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- User Since
- Oct 22 2013, 11:04 AM (596 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Need more information as to server version and ping and server fps as well as client FPS.
should be fixed in current build.
Should be fixed in current build, shotgun removed pending fixes
Should be resolved with proper naming convention with servers.
This is a known issue being worked on currently
Should be fixed now
This was a mix up with the artists, the models are correct. The naming of the models is just incorrect.
Also if you are experiencing crashing then please could you also send us the dump files;
debug.txt (if you have this)
This is so we can investigate the issue and solve it.
Thank you very much
t12lve are you getting crashing or without it?
Thanks outlaw
Also could anyone send us their config files ideally yourself t12lve which can be located here; C:\Users\User\Documents\DayZ and is called DayZ.cfg
Thank you very much
Also if you are experiencing crashing then please could you also send us the dump files;
debug.txt (if you have this)
This is so we can investigate the issue and solve it.
Thank you very much
Hi Yelnik,
You appear to be reporting three separate issues here;
- Your character data not being persistent
- Players able to see through walls
- Weapons able to shoot through walls
So I shall tackle these in order.
Your character data is not persistent between hardcore and regular servers, it could also be caused by the new server having connection issues with the central hive. So it is overwriting your old character data and spawning you a new player.
Players were able to aim and shoot through walls, as there was a security issue where players were able to delete .PBOs and remove buildings and foliage in game. This was fixed in version 0.32.114557 released on the 22nd Jan.
If you are still experiencing these issues please can you provide reproduction steps, server details of the servers you are experiencing these issues with and ideally video footage plus screenshots of players able to shoot through walls.
Thank you for your feedback.
Should be fixed in current build
This issue has been fixed, this fix will be pushed with our next patch.
I've just tested this and I'm unable to repro it, I believe you used this on yourself and that you didn't apply it to your friend.
passed onto designer working on medical systems
Acknowledged being worked on now.
Duplicate of issue 7268
Duplicate of issue 7268
Duplicate of issue 7268
Has been logged in our internal bug tracker and is going to be worked on now.
Please can you provide your RPT and dump files ASAP please, your report file can be found - C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\DayZ
We would like the following files;
debug.txt (if you have this)
This is so we can investigate the issue and solve it.
Thank you very much
Which language are you playing in?
This should be resolved, deleting pbos should result in either a BattlEye kick on join or a kick within several minutes of joining a server.
Two of us in the office have just tried to replicate this but we are both unable to. Could you contact me directly at [email protected] and I can try to replicate it on your server please.
Also could you send me the following information;
How long had the server been up for?
How many players (roughly) had been on the server? (was it full throughout the time or only partly full?)
Intended feature, frequency chats will be added when you have a working radio as well.
Thanks Smooth if anyone else is still experiencing this please don't hesitate to drop in a feedback issue and if you e-mail me a link to it telling me. My e-mail address is matt.lightfoot(at)
Does disabling clouds fix this issue?
This is known, at the moment the SKS is not in game. This is not a current bug.
Can you add me on skype please I need to get your GUID so I'll need to get you to join a specific server. My username on skype is magnimatt.
I need your crash files, DxDiag txt file please. Guidance on how to find these can be found here -, under How to report a crash.
Are you still in this state? If so please can you give me your player name
If not are you able to reproduce this issue again if so how?
This issue should be fixed in current stable steam version number: 0.30.114008
Duplicate of issue 60
Should be fixed in version 0.32.114557
Servers can be filtered by in-game time, it is up to the server owners when the servers are restarted.
Could you provide a high res screenshot please and some clearer reproduction steps please?
Received and bugged up internally.
This should be fixed now
Hi Zen we are going to need some more information for us to fix the problem, as the beeping could be anything, from a beep-code on your Mother board to sound hardware/software issues to being a bug with anything in the game.
Is there anything reproducible about the bug? Do you get it doing the same action, same area?
Currently this was an amalgamation of bugs and intended features, so I shall explain the system.
In the implementation as of our next patch,
If you receive injuries that take you below 500 blood you will fall unconscious. You will stay unconscious if you have less than 500 blood until you have over 500 blood.
That can be achieved by;
- Having a friend give you a blood or saline bag.
- Getting a friend to administer a shock via the defibrillator item.
- An ally using an epinephrine auto-injector on you.
These will then remove you from that unconscious state.
It is also possible to be become unconscious when your shock value (being hit in or around the head is the best way to increase this value), is greater than your blood amount. However the shock value decreases over time so you will regain consciousness when this happens.
Hopefully this fully explains the situation.
Acknowledged, if you are stuck in the unconscious state, you can press escape and then the respawn button.
Is this all servers and which versions are the servers running?
Clipse let me know how it goes.
Is anyone receiving this issue after using the fix stated by Craig?
Adding this to our internal feedback tracker, we will look into this.
Could you sent me your RPT file please located - C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\DayZ\
As well as a text dump of your DxDiag please.
Could you also send me the Mdmp and Bdmp files please in the dayz app data folder please.
Press space bar to raise the torch to facing forwards. When the torch is in your hands of course
Click Space bar to raise the torch to facing forwards
Thank you very much merged this into our internal bug tracker now.
Hi chap can you send me your crash dump files located here - C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\DayZ\
If you could send this to me ASAP, we can look into it.
Acknowledged, this is bugged up internally and being looking into
Could you send me some screenshots please? and some general repro steps I don't understand exactly how to get this sorry.
This is not a supported feature. We will look into it in the future
Have you gone into the game settings and then to controllers mouse sensitivity should be in there.
Should be fixed in current build
bugged up in internal bug tracking software
Acknowledged bugged up on internal bug tracking software
Should be resolved with proper naming convention with servers.
Needs better reproduction and more information like location and server details etc and a easy repro rate.
This will be fixed in version 0.27.113781
This is now fixed in the current build.
I've tried to reproduce but I'm unable to, is this still happening to you with latest version on a matching server?
Tried testing this in version 113666 and I was unable to reproduce please could you provide clearer steps/screenshots/video please.
Need more info is this affected by player count or by fps/ping to server? I'm unable to reproduce.
should be fixed in current build.
Should be fixed in current build, shotgun removed pending fixes
Loot will not spawn in all buildings but this is a WIP and will be added as we go along.
Need better repro steps, with server version and which server this happened on ping to server.
Known issue can be solved by logging out and logging back in.
Should be able to on release via steam server browser
Should be fixed in version 113666
would you be able to get me screenshots/videos please of this happening?
This is due to how melee is calculated, would you be able to swing an axe like that in a tent without hitting the roof? :)
Need more information as to server version and ping and server fps as well as client FPS.
This is a known issue being worked on currently
Should be fixed now