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- User Since
- Jun 28 2013, 6:21 PM (612 w, 1 d)
Tue, Feb 25
This bug is quite serious for the Expeditionary Forces CDLC as the AAV9 is specifically marketed as being amphibious and able to do beach landings for the US Marines.
Dec 6 2024
Fixed in next build.
Nov 29 2024
Nov 9 2024
Nov 8 2024
Nov 5 2024
Nov 2 2024
This happens with the AAV9 from Expeditionary Forces CDLC as well, seems like the AI is unable to use tracked vehicles in water, they can only go forward.
Jun 4 2024
Appears to be working correctly with today's profiling branch update.
May 14 2024
May 3 2024
Nov 24 2022
Apr 24 2022
Will be looked into.
Jan 12 2022
You have to enable Direct3D (the blue and yellow helix icon) in Object Builder, it's the only workaround for this issue.
Dec 1 2021
Ok the geometry was modified, should prevent players from clipping inside.
Nov 29 2021
I cannot replicate this, geometry works correctly for me.
Looks like its the top cover that's causing this, probably some strange rendering error with arma that casts shadows only for that specific bit and not the rest of the top cover, not sure this can be resolved.
Dec 3 2018
Yep, still broken with latest dev branch and diag.exe loaded
Dec 1 2018
still happening :)
Feb 9 2018
this needs to be fixed ASAP, object builder is unusable like this, whether its BI or MS fault
Oct 2 2017
Mar 30 2017
Nov 28 2016
Oct 25 2016
Still broken, currently working ONLY in arma3diag.exe and dev branch (of course).
May 10 2016
seems like using "turretCanSee = 31;" enables the radar again, however tablock functionality is still broken for anyone that isn't primary gunner.
Not even using showAllTargets = 1; works, radar targets just don't show up.
And the cluster bombs of the cluster artillery munition are actually titan antitank missiles.
This is the M270 MLRS from the A2 source files.
In A2 the command worked, if you had the turret turned and ordered the driver to move, the MLRS rack would automatically reset to face forward.
Here it doesn't seem to have any effect.'ll likely get an error with missing animations for the gunner.
Happened to me as well.
Check the path to buldozer in object builder options.
Also check if P: drive is set up properly in case you use it.
I uploaded the arma3profile in .txt because it would not allow me to do it otherwise.
It doesn't work for us, and it did work until 1.42. :\
Still an issue :\
It's a poetic license, like most of the stuff in the game.
Why are they not using M4s? Why isn't the Abrams their tank? Etc etc
It's not accurate because it's not intended so, like it or not.
Maybe related?
Glad i wasn't the only one who thought about it.
Maybe this can be merged to the one already existing then?
I forgive you :D
thx m8
Thank you for your time.
Yes it's what i do (set parameters in the steam launch options), because i have to restart the game very often when working on my mods and going through the launcher is an unnecessary step in that case, i just use it to launch more than one mod at a time.
Would it be possible to keep it disabled if i untick it in the launcher?
Good to know, thank you!
Well you know, adding a module is done with three clicks of a mouse in the editor.
It's a sacrifice i'm willing to make if i get a fully functional fastroping in game. :)
Is this still happening?
Everything in A3 is indestructible unless you get a direct hit with a nuclear bomb.
This problem still hasn't been resolved.
At night drones can be easily spotted because of this and there's no way to turn them off.
Weapon transparency wouldn't be such a bad thing considering you aim with both eyes open and you should have a bit more of 3d distance perception, but red dot sights don't feel so distant from reality as they are now.
I have a bit of experience, nothing professional, but they do feel close enough to reality imho.
Still an issue... +1
If my physics lessons from high school don't betray me, by Archimedes' principle an object can float even if it's heavier as long as it displaces enough water.
It would be nice to have, and i hope the devs fix the collisions, helicopters explode in the most ridiculous circumstances.
Making a crash landing results almost always in instantaneous explosions.
Pretty sure the cargo doors are not watertight, also it floats to recover or drop equipment in water, if the cargo door was to be closed then how would you do that?
Moving into a town with continuous light changes is very annoying.
Problem is still present, and it's impossible to aim with the UAV camera with precision.
At 500m above ground the camera shakes so much it has a dispersion of around 5-10m.
Taking accurate aim is impossible because everytime you make small corrections the camera goes off target by far.
This happens on dedicated server only, in editor and locally hosted games it works just fine.
I'm not trying to make publicity or anything but take a look at this video i made sunday and you'll notice how painful that is to make any use of the UAV camera:
Maybe related?
I remember seeing an unarmored truck (aka a normal technical) bursting into flames when some hadji decided to mount a rocket pod on the back and use it like a home-made MLRS lol.
I think it will be limited to just rifles and similar weapons.
I MEAN, i hope so!
This isn't battlefield where people make javelins and SMAWs rain like there's no tomorrow.
I have yet to see someone dumb enough to do something like that in real life.
Uhm i didn't quite understand your post.
Anyway the draw distance on the PIP is ridiculously low still.
Even with the highest settings available thermal PIP is useless.
Also the contrast is so low you can't dinstinguish anything unless it's either a vehicle with engine turned on, the sky, or the sea. Anything else has so little detail it's just a grey patch in the PiP monitor.
This is still an issue, thermal images of the terrain appear just as an ugly grey blob.
Range and contrast are still too low, PiP just works for eye candy in very limited situations.
Still an issue, PiP is there just for eye candy for now as it's useless for anything else.
bumpity bump
Thank you, i didn't know there were specific commands for that.
I guess this can be marked as solved then?
This is still an issue.
Is there any workaround?
Related to:
Happened to me as well in stable branch.
After switching from chernarus to zargabad with A3MP the game just crashed.
What van do you speak of?