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Mar 21 2014, 12:42 PM (574 w, 8 h)

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May 11 2016

dfnibbels set Category to category:featurerequest on T110584: Feature Request: Please insert non lethal ammunition for Shotguns or electrical Teasers for distance..
May 11 2016, 5:24 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T110584: Feature Request: Please insert non lethal ammunition for Shotguns or electrical Teasers for distance..

May 11 2016, 5:24 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Steps To Reproduce on T110501: MP5 destroyed by dragging AK-Buttstock to it within military tent. I was not able to drop ghost of mp5 from Hands afterwards.
May 11 2016, 5:21 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T110491: Items duplication.

"persistance on":

Some maybe about loot explosions:

Our experience is, that if players put many Tents AND OR Bags with stuff inside AND OR many people in one place at places with loot spawns that makes those loot-explosions within a specific distance.

If that gets too heavy and if you walk around this positions, loot vanishes from bodys. You just walk and look at things and you get naked..
The People and Admins think, this is due to too much items in a closer area or due to too much items on the server.
When this starts to happen, we tend to bring tends to another server and then the server gets wiped.
Then we bring our good stuff back to the fresh server.

Because we are feeling a connection between filled up bags or tents we tended to search for loot-explosions to find our opponents/camps within the game. Someone told me, that they had a Camp near the airfield once and within some circle of approx 800-900m the lootexplosions happened, outside of that circle they stopped.
Another one told me, that they had some camp near a little lootplace in the woods. A Dearstand or something like this. When they had some few tents there it didnt do anything to the lootplace. But when they put 2 more tents near the other tents the loot in the "Dearstand" got massive.

May 11 2016, 5:21 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T110486: Swapping items deletes one of those items.

The complete Steelplate Carrier now behaves a bit like a fireplace did or does. You cannot choose where to put an item. if you drop an Item onto another, it probably gets deleted.
You only can drag things to the top of the carrier to have it sorted in "by automatic", you can also doubleclick an item within the carrier to sort it in to the toppest inventory.

I dont know if there are two types of complete carriers within the game, but this behaviour obviously has changed within .55

May 11 2016, 5:21 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T110486: Swapping items deletes one of those items.

I can confirm the behaviour if you drag plate carrier pouches on a 75-round mag. It got deleted on me.

May 11 2016, 5:21 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T109635: Invisible Zombies in Elektro&Cherno .55 Stable VIDEO RECORDING.

+1 .55 in Electro in front of the Police-Station I found some pants and stuff. Then I got hit and hit and hit and nobody has been there.

Whatever has been chasing me, hit me like with fists or like zombies do. And I was sometimes able to flee inside doors (entity didnt follow).
It did not follow up ladders, had longer to follow me up stairs and finally punched my feet broken.

In this case I did not think about some weird hack. A zombie with no textures at all is more likely the case here??

May 11 2016, 4:52 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T108429: Speedhacking and Cheating STILL possible in 0.54.
Well then, we can restart playin :) I just got this screen from "someone"

Love you guys!

May 11 2016, 4:11 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T108429: Speedhacking and Cheating STILL possible in 0.54.


May 11 2016, 4:11 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T108429: Speedhacking and Cheating STILL possible in 0.54.

Hackers are definitely within .54

I saw one live. He wanted to try speeding and broke his legs while doing. (hehe)
And he can see the names, zombies and some specific stuff around him. I posted a -private comment here- with link he gave me after contacting him private. you would probably find this with google as well.

I know the guy, hes not the bad guy but as we got killed like all the time in october i stopped playing dayz and he "as well bought it then".

The big thing is seeing if others are around. For me this totally breaks the game. Other stuff like seeing Helicopters and so on are not implemented yet, he told me days ago but comming again for this versions.

For me playing dayz is asking him day by day if he got banned - waiting for playing again seriously :D. I am not into the thought that only he gets banned, we both would love to see all the 'malwaredriver-infected' out of the game. So we could play normal again. Yeah.
This has been going on for 4 months now. I was quite happy when he told me nothing is working anymore since the last patch, but they kind of recovered. No wonder, because the customer pays like 10 to 20 bucks for a limited license with no guarantee of working long. This is kind of the cost of the whole account in dayz. Who wants, who gets. But it roobs dayz from me - sadly.

The thing is, if you sneak around just trying to loot, find, test and all of the sudden someone pops out in front of you and shoots you, this is not fun. So well: Maybe this happenes in a 1:2 ratio. You win, others win. But formerly this happened like 1:10 (others dead:me dead) and I by myself first thought I have been stupid or my brain is working nuts.


May 11 2016, 4:11 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Steps To Reproduce on T105584: Hack, some files and pictures leaked to me from a friend..
May 11 2016, 2:26 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T104677: Game causes intense motion sickness.

Here is another Thread on this.

May 11 2016, 1:49 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T104677: Game causes intense motion sickness.

I thought about this on my side and I think this is maybe caused by several things.

The sun in this game is very annoying. I personally turn my head down to see more clear in direction to the sun.
Then I get sick. (Sunglasses on the Character dont have any effect ;) )
This is the same when people wear glasses in reality, and they are not anti-reflective. (Thatwhy people pay a lot for better glasses not to get migrane)

Then the Frames in combination with "badly wanting to see something, that is somehow not clear to see all the time"

Buildings are flickering/changing the state of complexity all the time. This is since ever.
The rest of the world seems to be fine, but it is very stressful if the thing you zoom in is allways changing its detail in very stupid ways.
If you move your head, the qualitylevels of things move to another state, but there is no difference of distance.

Some tension is maybe caused by the fact, that I am allways in fear not to see something. There may be Items clipping out, there may be another player ... And you cannot trust the game in clear vision. -> Migrane
This is like pupil in school getting real migrane if they are in a lot of tension and if they dont want to do something badly/hate the teacher. (fact)

Solution: Play this game drunk, but not tooo drunk :D, then you stop caring.

May 11 2016, 1:49 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T104563: Default settings (FOV, head bob, etc) may be causing motion sickness for many players in first person.

Me too. Not on some days but normaly this shaking makes me very tired and once caused serious headache

May 11 2016, 1:45 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T104520: Ability to grow beards.

What I didnt write here in first was:

My original Thoughts have been about "how can I show people not to kill me".
Then I have been thinking about looking like old and calm people, which could be more trustfull...

May 11 2016, 1:44 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels set Category to category:featurerequest on T104520: Ability to grow beards.
May 11 2016, 1:44 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T104519: Please put in craftable Animal-Suits like the romans/druids had..

May 11 2016, 1:44 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels set Category to category:featurerequest on T104519: Please put in craftable Animal-Suits like the romans/druids had..
May 11 2016, 1:44 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Steps To Reproduce on T104494: Glitch: It is possible to login-spawn under the police station..
May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T104486: Logging in as fresh spawn with items wiped on joining new servers!.

But I am not talking about this "old" wipe!!

I know this 300-Comment Thread.
I have been talking about random resets on maybe unstable servers when you connect like on 8:32 or 9:23 hours.

And well, some servers start at 8:00, go to a time like 9:20 for a second (you see it while refreshing) and then go to 8:00, 8:01, 8:02 ...

You can join when its after this short 9:20 mark (in this case).

I am well aware of this.

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T104486: Logging in as fresh spawn with items wiped on joining new servers!.

happened on me twice. Once i have been really dead then. Once I quit server and had been "alive again" within my old state on another server.

happened to my friend three times when entering some server. (had been still alive after fast serverswitch all three times)

It seems to happen alot on servers which are laggy and have fluctuating pings like 67ms, 56ms, 60ms, ... 899ms ...., 67ms, 56ms, 60ms, ... 987ms ...., etc.

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Additional Information on T103832: Feature Request: Make Zombies get pushed back if you punch them with fists or baseballbat..
May 11 2016, 1:20 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels set Category to category:featurerequest on T103831: Feature Request: Make bodys of unconcious or dead People draggable..
May 11 2016, 1:20 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Steps To Reproduce on T103830: Random Deaths in Firestations.
May 11 2016, 1:20 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T103759: Character get cold so fast.

I think the cold-system is ok. It makes the game a bit more survival. But you guys should really build something like "usable houses".

It does not seem that staying in some house helps you against cooling off.

It would be really nice if you implement some activatable fireplaces inside houses. So players could stay in nice houses to warm up.

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T103733: M4 rifle is not spawning at heli crashes since 0.49.

Found M4A1 @Lapatino-Vibor Military Base Helicrash

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T103625: CHAR should ALWAYS do the things that the user want him to do - RUNNING with weapon switch.

Thx for telling this. I hate this behaviour... too.

May 11 2016, 1:12 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T103507: Sprinting with your rifle in aim mode - Unlimited Stamina ( Not getting tired ).

But you'll be slower... (?)

May 11 2016, 1:08 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T103434: Keep spawning in the same place naked..

I had not been "respawning" there all the time, but I got into the Game without anything on my at this Bridge near Vibor as well.

Happened after a verrrrry laggy server killed me in some first Floor at Electro.
See link.

May 11 2016, 1:05 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T103395: several issues: loss of textures, naked spawn, no default character loaded.

Naked Spawn: Happened on me to, after some unforseen weired death (me alone in room, nearly empty server, just walking, death -> Elektro, First Floor, very laggy Server)

May 11 2016, 1:02 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T103350: 0.49 stable bug.

I had this on a very laggy server. This door then opened after 20+ seconds and freaked me to death.

May 11 2016, 1:00 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Steps To Reproduce on T103011: Pipsi Can that never gets empty..
May 11 2016, 12:48 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T102520: Gunshots sounds not hear-able.

Same problem here.

We have been 2 players. I heard a shot, the other one didnt.
Then the other way around. He heard a shot, I didnt.

The Following apears while using my headphones on my Computer:

The other thing is, that maybe the game is calculating the sound-loudness only on behalf of left-right distance and not by counting the real distance in the really right direction. -> sqr(x²+y²) <-> +-y

You may notice such maybe that way:

  • Hear some constant place shots.
  • turn around slowly.
  • Everytime the shots are in direction of your ears they are loud. If you as example are turning 45° they are not loud or silent.

My Soundcard is a Creative ZxR. Before that I had some Auzentech Forte 7.1 also with a Creative Chip on it. Both felt the same.
Other games dont have this problem.

May 11 2016, 12:32 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T102359: Adding a Note at failed with blank page..

"I believe that even though you load a blank page, the note does get submitted. Can you please confirm that?"

This is true, I can confirm.

In my case I hit F5 to reload the blank page. Thatwhy my notice had been posted twice. I deleted one afterwards.

I have quite a lot experience in such bugs. This normally happens, if the script is somehow broken or some other error happens. It took quite a lot of time until the blank page was set.
I think internally some error happened, which could be a timelimit for the script-run.

If timelimit:
Maybe caused by a table-lock in mysql (myisam, highload)..
Maybe caused by missing indexes on some table..
Maybe it is ok to rise max. timelimit by PHPs "set_time_limit(100);" -> but maybe this will be bad for the server in high-load-times.

General: This could be critical, but doesnt have.
I really dont know what the script does after inserting the post. Could lead to unfinished links, broken databasestuff etc.


May 11 2016, 12:26 AM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Steps To Reproduce on T102359: Adding a Note at failed with blank page..
May 11 2016, 12:26 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

dfnibbels added a comment to T101432: Randomly exploding gas stations..

Rumors say, that this is caused by people respawning or loggin in within the area of the gasstation, but I cannot confirm.

I mostly saw this on highcrowded servers with many deaths..

May 10 2016, 11:53 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T101276: Invisible / invincible zombie.

I can tell you that in my game this morning it happened exactly the same way.

Story: [I don't play experimental, its the actual Steam-Version from 01.08.2014].

This Morning I have been on a Server with about 7 People in it. I was probably alone at Svetjolarsk. I shot one Zombie on the street, several times, becaused I missed it with the SKS. It was too close.
Then 5 Zombies dropped in and ran towards me. I fled to the Building and worked my way down again, killing those zombies.

When I have been on the street again, there were those very close Zombie-Sounds. No Zombie. I got hit.
So I ran circles, like I would do to avoid its attack while trying to axe it. I have not been able to hit anything, but the Sound followed me like there was a zombie. And I got hit kind of instantly when I stopped circling.

Weird thing: There has been a Zombie-Graphics-Model circling around "us both" in around 20m distance with a quite fast speed.

When I imagine the Zombie with its on Coordinates-System, the graphical model of the Zombie has been to the right of the "hitting and sound-center", shifted like 20m away from its sound source on Z-axis. (X front, Y to top, Z right)

I found it in the Video here:


May 10 2016, 11:48 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T101244: Zombies are running through half of the doors.

I experienced:

if I shut down a door when a zombie is following me -quite close-, he comes into the already closed door as if there were none. If I am a bit more far away, and the door gets some time to "really close" the doors keep the zombies out.

Except: If there are more than one zombie, they might glitch themselfes in randomly by pushing to each other(?)
I think that, because I once have been in some cabin and locked them out. This worked for minutes and all of the sudden one zombie was inside the room and hit me. I saw that there were like moving within each other at the door and some arms were inside the house randomly.

anyone had the same experiences?

May 10 2016, 11:47 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96936: Item Disappearing in Gorka Police Station.

I once dropped a Mosin there and I found it again where I had it from: Second floor, left room.
I carried this gun within my hands to the other floor and dropped it because I needed to patch myself up with a bandage.

[Mosin in Hand, Zombie hit me in 2nd floor, Went to 3rd Floor, Pressed Key 9 to Fastget my Bandage, Bandaged myself, Mosin had been back in the Place it spawned earlier.]

PS: I already had 2 Guns in my Inventory, they had been there because since I spawned, I did not use any Item before getting this specific Mosin into my Hands. (3 Guns carry? Never tried it before and it didnt work well ;), so)


May 10 2016, 9:22 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96837: Getting stuck in a not enterable room.

Same here.

It happened on us while the server had desyncs on some of us.
My mates walked around in some Office-Building. The Building with the Gun-Loot in the one open Room second floor.

Both of them got captured in the ground floor within those locked rooms there. One got out by sprinting circles and pressing V next to these benches at the outer wall. The Escape was just as random as the enprisonment.

In the End both where dead, because one dropped from the first floor randomly and we had to shoot the other one. Not even getting zombies there to have the 2nd friend pushed out of the room helped.

This is quite a common reason of death rightnow.

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96835: Game "minimizes" to desktop.. is there a connection?

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96827: If you are spawning into a server, you can die before you even get into the game because if someone is there they kill you.

That happened in an older (last) Version but this is maybe connected to your problem.

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96805: Game minimizes repeatedly.

Adblocking: That is not the point. Is this ad really causing the minimization?

You can close this ad by hiding the sidebar in this website... and I am very familiar with webprogramming, adblocking ... btw ;)

Is maybe Fraps causing the minimization while running in background and finding a new thing which is rendered by graphics-card? (flash video on HW)

May 10 2016, 9:17 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96805: Game minimizes repeatedly.

Hmm I experienced the same problem.

I thougt that this is caused by flashplayer?

I got this impression from far far away somewhere in my brain... but is it true that you guys also have an open browser with running in background?
My game seemed to drop down to minimized when this commercials/ads in the top left corners switched to some video.

Please dont hate me if this is totally wrong, but maybe..

My second thought was that somehow my mouse is ghosting in the background.

I have a Radeon 7850 by the way.

May 10 2016, 9:17 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96721: Colour changing background in main menu and unable to change default character.

oh dear...


causes this behaviour.

Thanks a lot!

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96721: Colour changing background in main menu and unable to change default character.

For better understanding and because i could not upload mp4 with this uploader:

My System: Radeon 7850 / Win7 64bit

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96721: Colour changing background in main menu and unable to change default character.

Same on my side, it happened after the last patch and never changed back to my character-view.

maybe connected?:
Sometimes when I enter the game (i spawn in server) my screen looks alike. (blurry onecolor looking view, not the health effect!) then i go to esc->settings->video and back. that takes me to the normal view (so i can see the country again.)

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96710: Magnum unloads make one ammo..

I think that in fact you pull the "Stack" from the Gun. Not empty it to Ammo.

  1. Try getting the Ammo with the Mouse-drag: You get a 1-Bullet-Picture-Stack-of-6-Bullets
  2. Try unload Gun with rightclickmenu: 6 Bullets.

I am not quite sure why it is working that way, but it is like you get an as-a-magazine out of the gun but without a magazine. So it is not 6 Bullets, it is one Set.
One Bullet has the same picture as the 6-Bullet-Stack.

May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96526: Blank unusable inventory space during gameplay, empty soda can on fresh login.

see here guys. Drop the things, get them to your char again and the slots are reusable.

May 10 2016, 9:07 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96437: Player dies by Zombieattack while joining game. connection?

May 10 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels edited Additional Information on T96437: Player dies by Zombieattack while joining game.
May 10 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96420: Wait For Host And Season Lost.

same here.
this is common behaviour on my char now, i did not experience that this is related to the place of the map i spawn.

Until now i did not think of the info that this could be better on lowercrowded servers. thx.

May 10 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96387: Unlimited ammo stack.

I had been told there is a little program ...

that spawns this stuff of unlimited ammo.
As well as they can see through walls and through mountains.

Theres a Rumor that you can even killshoot through a mountain and warp their own character to any place.

May 10 2016, 9:02 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96370: Cannot connect to some servers.

Same here, but i think that those servers with good ping have their good ping because they are not working.

May 10 2016, 9:02 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T96329: Character died of nowhere.

I resist to open an own thread for this problem, this seems the same thing i wanted to tell the team.


This behaviour is quite common after the patch. Somehow it seems the server is laggy. You run, you are fine. You go into some building, see food and stuff, but you cannot take it.

#What it may cause to Player:

Suddenly you take damage.
In that case my real heartbeat is rising, because I now know that my character is still standing out side (serverside maybe) and getting attacks from a zombie.

You are bleeding, you cannot do anything about it. If you respawn on another server you are either dead or you are bleeding out before you can use a bandage.

#My questions are:
? How could my clientside game know of zombie-attacks and not know of my actual position? Seems like the server is still sending data to me. But not my position?
? If you say, you calculate my Path on the Client and on the Server and the Server is the Master, is it possible that somehow the server is unable to reconstruct my path?
? Will this be fixed by syncing the position between Server and Client more often? I felt that in those cases I encountered it the Sync and this beaming to my "real position" did happen in like one minute timedistance.
? Is there no or a broken Messagequeue for sending data to the server if this is not reacting?
? Is the clientside function broken, which acknoleges serverproblems?

May 10 2016, 9:00 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T95930: New Police Station rooftop edging launches character forward..

A friend told me this, after reporting this bug to him.

"That's sort of what happened to me, but mine was coz I pulled a weapon out while walking / running. We noticed the other day, if you are wlaking / running and click a short cut 1,2,3, etc to pull a weapon your carachter will keep walking until the weapon is out."

May 10 2016, 8:47 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T95709: Unlocking Handcuffs resets their condition.

I confirm that. I encountered it, we have redone it and it worked again. in 0.35.115188

Now in 0.42.116181, we are not able to do this anymore, because "there is nothing left" shows up while trying to handcuff.

May 10 2016, 8:40 PM · DayZ
dfnibbels added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

This is really serious rightnow. Before it was very seldom, but rightnow you just cannot play as a "Looter".

I lost both of my loved Accounts the last 2 days. Hardcore/FirstPerson and Normal.
In Hardcore I had this bug twice or three times in 2 days.

What happend?

Server disconnected, No message 1,2,3,... 14...
Start game
Wait for Host
Testing 1,2,3...
Back at the Beach

This time I didnt move my mouse and instantly disconnected, but as the last couple of losses, that didnt make it better.

Please fix this!

May 10 2016, 1:43 PM · DayZ