User Details
- User Since
- Dec 16 2013, 10:52 PM (585 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
I'd have to judge that on a case per case basis.
On the ticket you've provided as an example, I would feel comfortable closing it because:
- It's really old
- There's been no activity before you added your comments
- There's no duplicates pointing to it
- It's not been assigned to a developer
Otherwise, I can assign tickets for devs to take a closer look at.
Honestly, don't even worry about bumping tickets. Being at the top of the list makes it a lot easier for mods and devs to see those tickets, and if you've correctly identified a duplicate it should disappear pretty quickly anyway. :)
Hi Franzuu,
Wow - thanks for this list. I'll start taking a look at these.
For future duplicates, would it be possible to add a comment on the ticket itself? So on the dupe just put a note pointing to the original ticket?
If maintaining this list is easier for you then feel free to carry on updating here and I'll try to keep up.
Thanks again for the help!
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been suggested.
Closing as duplicate of #0021765: Meat on stick
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0000363: quick swap 1-9 doesn't work correctly 100% of the time
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Good to hear your game is now working properly. :)
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0005169: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
This has been reported previously, but unfortunately the devs decided that this isn't an issue.
#0000373: Sardines are tuna and the tuna are sardines
While I appreciate your frustration about this bug, please don't clog up the bug tracker with duplicate reports.
Closing as duplicate of #0005169: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level)
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0019253: Compass showing opposite or wrong way.
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0020227: Ghillie SUIT unable to be painted green
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0020227: Ghillie SUIT unable to be painted green
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0005169: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Duplicate of #0018264: Thin and thick framed glasses look terrible!
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0000825: Bringing up the inventory on dual monitor setup causes mouse cursor to move outside of the game monitor
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017815: Sledgehammer has no Inventory Icon/Picture
This will be fixed in the next update.
Please refer to the main hacker / cheater thread at #8589
Please refer to the primary character save loss thread at #78
BattlEye bans need to be disputed with BattlEye. Please contact them directly:
Note that if you have been banned on ARMA 3 then your ban will carry over to DayZ.
BattlEye bans need to be disputed with BattlEye. Please contact them directly:
Note that if you have been banned on ARMA 3 then your ban will carry over to DayZ.
Please refer to the thread at #0017873: [Exp 0.50.125144] All servers dying after 2nd restart. Now all dead worldwide!
Could you provide some more information about what is happening to your game?
Please refer to the main hacker / cheater thread at #8589
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017815: Sledgehammer has no Inventory Icon/Picture
This will be fixed in the next update.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0016757: Standing above water behaves as if in water
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017130: [PRIMARY REPORT] Character cools down/gets hypothermic too quickly
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017382: holstered hacksaw wrong position
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been suggested.
Closing as duplicate of #0010144: Molotov Cocktail
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017130: Hypothermia unmanageable due to unrealistic temperature management?
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0013659: Walkie Talkies broken.
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Already reported at #0016328: (Experimental) Exploit: Drying Clothes While Holding Items
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0005169: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
If you submit your ticket with the category as Player Stuck it will automatically be assigned to be looked into.
I have now done this for you.
Already suggested at #0010144: Molotov Cocktail
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0005169: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Please only report one bug per ticket.
Also, be sure to search before opening new reports as all of these issues have been reported previously.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017130: Hypothermia unmanageable due to unrealistic temperature management?
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0001023: Zombies detect us at ridiculous range (More than 120mts)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017130: [PRIMARY REPORT] Character cools down/gets hypothermic too quickly
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0017130: Hypothermia unmanageable due to unrealistic temperature management?
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
The main report for invisible zombies can be found at #0012755: Invisible Zombies
The main report for zombies clipping through objects can be found at #0000077: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT]
Please vote up the original issues to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0015503: Broken Zombie Hitbox (Weapon goes through Zeds)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been suggested.
Closing as duplicate of #0004938: Suicide option
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Zombies clipping through objects is a known issue.
Closing as duplicate of #77
Zombies clipping through objects is a known issue.
Closing as duplicate of #77
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
At the main menu, click Configure -> Video -> User Interface and use the Resolution drop down list to select your resolution.
Make sure the Aspect Ratio option matches the aspect ratio of your resolution.
Close the config settings completely and return to the main menu.
Then open Config again, click Video and then select your resolution from the Rendering Resolution drop down list.
This should return your game back to normal resolution.
As you may not be able to read the text at the current resolution, this image will show you what you need to click:
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0004162: Ruined Ammo to Pristine Bug
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Please refer to the main hacker / cheater thread at #8589
Seems to be the same issue as described in #9230
Please report only one bug per ticket, and make sure to search before posting as your bugs may have already been reported.
Please refer to the primary character save loss thread at #78
Please submit only one bug per ticket, and make sure to search beforehand as your bugs may have already been reported.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0002590: Legs breaking too easily / Fall damage too high
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Hi UpTide,
Thanks for uploading the crash dumps. Could you also upload a dxdiag report?
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Please take discussion like this to the DayZ forums or subreddit as it does not belong on the Feedback Tracker.
Could you open a separate ticket and upload your crash reports there?
Thank you
Hi Thomas Hobbs,
Thanks for uploading the crash dumps. Could you also upload a dxdiag report?
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Thank you for uploading the crash reports
When reporting a crash you need to upload the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0016206: Unable to fish with multiple people
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0015503: Broken Zombie Hitbox (Weapon goes through Zeds)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been suggested.
Closing as duplicate of #0001701: Show patch notes on main screen
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Please refer to the primary character save loss thread at #78
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0000033: White arms on black male when wearing gloves
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0009290: Unlocking Handcuffs resets their condition
This bug will not be fixed.
Good to hear your game is working properly again. :)
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been suggested.
Closing as duplicate of #0007464: Maps needs cyrillic or road signs need english
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0000153: Zombie sounds and can opening sounds softly and randomly
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0015143: Dead Zombies attack you, and you can't kill them
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Please only post one bug per ticket, and make sure to search to check the bugs have not already been reported.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0005169: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level)
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for uploading the dxdiag report.
You'll need to wait for a developer to look into this issue.
Could you also upload a dxdiag report?
There's a new Feature Request category that you can now use for suggestions. I've reopened your suggestion as well as some others that were closed recently.
Closing this ticket.
Duplicate of #0016423: crashing
This site is for DayZ Standalone - we are unable to assist with issues related to DayZ mod.
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0000547: Reloading without inventory space destroys clip/magazine
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
This site is for DayZ Standalone only - we can't assist with DayZ mod issues.
Thanks for uploading the files
Please try to reproduce this issue on the latest experimental build.
When reporting a crash you need to upload the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Please refer to the main hacker / cheater thread at #8589
Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #0002590: Legs breaking too easily / Fall damage too high
Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.
Thanks for uploading the AppData files.
Could you please also upload a dxdiag report?
The AppData folder is hidden, so make sure you have 'Show hidden folders' enabled in Windows Explorer.
You've uploaded your DayZ documents folder, which is the incorrect files.
I'll need to ask you what you've seen me ask elsewhere:
- Try the experimental build and see if the crash persists
- Upload the files from C:/Users/<Name>/AppData/Local/DayZ/
- Upload a dxdiag report
Please refer to the primary character save loss thread at #78
Thanks for uploading the files
Please try to reproduce this issue on the latest experimental build.
When reporting a crash you need to upload a dxdiag report and the files from
Pack the files into a .rar file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.
Nobody here is able to assist you with BattlEye bans - please continue trying to contact BattlEye.