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Guided missiles can't track/lock while on the Steam Profiling build [No mods]
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Everything I say here is without mods. While on the most up to date profiling build and no mods, guided shoulder launched missiles will always act like they were fired without a lock. Vehicle mounted launchers will either do the same or do not lock at all. I have tested this with multiple launchers like the Titan MPRL, the Titan MPRL Compact, and the PCML, with multiple ground vehicles like the Static Titan and Nyx AT, and with the A-164 Wipeout firing Falchion-22 and Macer missiles the Fixed Wing showcase. An example is I spawned a Nyx AT as the player in the editor overlooking the main Malden 2035 airport and a T-100 Varsuk driving away around 2km away. After pressing the lock on key while looking at the tank with the gunsight nothing would happen. Another example is that I would spawn a NATO Rifleman (AT) as the player armed with a PCML missile and a moving T-100. The Titan MPRL Compact will not guide in IR mode, but it instead it follows the reticle in SACLOS mode. I would be able to lock onto the tank, but the missile acted like it was dumb-fired. The final example is when I loaded into the official Fixed Wing showcase missiles would be able to lock on, but not track, maneuver, or hit the target. The normal build acts normally, but when I go back to the profiling build the bug happens.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Switch to the Profiling build using steam
  2. Start the game with no mods
  3. Load into the 3den editor
  4. Place an AT Rifleman, AT ground vehicle, or Aircraft as the player and an enemy tank with a move waypoint
  5. Play the mission and try to lock onto the tank
  6. After the launcher has lock onto the tank fire the missile
Additional Information

I was able to reproduce on another computer/account just like I did and this happens on all maps. Using the normal build seems to be the only solution, but a complete one.

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