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- User Since
- Jul 21 2014, 10:04 AM (556 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
Geez, reopen this issue.
Please close this as duplicate. This report is more accurate than mine.
Refer to how to report crashes :)
Refer to video:
Even worse while running.
Will you implement new user action to fix it or just bandaid it?
Still active in 0.59 #1 exp.
Refer to the video for further information.
Not a joke. Try it.
While running forward, pull the LAN cord.
Yep. Clearly doesn't follow real life logic.
*ACP round.
Please reproduce in exp servers.
Please close ticket 0027249 for double upload
This is the main culprit that causes random fall damage/deaths and many more. Definitely needs a fixing.
only thing that was altered about the status updates were the schedulers I believe.
You have no idea how this can be abused... Your friend died? crash the server and he lives. Want fresh loot? crash the server and it's all yours. You see someone with v3s and wanna ruin his day? crash the server and no v3s for him. Quite critical I say.
Great. Now people can go into full pop and blow the servers.
With all due respect, please use private option when reporting critical bugs.
I think splint is haunted. Remember when throwing splints crashed the server?
Not a bug, but unintended outcome of incomplete CLE. Hicks said he will implement max item amount per building. Until then.
fixed as of 0.58.128528
please close the issue
Please investigate this
This should be in different format. Public servers aren't supposed to support kick or ban feature at all. The feature must be removed.
This is interesting. Please change to private.
I guess priority is low on this one...
please close the issue
this is resolved
same with heatpacks and blood test kit etc.
same here. extremely hard to get either statuses to survivable level.
water them.
lol. nice find
I believe we will soon get lotta foods with food mechanics expansion.... :D
it goes away eventually.
Their nickname can't be unknown entity since it says id is unknown... hmm...
also have confirmed. v3s in 0.54 is just horrendous.
attachments disappeared in stable.
if your latency is bad, it happens. It happens for me when I'm uploading something.
just say to him double tap voip key, else you die. If he is using speakers, you know he won't survive very long with all those chats flooding in...
contact battleye.
I didn't mean to be disrespectful Andy... I truly appreciate the artists' work all around. Thanks for looking into what I wanted to say. I hope you have a nice day.
Confirmed with fire extinguisher.
got logical flow. have my like.
this is implemented. good job.
What kind of drug were you on when you thought about this?
Better server browser is always welcome :)
And would probably be even better if it didn't flood out the DNS.
it just goes to stage 4. it will get cured eventually if you use right medication.
Confirmed. Anybody know how to reproduce this?
Please do this...
This fella deserves cookies. A lot of cookies.
Hell, I even want some swamps inland. Not right next to oceans. It's just too dry inland with so much fields to a point where all the environment feels dull. we need more diverse environment like sand, tall grass, dense forest, proper rivers(that actually flows), large lakes(maybe with some islands in the middle), bridges that spans to the island across the ocean, cliffs with footpaths and waterfalls, railway tunnels.... so many possibilities.
Very frequent occurance recently.... really glad someone brought this up
Thanks Andy. Always appreciated :)
Please confirm.
move to private
Definitely worth looking into...
speaking of magazines... we need tactical reload (reload that doesn't require hammer cocking because one round is already chambered) + reloading with some ammo still inside (e.g. mp-133)
gun distribution is good. ammo, not so much. magazines for civ weapons are ridiculously rare too.