If u read config file you see what
class Berry_Canina : BerryBase {
displayName = "Canina berries"; descriptionShort = "Great source of vitamin C!"; model = "\dz\gear\food\Poisonousberries.p3d";
Berry_Canina have model Poisonousberries, but haven't poisonChance as opposed to
class Berry_Sambucus : BerryBase {
displayName = "Sambucus berries"; descriptionShort = "Cooked berries of Sambucus are edible."; class UserActions : UserActions { class Eat : Eat { onComplete = "_poisonChance = random 1; switch true do {case (_poisonChance < 0.05): {[0,_person,'FoodPoisoning_MediumImpact'] call event_modifier;}; case (_poisonChance < 0.85): {[0,_person,'FoodPoisoning_LightImpact'] call event_modifier;};};"; }; class ForceFeed : ForceFeed { onComplete = "_poisonChance = random 1; switch true do {case (_poisonChance < 0.05): {[0,_target,'FoodPoisoning_MediumImpact'] call event_modifier;}; case (_poisonChance < 0.85): {[0,_target,'FoodPoisoning_LightImpact'] call event_modifier;};};"; }; };