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- User Since
- May 21 2014, 8:44 PM (565 w, 6 d)
Feb 20 2017
Have made a mod and mission to reproduce:
Feb 12 2017
May 10 2016
Have the same results on 1280x1024 with font size "Normal". New fonts are bad when it comes to small sizes.
This improvements make possible realistic map handling and will not break anything. Mission makers or server admins get instruments to make immersive gameplay.
Also it will be good to do that for different muzzles (for weapons with GLs).
UPD: Have justed checked currentZeroing and found that it returns value not index. Probably, we will need currentZeroingIndex command or setZeroing (value not index).
Fixed in dev build! Thank you.
It is a pity. Will wait for next release then.
It wasn't fixed. The issue still in with 1.54 stable.
You are totally wrong. There is no such funcionality in ACE3. You cannot pick up enemy map and see enemy markers.
I fully agree. Here I posted one feature request close to this one
Give mission maker ability to choose that option. Map syncronization brakes immersion. Just make it selectable and no one will be offended.
I see that someone downvoted the ticket. Just want to know the reason.
Btw, have updated the steps to reproduce.
Try also with Sandstorm:
- Run Stratis, put Sandstorm infront of high hill.
- Then set minimum elevation, shut down the engine and shoot in first person view.
Rockets blow up just near Sandstorm but no sounds of explosions at all.
Also this problem affects modded vehicles. Especially noticable on open vehicles with GMGs.
Additional steps to reproduce:
- Put two armed offroads in editor
- Get in gunner seat of one of them and destroy another one(you should be in first person view).
- You will not hear an explosion.
FrankHH, don't try impose your views to others. If you like blurriness then just add it via Video settings in Arma 3. There are many posteffects with it. I don't want to see bluriness in game like many other players.
I play in Arma with first-person view only and don't see blades because of this.
And no, any kind of motion blur cause motion sickness because of focusing problems on the blurred object.
If you cannot focus on this objects than you don't need to add motion blur to them.
There is no need to do this. I hate all this blurriness. It will make my motion sickness worse.
Also smoke go through terrain if you throw grenade on hill slope.
The problem is in Windows 8. Disable power savings on USB ports in which you connect your joystick.
Soldiers inside have better protection.
It will be hard to get inside helicopter if there will be soldiers on benches.
It will be better if you may choose where to sit but not to change default positions.
It is a pity, but 1.36 didn't do that.
Still broken. Commy2 gave steps to reproduce.
This problem also persist when advanced fly model disabled.
It doesn't help. Camera shake remains in helicopters.
Sounds are not 3D-positioned. It breaks immersion every time you turn head in helicopter.
@Benargee, I see on my monitor that helicopter blows up and in fire, but... I hear only engine failure sound. Is it ok? No. There are two solutions:
- Change helicopetr crash model - remove explosion and fire.
- Add sounds of explosion and fire.
Title is already - ok. All infromation from mys last comment already was in topic, please read it more carefully.
Sorry guys, my first message was too emotional. I corrected the feedback with new details. Hope this will help to make game better. If they will do nothing, well I see only one solution - JSRS mod.
Sure, but if you turn your head in helicopter sound of wind will not change. You may turn your head to the left on 90 degrees but sound never changes. Your right ear will get the same sample as in neutral position.
It is bad and cause motion seakness.
Btw, in RL pilots use special helmets and you will not hear that sounds so clearly.
No, cause 21143 is related to crash sounds only. And I am talking about all new sounds:
- wind in ears (regardless of the position of the head wind will be only in one ear, try to turn your head in hummingbird)
- sounds at >100 km/h speed (i think helicopter will break apart in the air)
- sound of crash
- sound of landing
and others.
Sometimes this sounds plays twice,for example, landing and crush sounds.
Really, I feel pain in my ears after 10 minutes of flying.
All of the above is true for first person view only. In 3rd person you will not notice that.
- Helicopter blows up.
- Helicopter in fire.
- You don't hear any explosion sound or sound of fire.
- You hear only engine failure sound.
- Engine failure sound plays twice in xH-9 crash.
Probably, we will not see massive enhancement in sounds because heli DLC will be published in 20 days.
Also you may see "blue" laser at daytime if look through MH-9 windscreen window to powered on IR-laser.
Fennek, I agree. This will improve gameplay very much.
I don't know how radr in this situation should show missile launches. Hope BIS will improve this system too.
How is it going? This is crash report and it is almost 2 month old...
@Here is Johnny, sure. But I see new game crash reports and they get status "resolved" in a week. I cannot understand why developers cannot write a word about my problem in a month.
I see only one solution - I will post here as often as possible and after that will give logs to Steam to get my money back.
I have a problem and I cannot get any feedback from developers... Thank you so much, BIS. Great job!
Bump. Is it really take so much time to investigate the reason of this problem or you just ignore my problem?
Bump. Problem still persists.
Guys, I cannot play Arma cause of this problem. This crash report with dumps was published 20+ days ago. Did you find the reason this problem? When this bug will be fixed?
Sorry for my perseverance, but I have to ask again. Do you have any news, BIS?
I thought that crash reports have the highest priority. This problem affect gameplay and probablu performance much.
Any news?
How is it going, guys? Should I provide any information?
This bug is pretty annoying. Cannot play long time even with 2gb pagefile if browser is open.
A week passed, any news?
Thank you, Iceman
Have just uploaded 2 crashdumps. Please help.
Any news?
Benargee, there are several factions in game. Some of them may use this kind of helicopters.
Of course UAV is safer. But in some missions and situations you may not have UAV's.
Probably we can remove soldiers from in-game and use only unmanned vehicles. But I think this will break all gameplay of Arma 3.
I really don't understand downvoters. This proposition will not break anything. It will improve gameplay and make it more diverse, especially in TvT game.
gutsnav, main purpose of this helicopter - reconnaissance. Pilots will check territory, put marks on the map and make reports to the HQ.
HQ don't want to risk with transport helicopter - MH-9.
It is 2035 yer in Arma 3 and I don't see any problem to make new military helicopter from one of this.
BTW. There are different fractions in game. Some of them may use civilian vehicles.
May somebody explain their negative votes? I think Arma 3 needs ultralight reconnaissance helicopter. Why do you want not to see this kind of helicopters in game?
Check this one
Ka-226 is pretty good modular helicopter without tail rotor. Good candidate for CSAT light helicopter. Here it is
You can use DXtweak2 to solve this issue. Here is the solution:!
Hope BIS will fix this.
Still an issue.
Also it disables possibility to use countermeasures.
Already done, thank you
Please close the ticket.
P. S. It looks so huge. Hope it will be smaller in game.
BTW, the bullet flies not in marks on optics but slightly to the right.
This bug depend on pilot fraction. So any IR grenade (CSAT, NATO, AAF grenade) will be "green" to any aircraft (even СSAT and NATO) if the pilot of this aircraft is of AAF fraction.
AAF pilot + any aircraft (CSAT, NATO, AAF) = any IR greande is "green" on the radar of this aircraft.
I don't know and it doesn't matter I think. There are AAF IR grenades in game also and they are "green" for AAF aircraft radars too. It is a bug I think.
If any IR grenade is green for AAF, then why does AAF fraction has it is own AAF IR grenades...
Like any other grenade. Take it from ammobox, press Ctrl+G to choose IR-grenade and then press G to throw it.
Flares are useful with night vision + you shoot into enemy group. Without night vision they are useless.
Bump! We need better AMD support!
I don't understand why fixed wing aircrafts need 2 pilots. They have such speed that it will make second pilot useless. The only one fact it will be good for - training.
But I want to see more aircrafts in game. That is why - upvoted!
SilverDude, fully agree. Your screenshots show exactly what I want to see in game.
There is a contradiction in Arma 3:
- you can eject from driver seat at any speed, even if you die after that;
- you cannot eject from pilot seat if helicopter is 10 cm above the ground with 0 vertical and horizontal speed.
Btw, Dr_Death, I didn't see trolls on servers that kills their passengers with eject from driver seat.
The main reason - you are far from land and your engine is broken, you have not enough power of autorotation to land helicopter on terrain. You have to land it to sea. In this situation you can bail out and save your life. But nowadays pilots die with helicopters.