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- Jul 29 2013, 6:55 PM (608 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
Do you think all items do despawn after 30 minutes on the spawn point? Dont thnik this is how it works.
All Items you listed are just not usefull so nobody is picking them up.
The 30 minutes timer only cleans aldd player dropped items (should - but is bugged soetimes).
Can confirm that the loot seem to "double" on private servers in a strange way sometimes. One building has for example 1 rice and one powdered milk. Same building butanother room had the exact same. Over to the next building there was 1 red hat and a kitchen knife. Another room again the same. Seem very wired.
After 3 hours and compared the position - yes im very sure.
They should despawn with an explo0sion or something.
Not just magical fade out.
And dynamic heli crash is great fun in the mod. Imagine a heli fly by and crashing right behind the next hill.
Eugen said once that some anti dupe methode like this will be implementet. But its sad that the Devs dont answer every feedback ticket. Brian said they read all. But the lack of feedback back to the ticket authors is sometimes frustrating.
Pants only spawn on the prison island, schools and the office-ish buildings (sometimes attached to garages, two floors, has a bathroom on the first floor)
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Nope it is a public hive server and problems begun AFTER this fix anyway. Even Hick himself said there was no reset (as in the text described both, have you even read it?)
Today I had the chance to drive a V3s from the west to the east. While driving I had constant freezes mostly in the big towns along the mainroad in the north.
(Without startup paramaters and 3rd party tool).
Yes they are still present in 0.57.
The frames are dropping every once a while mostly in the north and its like a memory crash.
But I dont play 0.57 so much - neraly no zombies and the lootsplosions elemiante the fun for me personally.
Hi geez, yes on both.
My start paramaters are: -nopause -nosplash -skipintro
I played the game without the tool yesterday. I had noticeable less freezes but they are not gone.
I have exactly the same gamma flickering after the freeze as in the video the user Paper posted here.
Problem with mouse cursor tabbing out to windows drives me crazy and I will try another tool. XD
When it look "rotten" but its just spoiled the vegatbale can be pristine.
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Same here.
I got several heart attcks playing 1 person. XD
But on the long run its very annoying.
This was a lockpicked door. Yust meele against it.
Its a pain in the as to wait over 10 / 20 minutes (is limed or not) while starving just to harvest a secound late. Very bad game design.
You have to prepare you next login, I survived this, too.
Try to get a friend who has a pumpkin ready for eat. Tell him where he should go and wait till he is in position and log in.
When you log in, eat as fast as possible one pumpkin at once. But beware with the next and eat only a third if not stuffed.
Which is you server IP?
Same as a "silent" arrow - on every NPC (Z, animals).
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I was in the Police Station Komorovo on Server DE 01 with V 0,48,124,737. There was in one corner a backpack, a childbag, a pliers and one pair shoes. I put the childbag in the backpack, the pliers and the shoes in the childbag (which was in the backpack allready). As far as I remember I did this without picking it up, but in the vicinity window of the inventory. One day later I checked back this Police Station.
It was all like I left it, but I had only 4 FPS with open iventory when I was looking at the backpack. In the backpack was the childbag and inside this was the pliers and the shoes. But the childbag was also hovering in the air above it, with the pliers and the shoes. Not one but alot of them in the same place. There was also a pliers on the ground, same here, item after item after item, roughly more than 100 items at the same position. Same with the Shoes. I picked them up for counting and dropped all a few meters away.
Another day later, the droppes items are gone, the childbags was still there.
But the Shoes and the pliers was also back. Again hundrets at the position where I picked all of them up one day before.
This server isnt respawning loot. Gobal item limit reached?
The loot do respawn in the 2 km radius circles (as Hicks may have mentioned in a stream). With overlapping (every building has its own bubble?) this could cause loot shifting away. This would be an explanation why the apartmens in Cherno are full of loot in every floor.
May 10 2016
This whole thing wound be not that bad, if only the weapons would not disappear on sloped terrain.
I think some are fixed, or spawn on "some places" in the map no loot.
Older experiment on Experimental Branch 048.124674 Server DE 0-7 Respawn V 048.124674
My workaround for the problem was binding the right mouse button without "hold breath". Maybe something like this will help you guys too.
Its still in experimental 0.48,124699.
But my initial Ticked got closed, they managed to find the bug and working on a fix. :)
Its like when you hit to many buttons / functions the same time,t hen the Char is throwing.
Had this yesterday on 3 person Experimantal DE 01 0.48,124699, too.
Was shot and died at NWA a few secounds before server restart. After restart spawned naked in Vybor.
Had it 4 times since the 0.45. 2 times in the Land_Shed_Ind02 , once in the Prison an once on the ATC Tower. Allways when taking something into hands from the floor.
Think the Rubber banding is the problem.
Same here, the other File is uploade from me.
It even crashes when you try to close the game after the session lost.
Found out you have to look on the ground. If nothing happen ist most of the time desync from client to server position/stance of your character (.0.55).