duplicate of #20690
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May 10 2016
Reopened at users request as not resolved.
https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/select (extended)
does this resolve it?
I suppose you can select new range after each find operation, something like
_arr = [1,2,3,1,2,3];
_cnt = count _arr;
_ind = 0;
_from = 0;
while {_ind = _arr find 1; _ind >= 0} do {
systemChat ("found 1 at: " + str (_ind + _from));
_from = _ind + 1;
_arr = _arr select [_from, _cnt - _ind];
Resolved in todays Dev
Disabling breaking is not going to solve this. Anyone who towed vehicles in real life knows, another person should be behind the wheel of the towed car so that he can push breaks. Simply releasing breaks and letting the car roll every time you pull it will result in a rear ending as soon as you stop.
Closing per request
config has own set of conditions, i will be surpised if there is no surfaceiswater condition there.
A simple watersurface check in config is needed. Just because it is a boat it doesn't mean no one will place it ashore
This is not true. All tickets are looked at and prioritised.
Chill man, this is not the only issue. Having said that, dev team is aware of this one too.
As pointed above commands have been renamed. Also visibleGetPosATL should be visiblePositionATL so don't pay too much attention to it :)
Oh that is what happened? To make it consistent with visiblePosition and visiblePositionASL?
confirmed, the whole bunch of newly added visual commands are missing
related to #20681. setPosATL is fine, it is getPosATL that is broken
fixed in today's dev
High priority now!
player setPosATL getPosATL player will send one in the ocean
player setPosATL (player modeltoworld [0,2,0]) works and will send player 2 meteres in front
Making this main ticket
getPosATL select 1 returns 0. Your object does not disappear it is misplaced
Mp as well?
Good spot!
It is also broken in MP on dedicated. Obviously addScoreSide works only when executed on the server, and while on the server the score stays correct, on the client it increases by the last addScoreSide value every time player drops to the lobby and back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMiF-Hme_kI
It is broken for all sides. The MP table also lies on client.
However unit addScore and score unit, both work correctly.
Nah man it is cool, there things in Arma that even developers don't know about ;) Trying to figure out how to solve limitations is actually pretty interesting game in itself until you hit a wall, and like in this particular case, it is a bit futile. I personally couldn't find an acceptable workaround but this doesn't mean there isn't one.
@Johhnny I hereby challenge you to come up with decent workaround to these problems! To save you time, none of the anim event handlers trigger for gesture animations like reloading. Good luck!
closed at request
What difficulty settings is the game set at?
Duplicate of #20583
duplicate of #20537
Resolved by engine side tweaking
But 2303 is Steam query port
2302 (Arma3 Game port) + (VON is now part of main gameport due to NAT issues)
2303 (STEAM query )
2304 (Steam port)
2305 (VON port - not used atm. but allocated)
you need 2302
It should as if you run test on created display it ceases to exist after indicated duration. The interesting thing is, although display is created, it cannot be found with finddisplay, I think this is the reason "unload" is not fired.
Confirmed. It looks like both unloads (config and scripted) are broken:
class rsctitles
class rsc
idd = 12345; onload = "_d = _this select 0; _d displayAddEventHandler ['unload', {player sidechat 'unload scripted'}]; player sidechat str ['load', _d, finddisplay 12345];"; onunload = "player sidechat 'unload config'"; fadein = 0; fadeout = 0; duration = 5; class controls { class text: rscText { idc = 12345; text = "okwerewrewrewr"; x = 0; y = 0; w = 1; h = 1; }; };
Added in today's dev update, thank you!
Some, could be related, info:
If I create a "getIn" EH for a truck for example on the client and send PV to the server with crew of this truck when I get in ("passenger" in this case, don't want to mess up locality), and then compare crew of this truck on the server, something interesting happens..
If the truck is local to the client, crew of this truck on the server is [] at the moment I enter the truck, i.e. server has no clue truck is occupied. Server gets update a little bit later on.
If the truck is local to the server (while EH is still client side) the server idea of crew inside the truck and client idea of it are synchronised.
Here is the code I used:
truck = cursortarget; publicvariable "truck"; truck addeventhandler ["getIn", {inVeh = crew truck; publicVariable "inVeh"; 0 = 0 spawn {sleep 1; player action ["Eject", truck]; sleep 1; player action ["getInCargo", truck];}}];
"inVeh" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log [crew truck, _this select 1]}
if truck is local to the client the result is:
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
if truck is local to the server
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
[[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE],[B Alpha 1-1:1 (KK) REMOTE]]
Maybe this desync depending on locality of the vehicle is somehow responsible for this bug?
I observed similar problem in Arma 2, probably old bugs.
Must be quite recent addition.
gr = group player; current group
[player] join grpNull; leave group
hint str gr; //<Group-NULL>
Sorry, my fault should have specified, MP only problem:
New info!
Override of the inventoryopened is also broken in MP
player addeventhandler ["InventoryOpened", {player sidechat str ["op",time]; true}];
player is able to open inventory
In SP everything is fine.
Not a bug
Confirmed. Could be related to config as missing animation without weapon.
BTW addMagazine array appears to be global in argument and effect
before we go any further we need to investigate this: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20509#c80030
Could the createDisplay also be extended to mission config please? #17311
+1 there is already separate Save option on exit menu, so at the moment it is either have "save" option and "exit+save" option or have no "save" option and "abort" without saving
in description.ext
saving = 0; both saving disabled
saving = 1; both saving enabled
saving = 2; //"save" button is available but instead of "exit + save" there is abort button
@neokikka I can confirm what Deathlyrage is saying about addMagazineGlobal dupes. I was testing it with 1 HC and 1 player on dedi and it was adding 2 mags instead of one. I guess with just 1 client on dedi you will not see duplication
But this is exactly how it is now after second testing, only for some reason it failed the first time I tested. Need more feedback.
I have retested this again and for some reason addMagazine effect appears to be global again, that is few hours later. Reverted changes to BIKI, changing to feedback, this needs more investigation.
Thanks for pointing this out with addMagazine and I've corrected BIKI description https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazine. As for addMagazineCargo, it is supposed to have local effect, which is correctly documented on BIKI.
Let me know if this is satisfactory so I can resolve this ticket.
Duplicate of #20487
Edited the title to make it more clear, changed category.
"Just take a look at the Fast Forward control under Plane Controls... That control makes your plane nose go down."
In my config, which is default, there is no key under plane controls assigned to actual "Fast Forward" option. If you are talking about W, then W under plane controls is assigned to "Nose Down".
This is intended behaviour, if a player hasn't got a weapon mod for example he cannot see when other players using this weapon.
Waituntil needs to be executed in scheduled environment, which debug console execution field is not. Use spawn for that matter from debug console:
- spawn {t = time + 3; waitUntil {time > t}; hint "Alright!"};
I say add wigs and women clothes! :)
You might want to wait until Monday and see if this is what you are after: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20274
Yeah japa probably made those global. The thing is, people should be careful using init.
Is it MP problem?
It has been fixed on dev
It has been removed soon after it was announced.
setHit takes selection, setHitPointDamage takes hitpoint,
so it is either setHit ["motor"... or setHitPointDamage ["hitEngine....
In fact for SUV it is
car setHit ["engine", 1]
car setHitPointDamage ["hitengine", 1]
Also make sure vehicle is local to the comp where command is executed
Fully functional command that has been removed in latest dev. Not what I had in mind when I made this ticket...
@SilentSpike shownGPS works as intended, I have updated BIKI description because it was too confusing
removed inGameUIsetEventHandler as it has been discovered working, info on biki.
removed camSetDir as there maybe a chance to fix it
removed playGesture and switchGesture from the list as those are supposed to be functional and require gestures from gesture config, which are none in A3
Added setPosASL2 to the list
@SaMatra unless there is also value in having it in simulation scope just render would probably be enough, though I wont say no to more :)
@japapatramtara one question mr wizard, what scope these new commands will operate, simulation or render? Render is better imo.
It is simple, remove commands are global, so when init executed for jip, removal happens globally. Limit it to server and it wont trigger for jip.
Put if (isServer) then { ...your code....} in init
Ability to disable various elements of UI would be most welcome too.
Not directly no, but maybe you can lock vehicle/seat with player in it?
You can add actions to it with addAction and disable it with showHud false. Other than that it is hardcoded in engine.
In my understanding, you cannot add init event handler with script only with class config. It is like with ui event handler onLoad. You can add it to display in config, but when you actually have display opened so you can add it with displayAddEventHandler it is pointless.
So you are trying to add init handler from init hander?