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- Mar 17 2013, 11:09 AM (625 w, 5 h)
Apr 3 2022
Nov 15 2016
Yep, it now seems to work, at least for 01 to 02, on EU servers.
Nov 14 2016
Aug 1 2016
My problem is still active... Please help.
Jul 26 2016
Thanks for the answer. For what I tried now, all the coop officials servers don't work for me, and the Zeus and Endgame worked well. I had only the EU in the list, but the other day, I had USA, and it didn't work neither.
Jul 25 2016
Jun 28 2016
Jun 17 2016
May 27 2016
May 10 2016
My problem was here again, and I went to this page:
And it appears that the problem was caused by Fred41’s custom allocator modification I probably did a long time ago...
Could be closed, work again.
With the latest update/spotrep, I get this message. And the crash appears during the "battleeye: launching game" moment... (I uploaded the picture of the message)
Hello, thank you for your answer!
I just want to insist there is no crash files that are being created when I get this crash. But whatever:
I launched the game 2 minutes ago, had the crash as usual, but no files is being modified in the C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\ directory. But here is it though:
Thank you!
Maybe you should verify the cache...
Can be closed!
Oh, you're probably right, I have many mods, but didn't thought it could be the problem, so I didn't test without. I thought that as I've seen many bugs in the showcases, it was another. Here are two showcase missions unplayable for now that are tested without mods...
I have random freezes, I don't know if it is related, but only with the A2 maps, so I think it does.
I managed to "resolve" it by deleting the Game Updater folder, and recheck the integrity, then I had to try 2 times, and then it worked when being asked to install the game updater again.... I now have my two installation, but still get this message at the end of the updates everytime...
Sorry for late answer.
No beta Steam, OS up do date, Win 7 64, no admin session, but never got rights problem. I'm not using two steam sessions!
Just to be clear, it worked before, and it work now.
It happened, because I wanted to install a dev branch version of Arma 3 using the game updater, and while it was downloading, I got a problem with my connexion. Them I can't remember what I did, but I kill all the related process I think, steam, arma, and game updater. And then I got them problem.
After that, I tried everything, it still didn't work. Finally, I deleted the Game updater folder, updated the Arma 3 tools cache, reinstalled the arma 3 tools, and after a while, it worked again...
I agree
Still doesn't work!!
Exactly, but it's in the audio category, and for one month ago it was working if my memory works well
Is it possible to stop "updating" thibs thread every single day, I'm getting mails all the time and cannot unsubscribe...
Only the first one really need a fix! And yes, it really deserve a fix, I think too!
Not ignored, but as it is a small developpement team, the first one should really be fixed and the others one, if they have time one day, because there hundred of things like the first one! You know what I mean? :P
The first and the second are from A3MP probably! I figured it out only this morning! And apparently the last one is from Blastcore mod, if found the answer on a forum.
So, sorry sorry sorry, could be closed! Thank you!
Totally agree!
Appears to be fixed!
I'll try when I get home in some days! Thanks :)
I don't have time to get on dev branch now, but I'll keep you in touch!
"But ridiculous it is, looks like a kind of "Issuerecycling" what the devs do. A bunch of Issues are returning after beeing fixed months ago. "
I've noticed that too.
I think the situation has got more calm and more stable. COULD BE CLOSED! Thanks
That problem deserves a hot fix...
ShadeOfMe: I agree with you, maybe it could be an added option in the server's parameter: "Kicking On/Off".
And my idea was not to really kick: But more to prevent the same guy for accessing Zeus function in the 2-3 minutes before starting the game if he got "kicked", and after 2-3 minutes, even if he got kicked, if noones want to take the Zeus role, he should be able again. Maybe something like a countdown to let other take his place!
Yesterday, a guy was Game master, and because there's also game moderator, he thought he could manage the game, and so he wrote: "I'm going to eat, I come back in 1 hour"... It was funny with 15 people waiting for a guy going to eat.
Or maybe a system with an UI would be more intuitive... And it's not really for kicking, more to let people choose an other Zeus even if he want to stay in place...
Could be closed!
Stupid steam didn't save my yesterday's print screen... I tried again today, three time, wasn't able to reproduce. Maybe I was wrong. They all look quite the same, so maybe I looked wrong :S
It's strange because I remember I looked at that during the whole debriefing...
Why down vote? What is wrong :O ?
So much bugs -.-' Still got it too.
My pleasure, hope they get implemented!
Played it again today, and I confirm, it really need a way to communicate between the players and Zeus with preset messages... Because, otherwise, it gets quickly chaotic!
I think that a system like in BF2 would be definitely better!
Maxwell blocking is fixed
My whole team was stealth and holding fire in most of my tests... Didn't work...
Done, everything was fine.
Ok, so there must be something with my game or I don't know what, because here the helo spotted me when I was in the forest... Strange, strange...
Okay, here is mine:
But I'm affraid it will not work for the save... I had an autoSave.Arma3Save instead and I try to delete it and replace it again to see if it was really in that file my saves were, but I after doing that, wasn't able to get my saves back again... But whatever, maybe you'll be able to do something with it.
Oh I found them here, it's probably what you were looking after:
It was in :
C:\Users\Name\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Nickname\Saved\A3\Missions_F_EPB\Campaign\missions\B_m05.Altis
I made multiples saves along the mission and the event is happening a few seconds after the last update (or the one before...)
Maybe it has to do, with the smoke because it's the only thing I did exactly the same everytime. I even destroyed the lamps... I hide in the house, under a bush, in the grass, in the forest under a bush... And everytime the 2 guys where lying down, holding fire and stealth.
I also got this problem, very frustrating. Even with my team in the houses and my also in the houses, the helo spot us everytime!
PS: I had it on night, maybe it change something.
Fixed in latest dev build related to bis forum
Today's stable. Hope it will work for you too. Had to delete my saves of course.
Apparently fixed :D :D :D I managed to get through it with the latest stable update!
Resolved with latest stable update
Related to:
Possibily related to this one:
Did you read what I wrote? I guess not.
5)Load autosave->getback to 2)-> You still have one save :O :O :O
If you throw a grenade, with the autosave you get it back even if you don't have infinite grenades...
No no! That's the worse option ever
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