction is vital to a game. But no game is perfectly hack free and so neither will DayZ be.
Hi nerobp,
has your issue been fixed by now? If so, please close this ticket as fixed. Otherwise, please provied some further information.
your idea sounds interesting, but unfortunately this is a bug reporting system and your issue is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, please post in the forums:
Thank you.