at current as a Mission-Maker / server operator you only get the following options:
forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; options based.
forceRotorLibSimulation = 1; force enable
forceRotorLibSimulation = 2; //force disabled
You are however not able to turn specific features of the RotorLibSimulation settings on or off for a fine-grained difficulty level.
Allow forcing of detailed rotorLib-Settings via:
Arma3Profile (easy way out)
#Scripting commands (better as it allows configuring the same Pbo via Params to allow for custom difficulty level packaging.
The minimum needed features would be:
forceRTDFullHUD=1; Show Gauges - 1 = On, 2 = off
forceRTDRoughLanding=1; Rough Landing - 1= on, 0 = 0ff
forceRTDWindDynamc=1; Wind Effects - 1= on - 0 = off
forceRTDAutoTrim=0; Auto-Trim enable - 1= on, 0 = off
forceRTDStressDamage=1; Stress Damage taken into account - 1= on, 2 = off
forceRTDVortexRingState=1; Vortex Ring state enable - 1= on, 0 = off