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- Aug 11 2014, 4:46 PM (553 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
PLEASE DELETE - I found information on the forums that the ammo for the SKS changed. I do share it here for you:
"Mosin dont take 7.62x51 anymore, they now take 7.62x54R, and the 7.62x51 has been renamed .308
You are looking for 7.62x54R ammunition for the Mosin
.308 Winchester is for the Blaze and Longhorn (not to be confused with .380 which is used in the Makarov and that little SMG that nobody can ever find, or .357 which is used in the Magnum and the Repeater.
I think residential spawns are still best for finding Mosin ammo, since it is out of service everywhere in the world as a military service weapon and is now commonly found in private hands.
You might find it as well in the areas that we generally used to think of as "military" tent camps. These areas are now spawning civilian and residential type loot...
...which makes a lot of sense if you stop to think about it. These areas never made much sense before when we all assumed they were military camps, but are now perfectly logical if they are actually emergency evacuation camps or refugee centers meant to help the civilian population as the infection spread and the crisis deepened."
At least I know now where my uncounted cans went ... :=)
I may talk nonsense but have you had something in your hand(s)?
I had the same problem until I found out that the option reappeared when I dropped what I had in my hand.
Cheers, Biggi
The language used in this forum is English.
You were banned for whatever reason - contact Battleye, nobody can help you here.
For many years, I have worked for companies in the US and the UK; I translated technical manuals, books, articles and websites/CMS from English to German ... I would offer myself as a translator as well. I am retired, so I do have the time to do the job.
Yes, found that one out coincidentally today - unfortunately, I cannot delete this issue now :( . Thank you for the comment!
It happens to me, too.
I uploaded my DxDiag and Appdate to Zippyshare.
Kind regards, Biggi
It still appears after about 10-15 minutes of gameplay. New is that the connection is not lost completely anymore ( no kick ), but the message that "Biggi0001 is loosing connection" still shows up in red color at the side of the screen.
These videos are EXTREMELY good, ty so much for them. Now I have a mission again, I gonna train myself to the bow. Thank you again :)
The wells are not working in stable 50.125369
I think you should be able to lite a fire anywhere - in RL, there would not message like "its not safe" come up, the house would probably just burn down ( or the floor ).
Yes. It was fixed once but got worse with each update since then.
I've been having this problem a lot recently and it is getting extremely frustrating. Whenever I join a server in the game no matter the ping, amount of people, or whatever it may be I get the "No message received" after about 15-20 minutes of play.
Yes, same here. Before this version ( it happened already when it was in experimental state ), I had no issues with this.
Same here.
I do get this message, too - but my game does not crash to desktop. Nonetheless, I got to exit and join the game all 10 minutes with the obligatory waiting time :(
Yes - the Steam forums are full of threads regarding this issue.
Similar here - Servers respond that they could not communicate with the hive and would use a standard character, but they use my "current" character indeed. After 2-7 minutes, the "Biggi is losing connection" warning appears and repeats occuring, after a few times I lose connection indeed.
Haven't had any connection issues before, so this is new to me.
I reported the same issue - hence, vote up :)
yeah - if not half of them disappeared with your next log-in :)
Well, what I did was stick a trouser with 6 slots in a trouser with 6 slots, giving you 2 extra, another trouser with 6 slots, etc.
Unfortunately, after a server reset or logout, all trousers in the trousers were gone.
Yes, that would be it. You cannot have the one ( more items ) without the other ( lower speed, etc. ). You can then still choose which way to go.
Great suggestion!
Yes, I do use a female character, too.
Its not a "gamebreaking" problem, more a visual one because you can still jump over fences with the drybag at your ankles ;)
I found the "solution" that you get swarmed by zombies after firing a shot much better. Its more realistic than any number which is shown somehow and somewhere.
You fire a shot - boom, zombies are there.
If you are hit by a karate fighter, you SEE it because he's got to stand directly in front of you by nature.
If you get shot, the bullet might come from 500-however many meters away from you, you would not necessary see the sniper. So if you can't see it in DayZ now, he might be hidden behind an edge or simply too far away for you to see him.
Perfectly realistic, don't change the current system, please!
Happens to me, too. I opened an issue on this already here on the feedback tracker.
I opened another issue on that - it does not only refer to apartment houses, i had things sticking in the ground in sheds, houses and other buildings.
Same here with EU-Servers. After 5-20 Minutes of gameplay, I receive the "no message received" message and the connection is lost. I have a good internet connection ( 150.000 down, 5000 up ), so it cannot be the connection and it happens every time.
Hello Andy, it happens only while moving forward in crouched position. Sidestepping is not necessary.
Kind regards, Biggi
Happened to me with a battery.
Added some, too.
Yes, same here
It seems like it is the same problem as here :
It is - in fact - the 3rd item in the hotbar which falls into your hands after a few blows.
Thats great - they should keep it as a feature!
The cooking time is fine in my opinion - but I agree with a 2 min time from cooked to burn as well.
Even when you are all on your own, this is what you would do - watch the meat cooking. It's interesting that the attention span of a few minutes seems to be too long ;) ( its not meant to be a personal offence, its just spoken in general ).
Yeah, this is what I tried to describe in the primary "graphics issue report" here:
"the graphics changes to "negative" fairly often. The game looks like being made appearing like a negative fotograph."
Maybe we share the same problem here :)
Superduper - If it happens again, I will inform you :) Thanks for taking care of that issue, Andy.
On stable, the zombies cruise through 99% of the doors, too.
Try to drop the bag, trousers or where ever you wanted to stick the item in, to the ground and put it back on. This sometimes frees the space and you can stick your item in.
Confirmed. Would be better if the battery lasted longer OR if batteries were easier to find ( besides the "original one" with which you spawn ).
Nothing in your hands, no effect when using and empty, but filled space in your inventory.
Experimental Version 50.125144
I spent HOURS running against the walls in buildings after i "shook" of cold ("I am shaking"), immediately after leaving the house ( energy and hydration full green, healthy state ).
The "Cold" sign appeared immediately after leaving the house, showing a dark brown color.
I did find loads of sks and longhorns but nowhere a single bullet for them. On the other hand, there is a lot of .22 ammunition but no weapon to use it ;)
Windows 8.1
Acer E1-731
Intel Pentium 2020M ( 2.4 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 Memory )
Laptop is new, hence the "W" button cannot be "stuck" ( it also happens in DayZ only ).
Confirmed. Was blocked in some houses already due to a corpse lying in the doorway. Had to wait until it disappeared.
I won't start a general discussion about what the devs do or not - but up to now, they have researched every "case" I opened and found solutions to most of them. This graphics issue is certainly huge and affects loads of mechanisms in the game - hence we do and cannot not expect a short time solution.
This page is here for reporting issues which I did when I reported this one.
If you don't like what you get - "shitty engine", etc. why don't you go playing something else until it's all to your liking? Meanwhile, we do what we are here for: Testing the game and giving feedback.
It still happens ... and the game freezes, when I run, every 2-4 seconds for a few seconds ( but remarkable ) since the update to .51. The FPS drop to 2-4 while this happens.
Same here - does not happen "immediately" but randomly when approaching/entering a house and lasts for 1-5 Minutes in average.
I had it appearing again ... nothing changed, unfortunately...
Not really - now the graphics changes to "negative" fairly often. The game looks like being made appearing like a negative fotograph. Looks funny and I will add a screenshot, I forgot this during my last session.
I don't know if its appropriate, but I can post my .cfg and dayzprofile-file here to help out.
I was now able to fix my problems - taken into account that the graphics aren't "perfect" anymore, but well .. better than not playing the game at all.
and this:
helped me a lot. At least I can play the game now.
I have an Acer Aspire E1-731
Intel Pentium 2020 M Processor ( 2x2.4 GhZ)
4 GB Memory
Intel HD Graphics on board
Same here.
Same here: What I experience on most servers is that I enter a building, all textures are loaded, but suddenly all textures are gone (I can see through walls)and my frame rate drops from 30 to 7 and the game will not recover from this unless I find my way out of the building. Occasionally, the walls come back when you move within the building, but only very rarely.
I support this issue as well. I love having a crossbow and use it everytime I find bolts or crafting the ashwood bow and using it against zombies.
Best weapon ever - you don't have to get near and you kill them efficiently.
I would just love to see the spawn number increased, its really too hard to find bolts or arrows ( I have not yet found a chicken, even though I keep looking at places where they are supposed to spawn. )
Oh, chicken - I think they should spawn where chicken cages are ( or however these cages are called, with the small ladders ). WE NEED CHICKENNNN :) :)
Still a problem ( just wanted to mention ;) )
Same here - fire axe became fairly useless now.
May 10 2016
Confirmed. The axes do not "reach" the zombies anymore....
"We get a time-out when we die; the minimum time-out for a zed should be at least five minutes. Anyone lingering in a "kill area" for more than five minutes deserves to be overrun with the newly re-animated dead. Please note that this is not a commentary on the quantity of zeds; the more the merrier (so long as we do not turn this game into "Left For Dead."
Oh so true.
"In real life you would do this, store stuff in pots and pans like food, so why not leave it as is but as long as its only food not to be able to put in random things like a compass into the pot."
It would be helpful if the bolts for CROSSBOWS could be crafted as well. These bolts are way too hard to find.
Also it should be possible to regain back the bolts/arrows from dead opponents - at least a few times until the bolts/arrows are ruined, of course.
Still the same problem - I sat there refreshing my inventory window constantly and could not prevent the urgently needed meat from burning.
I have to play DayZ on lowest settings because I have just a bloody office laptop to play with.
I am sorry and will stop playing DayZ because I don't want to take advantage of my shitty graphics.
I hope this suits your needs.
THAT is one awesome idea!
The doors do make noise since the .49 update .. just to mention that :)
No good idea unless they can separate server hoppers from just "lost connection". Therefore, vote down, sorry.
It was better for a while - but with the latest update, the zombies glitch through the walls like on early versions before.
The "nice" thing about it is that they obviously cannot climb stairs anymore - or if so, only to half the height of the stairway.