Revision: 151966
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Arma 3 Activity
Jul 7 2024
Jul 6 2024
No puedo entrar al juego por el error0xC0000135-STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND.Entro directamente al juego le doy al botón jugar y me sale un aviso de que el juego se acaba de cerrar de forma inusual y me pone el error ya comentado.
Revision: 151965
In T182399#2634295, @dedmen wrote:Steam should be downloading the mods. Look for errors inside your steam client
seems related T178412
Damn. Thanks for the pointer first and foremost, reading that trace stack is so confusing. Any ideas on how that could be fixed?
Jul 5 2024
Afaik you can go into a Steam debug/console mode. And disable DLC's for yourself.
I would think that's also available to normal users
Please make sure to only include relevant files in the report..
You included a 2.5GB fulldump from a Intercept crash in april.
Its also filling our FT servers with garbage files
"Bad Image Format Exception" some file on your computer is corrupted. But it doesn't say which.
Its not possible to decouple player only, from the setAccTime no.
Arma 3 is not DayZ.
The stuff you pasted is basically useless. In case of crash we need the crash report (RPT + .mdmp file)
But... I was able to find some other optimization making all scripts faster.
That got this benchmark from 20 seconds down to 18.5. Smol steps
Profile link would be stupid
That's just
"<steamUID>". You can do that yourself.
Would the new one have the same hash?
objects, groups, controls and displays can become null. That's why they are not allowed as keys in hashmaps.
I'll assume you posted this wrongly. Because all your other posts are about DayZ. And this is not DayZ.
Steam should be downloading the mods. Look for errors inside your steam client
Fixed on profiling v12
The battleye log behind that error message. Shows some error about BattlEye, you need to get that fixed. I can't read what it says
I don't have the time to make a map in terrain builder.
Please upload the crash dump
I forgot to close this.
Back then I decided theres nothing to optimize and that most time is actually spent in the script side.
This seems to be intended.
Speed modes are Unchanged, Limited, Normal, Full
Formations are.. uh
Won't do
Corrupted game files. Verify files in Steam.
The performance of your code is terrible.
params ["_oldArray", "_newArray"];
2.18 now allows 8388608 characters
Also can put "%%" -> "%". Previously that would just be ignored, now it can be used to escape and include a % character in format string
Corrupt PBO
Corrupt pbo
Width/thickness is done.
Style we won't do.
New Addition:
- Only if u add a model cfg to that object with animations it crashes
Jul 4 2024
([time, serverTime] select isMultiplayer)
Would not be correct. serverTime is always increasing at constant speed and counting from server/game start, like diag_tickTime.
time can be paused, or accelerated
should be fixed in Revision: 151954
Jul 3 2024
REV 151946 ArtilleryShellFired mission EH
Jul 2 2024
[] spawn { sleep 2; set3DENAttachedCursorEntity createHashMapFromArray [["type", "unit"], ["classname", "B_Survivor_F"]]; }
rev 151934
having the same issue plus cant find any servers