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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 12:44 PM (628 w, 6 d)
Jul 1 2016
May 10 2016
It's fixed in current development build.
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016983 (, please monitor that.
Yes, you're right. We add this for our plans.
Unable to repro in current stable version. (1.08.113494)
This should be repaired in the following dev update...
Should be fixed now.
Fixed in dev
I am not able to reproduce in DEV version.
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016456 (, please monitor that.
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016983 ( [^]), please monitor that.
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016456 (, please monitor that.
It's based on our own design. This texture maybe will be delivered with the others, but at the moment it's feature, not a bug.
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016456 (, please monitor that.
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016456 (, please monitor that.
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016456 (, please monitor that.
Thanks a lot, it should be fixed in following dev-updates...
There is another problem. Problem is during disambarking.
As guys said, it's correct ;)
Duplicate of 0015756! Do not spam with the same threads. Please monitor mentioned issue. It takes "repairing time" for other bugs.
Well, for sos it makes sense, but for tws not. At the moment is tws "arcade" becose through tws you cannot see more than let's say 500m.
Duplicate of 0015756
Thanks a lot, it should be fixed in following dev-updates...
Thanks a lot, it should be fixed in following dev-updates...
Duplicate of 0015756
Duplicate of this 0016456, please monitor that.
As I said and closed there -
There's nothing broken ;)
Just watch -
According to diagnostic and test, it's ok. That's maybe personal feeling.
Place board infront of the breakable window, place near the same but rotated and try it ;)
Thanks, should be fixed in the following dev update...
Thanks, should be fixed in the following dev update...
Maybe reduce filesize, but for the game, you have to load more p3ds.
On other hand, I don't understand why I should want to do that.
Thanks for the feedback, should be resolved in the following update.
Thanks for the feedback, should be resolved in the following update.
Thanks for the feedback, should be resolved in the following update.
There were the some problem, so I have to removed that selections.
I change this issue as feature request, becose this type of helicopter wasn't planned. If anything change in plans, maybe it appears.
I am not sure, it depends on our content designers.
These parts was removed from "base" helicopters(AH9, MH9).
Thanks, should be fixed in the following dev update...
Thanks a lot, should be fixed in the following dev update...
This should be also fix in the following dev-update
Thanks a lot, should be fixed in the following dev update...
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0016456 (, please monitor that.
No major issue of all helicopters, but just WY-55 helicopters has this problem. Was only bad geometry on main rotor. Now should be fixed.
First it appears in the Dev-branch, later in the main branch.
When you'll confirm the fix, you can close it.
Thanks for feedback, this should be fixed in the following dev-updates.
It's too difficult to increase this limit. However our models are made in very high detail and has these limits. You can increase polycount by proxies as NodUnit said, but there are several problems with that, too.
You can increase detail eg. by using pretty CO textures and precise made material with all fx textures.
Closed for long time without any info or better repro. Still unable to repro
Thanks for feedback, but we're unable to reproduce, please add more info, how to repro this bug.
Duplicate of your ticket - 0016035!
Please check your own posts, this duplicating takes useful time ;)
Thanks a lot, should be fixed in the following dev update...
It's a duplicate of this bug - 0010671 (, please monitor that.
Thanks for feedback, should be fixed in the following DEV update...
More info is needed. I am not able to reproduce that. Model works correct. Maybe problem is in used custom texture.
Allready mentioned there 0012463. Please monitor that thread if you want to know any progress.
Thanks a lot, it should be fixed in following dev-updates...
Thanks, should be fixed in the following dev update...
Should be fixed in following DEV updates...
I see, well bug is that you see waypoints from ah99, ah9 and mh9...
That's a feature, not a bug. Elite difficulty means you have no "cheats" which are in real life. Just aiming cross stays by default...
Yes, it was :)
Thanks a lot, it should be fixed in following dev-updates...
Thanks a lot, it should be fixed in following dev-updates...
duplicate of 0013339: Ladders works revers on Altis
Thanks a lot, it should be already fixed...
As ThePredator said, that's not a bug...
Thanks a lot, it should be fixed in following dev-updates...
It's impossible to do them exactly same penetrable geometry same as visual geometry. 10 centimetres we dont want to solve as priority.
From this picture "2014-01-04_00002.jpg" we cannot recognize which stone is it.
BTW, when you start hundreds of threads it's only useless time, which can we spend somewhere else.
I think, that this should be already fixed, please can you confirmed?
Now problem is fixed in all shadow settings.
Just say them, that they can ;) They have to be in "relax" mode.(7-4) not bug, but a feature...
Thanks a lot, should be fixed in the following dev-branch update...
According to this picture, we decided to change that. (Community, thanks for it)
As pilot you can fire, just set manual fire on, as gunner you can take controls, too...
As a pilot you have to have great view... In AH99 you cannot have the seats like in AH64, MI24, becose in that examples is gunner seat higher then the pilot's.
Fixed in rev. 0.77.109501
3rd person view is aligned with the tube, becose crosshair is for aiming from "external" view, so you have to aim "manualy" in this >45° direction to hit the targets.
There's nothing to change.
Just note from my arma gaming experience... For keeping an eye on your surrounding is better to use optics or binoculars then 3rd person view at all ;)
First of all, mortar is not a cannon.
For firing with mortar you have to setup correct angle to reach your target.
You can also firing on targets and don't see on them.
For this, there's the computer.
So this is not a bug.
3rd person view is for achieving lower difficulty.
The most of the rocks have now better collisions...
Unusual steping-over can cause the glitches.
Rocks' geometries are now in progress. This could be solution for these problems...
You cannot place them close to the walls.
When you want to use them as something in the distance, you have to place them a little bit far from the other objects.
That's normal, that render engine simplify the scene... That's not a bug.
Should be caused by your HW. Could you please add some better repro? I cannot reproduce on my PC.
Fixed in stable version.
"setObjecttexture dosent work for Barrel"
We're sorry about that, but this is very simply object...
We're not going to implement retexturing feature for everything in the game.
"Hidden selections of HEMTT Open Transport, Covered Transport and Ambulance are still not working in 1.08."
- And they will not. Sorry about that, but now it's very low priority on this. Maybe after some time I'll take a look about that.
Speedboat, Gordon should be tweaked in the following dev-update...
I pass it to our project leaders to discuss it and we'll see.
It may be a part of some samples or something. It depends on their decision...
"HEMTT hidden selections are incomplete:",
- That's caused by our technology, some parts on some models are placed on models by proxy and we cannot use hidden selections on proxy objects at the moment.
- Maybe there will be some time to improve model to allow complete retexturing.
"Also Marid's hidden selections" - I've repaired selections
Now(following dev update) should be all "Armored" vehicles able to retexture.
There is a little progress, but not final for all vehicles...
We have this feature in arma... Just use ELITE difficulty :) this disable 3rd person view in general.
Now should be fixed.
Thanks, now it's resolved. (ver. 0.75.108717)
duplicate of 0002805
Now it's fixed (dev ver.0.77.108906)
Thanks a lot, in dev build 0.73.107978 not reproducable, yet
duplicate of 0006054
should be resolved
Now it's fixed (dev ver.0.77.108906)
Please, which object are you using for this?
In the following DEV(tommorow) should be fixed...