Well, going into details, this problem/bug started occurring since the very latest update I've got for ArmA 3, since I was able to play it last week.
Anyways, I start the game through the ArmA3 Launcher modded or un-modded and the game starts normally, after 5 seconds on the usual ArmA 3 logo loading screen the game quits, very strangely, this is the first time I've ever experienced such thing, with such message/error. Anyways, here's the picture of the error https://gyazo.com/5c9dfd7138ad87ca592ed3e11cc5a0fc
And after I hit okay, it tells me to go make a report out of this issue on the feedback tracker, here's the window and what it says.
Now I tried removing all the mods, removing the parameters for the game, removing the hyper threading options from the launcher and even repairing the game via steam, still, it did not fix it.
I'll include the report file in the report as well.