There appears to be a strange pattern with the new loot system, this results in the same item being spawned in the same buildings type across the map repeatedly which leads to stale loot economy on servers which didn't luck out and spawn ammo/guns where other servers spawn endless guns and ammo.
An easy example of this would be deerstands or airfield tents. Typically if you go to tents you will find the same items in each tent just in slightly different numbers. An immediate responce might be 'well its a fixed loot table so you will see the same items sometimes' but this doesnt seem to account for it.
--for example.
On one server -every- tent at the airfield will have at least one SKS, sometimes 3-4 per tent. Every-single-tent. If you join another server, every tent will have ak74 and AKS, but no sks at all. Some servers -every-tent- will have 7.62x39, multiple boxes in every single tent, the next server might have -NO- 7.62x39 in any of the tents, but each tnet has 1-3 AKM magazines or 1-3 VSS ammo, never a healthy mix of items.
The method of loot calls/central loot server isn't very clear, but here is my rough hypothesis.
When a tent asks for a new peice of loot to spawn and a request is sent to the central loot server (or whatever happens) then one item randomly rolled and selected, but every tent with a missing item receives that item. This happens over and over each time one of the tents (or any building) needs an item, this results in servers having a massive amount of one item and very little item variety.
eg, Tent 1 needs an item, it is told to spawn an SKS, all tents from 1-20 spawn an SKS each, sometimes more than 1 if they have multiple missing items. Later tent 15 needs an item, it is told to spawn AKM mag, tents 1-20 all spawn AKM mags, after a few repeats of this, all 20 tents have the same loot, just in slightly different quantities due to some tents having more missing items than others when a loot call is made.
For example, some servers have rice in every house, every car, every barn. almost no beans, almost no bacon, almost on powdered milk etc. It's like a residential spawn asked for an item, rice was selected and every house with a missing item receives the rice. The same goes for guns, I will find magnum after magnum after magnum on one server, then Mosin after mosin after mosin on the next, sometimes 2-3 of the same rifle in the same town, then 2-3 more of the rifle in the next town. The same goes for camo, facemasks, It is very common to find them same 15 items every server, and very very very rarely find any alternative items.
This might be a biproduct of an attempt to keep server/loot server messaging down, if 10,000 items are needed it would probably take a lot of resources to do 10,000 individual random item rolls, I can see how efficient it would be to call for 1 residential/military/industrial loot roll - then dish that same item out to several places that need it, but maybe the number of places taking the item is too high or bugging out.
- This should be easy enough to confirm by debugging a servers loot tables for specific buildings (tents, deerstands, barracks) what you might see is
server 1 - all tent loot:
100 ASK-74
120 SKS
100 TTSKO jackets
95 buttstocks
7 AK74
11 hats
6 boots
5 gorka jackets
10 VSS ammo boxes
7 VSS magazines
server 2 - all tent loot:
100 vss ammo boxes
90 VSS magazines
85 AKM
75 AKM Magazines
9 hats
6 boots
5 helmets
4 buttstocks
5 AK74 mags
there seems to be a massive stack of 2-3 items, then a tiny sprinkling of random items. This cant be accounted for by 'players just leaving the other items behind' because typically tents will be STACKED with one weapon, sure players might not want it, but its on the floor in the first place, players arent carrying SKS up to the tents and leaving them in piles.
- This can be also observed by watching streams, I will routinely say 'this is a rice server guys' and go on to find 20-30 bags of rice while looting towards the airfield. if i server swap, i wont find ANY rice, only bacon. Same with deerstands, if the first deerstand I loot has 2 axes and 2 winter hunter pants and a range finder, the rest of the deerstands will have the same items - sometimes there are variations here and there, but generally the items are very limited.
- Examples I can think of off the top of my head
Barracks - either spawn LOTS of medical clothes OR lots of gorka OR plate carriers OR high cap vests every rarely a mixed combination
Hangars - either spawn 3-4 per Plate carriers OR 3-4 green sweaters per hangar, never a healthy mix of gorka/sweaters/plate carriers/high capacity vets/boots etc
Sheds - sometimes I will loot from cherno to the airfield and end up with 10 burlap, 0 wire. next server will be constant wire, no burlap, next server will be batteries in every shed but no burlap or wire, it's never a healthy mix.
The problem this causes for the game is that people that are on a 'lucky server' eg. SKS/SKS AMMO spawning everywhere have an interesting time, while others loot for hours and find no ammo because the server simply didnt roll that class of item and therefor only a handful of buildings on the map have ammo, or the clothing they wanted etc. Instead of seeing a wide variety of items and hoping you find what you want, it seems more viable to server swap until you find your item, then loot the server and find TONNES of it.