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- May 6 2013, 10:35 AM (614 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Ah OK. The quality switch automatically down to very high at a viewrange of 4500 m and down to high at 9200 m.
In some cases it is easily not wished to delete all.
If it is like in arma 2, systems with lower values are affected by performance dives long time before other notice a bit of that. The personal ping rises and falls extremely while the servers and other players ping is on 30. Walking speed differs to other players, so that they run away over time. Same indications I get also in arma 3 on servers.
So it is also a bit of you and the type of mission when it begin to lag, but over a long time it get all.
Ping says nothing about playability of a server. If server runs a long time (30/60+ minutes) some systems begin to stuck while other player not affected. Most issues is that the server is craped with a full of non static objects that regularly synced with your system. I'm sure the multiplayergames runs a bit like a cluster.
Place soldiers 11x11 square and thrown a grenade into the mid. There is also a max for placing units in the editor. On servers this max most times is bypassed by dynamic spawns and nonclear of crap. If armys 5km away from you fight each other, it will affect you.
test comment
Men this are no Ariane.
g = 10 m/s
- 12.1 kg (27 lb) unloaded (with optical sight)
- PG-29V tandem rocket
- TBG-29V thermobaric rounds
- 105 mm (4.1 in) barrel
- 65 and 105 mm (2.6 and 4.1 in) warheads
- velocity 255 m/s (840 ft/s)
Effective range
- 500 m (1,600 ft)
- 800 m (2,600 ft) (with tripod and fire control unit)
Ballistic looks for me working. Rocket explode after time.
drop rifle, no weapon, change to pistol, grab rifle
Your right, could be a problem that their is no unarmed stand support.
Weaponunload take place in the inventory. There an interfaceelement for the grenadelauncher isn't present. The launcher is also inextricably linked with the rifle. Not sure but it's practically possible to use a launcher as standalone. That will affect all combined weaponsystems.
Best would be to add a interfaceelement for attached weaponssystems.
Another way could be mousewheelclick to open an menu for advanced actions. (alt/ctrl/shift) + (rightclick) would be an alternate to rise up fast inventoryactions like unload weapon.
Pop up a messagebox if play in windowed mode?
Sounds nice for evacuation or theft missions.
- differ mag/beltsizes
- clip beltparts together or out (clip out the empty parts/add full parts)
- heap of bulls
- a strip/clip of bulls/grenades
- box with stripped bulls
- loaderhelperkit - fasten fillup/deplete mags or belts
- auxiliary barrel
- hightechmags with ammovision (blink LED/beep when low of ammo)
- transparent mags
Also some weapons have more then one chamber. Could be a doublebarrel, a revolver, flarepistol or natelauncher. These types have no magazine, sometimes there are loadinghelper. These influences and differs the handling of each type. the system them self will not die. They all have abilities we found updated and combined in modern weapons, like grenadelauncher + assaultrifle.
2035 sounds to me like weapons we see in alien. Also i think that technology of conflicting parties is never equally.
I think it's determined of the mission. You can't implement all features in one mission. A mission can be a story. Yes, it is not necessary to overdo such a system. In some missiontypes, like survival or stranded soldiers, it can give a creative component how to use rarely equipment. In another way you have some mags with 1 to 5 rounds and it would better to fill up one mag with these. That idea is not new.
Also I don't think that all gametypes based on standard equipped units which walk out to do there job. Over time that's a bit boring.
By the way, to fill up 10 mags a 30 rounds with an ammostrip takes seconds per strip. To clip manually 200 Rounds into a belt can be realy depressing.
Alpha Dev. 0.57.105093
Loaded handgunmag in every gear is invisible.
Handgun stuck after taking/grab it from any gear
- then rightclick aim is not available
- stuck until take if possible the rifle from gear or press "f"
- no differ if unarmed or armed with handgun before
Own handgun only destroyed when taking handgun from enemy gear and enemy handgun not on ground like the rifle.
Can shoot while switch weapon motion, if i drop gun or rifle into enemy gear and close inventory before motion has ended.
Ammo ui go invisible when enter inventory, becomes visible when reload a weapon in inventory, but go invisible again.
When leave the inventory UI stay invisible until press "f" or switch the weapon.
I looked into and it is really irritating that a shoot in the arm technically effects other bodyparts no matter in which dimension. If i shoot them normal several times into the leg they die. That could be the wanted effect at the moment or it is simply the result of the used collidingsystem. If I only shoot to legs there is only blood on the legs. In this case it seems to work fine. But sometimes bulletcollide fails like in the video.
I think men can take a lot of shoots into most noncritical bodyparts without dieing by that. It only fasten the bleeding out.
OK sometimes when I shoot the shoulder blood goes only to head. Hopefull that all the men didn't died for nothing.
I don't know if I understand right. But a hit into the chest makes you fast bleeding out. Not sure.
On the pic I can't see that a shoot into hearth differs from a normal body hit. Naturally I would think that bodyparts and critical zones are not the same.
hm .. left side differs extremely from the right. Could be that lung/heart shoot would count as a headshoot.
If I understood right, it is possible to place objects like crates and men inside buildings. It isn't handy as all but it works.
In this way an unarmed stand, rifle shouldered and pistol in holster, would complete the main idea to reduce physical effort.
OK. From the technical aspect it's a must have for a simulation to realize the chambered bullet of the weapons which constructed this way. Hold the information of bulltype in the weapon and sync these can't be so much, maybe an integer. On mags (array of int) .. hm don't know, is only init and changing.
I had understand well. And I have only an impression of bis classdesign by looking into the open docs. And i think the method only subtract 1 from mag.bulletcount.
Simple tacticalrealod is present. The only you request in this way is that empty mags not destroyed, but rather fall to ground. There is nothing to look by a script or whatever. They only need to switch destroy to drop. Which goes hand in hand with the speedreload request. But the most did not want drop military equipment if possible.
To get x round +1, weapons need a type of chamber with a type of bullet. You arrive to expand the class ammo and break it down into smaller objects. Throwing empty mags away sounds wasteful and a bit arcade, but to do that is the choice of player and depended from the situation. Good idea is to throw a mag towards enemies head. But there is another. If all player throw their mags, the map would fill up with endless crap after a time.
I'm not sure but I think there is a main differ between pre and post placed objects in that case that they are converted and precalculated into a more static form with the result to spare performance. It's not easy to handle thousand of meshes with thousand of surfaces.
If you have a database normally you would try to fix all columns of a table to reach a static form and outsorce all which are not able to fix. It's nearly the same.
a3 alpha
w7 64 bit
nvidia geforce gt 240
since last update
start up takes a bit longer
fast switching to editor (wait a while play around with something u want go back to menu) fix the problem
attach file to comment would be fine - done
I switched from XP to 7, but the last years i never had so much problems like the last weeks. If there where a chance i would switch back to XP. There is a reason why they say wait and overjump a version. I understand the request for a platform free version, but this can be problematic and moreover a long journey of rewriting.
I agree with a standalone server that runs under unix systems for better performance.
So it would better to review the aiming quality.
But a mainpart of paramilitary tactics is to beat an larger army with lesser resources. So now you have an idea what a fearless man can do, even when he die by that. If fatigue work, a moving unit of 8 is physical stressed and their aiming is worse. But the 1 or 2 hunters are fit and also have accurate weapons. It mean that ambushes actually have an effect. You said it right you need to get control and suppress. That he or they turn back and in the worst case your group lost 1, 2 or more man.
The reason why 1 man don't retreat is that after dying he jump into the next helicopter to paradise or runs 300 meter to combatzone. So why he shout feared by a bit deterring? Do you want that he get an epileptic shock when 10 man opens fire to him? They will learn to control this and shoot you and your mates faster down until they die. Such guys don't care, they know that the other have the same problem. As long they have nothing to lost and get a positive killcounter, you will need a big red sign in center of their screen to stop them. But then you begin to enter the fields of unfairness and unbalancing.
I agree that the psyc of human is in some parts fragile, in this case some effects are real and uncontrollable. But also it is the choice of player to come fast back into combat. That is a question what mission you enter.
easy - no virtual fear
medium - virtual fear
hard - virtual fear/emotions not needed / not acceptable
All you can simulate are physical symptoms. But Emotions came from an atmospheric situation.
I am not absolute against suppressing effects, only overdoes of all unneeded effects. Almost if them lower the performance in every case and unnatural my perception. I thought by my self about a stressing system based on the human biosystem. But that would work over a long combattime and result in real physical symptoms like the fatiguesystem.
related >>0008141 Stimpacks
Create AI is to try to emulate human behavior. So there is a differ.
I see no point to unsimulate affects for players that not real. If suppressingfire does you not fear, then it is ineffective. So you need to overthink why and not to penalize the players for this. It's like to penalize for bugusing, but the problem sit on the other side of the table.
To play with effects means to be careful. Most effects in games are overdone or have no analog counterpart. Some elements most miss can't simulate. There is no way to simulate players fear by suppressingfire or zeds. Atmosphere doesn't mean to overblur or reduce the view to a minimum.
There is no sin by that, to throw performance away in the meaning to realize a perspective view by blur. All i think when i see this is, that i need glasses. If you look at a painting you always see in a real view. There is no need for effects unless geometry. If you look to your screen do you always see every corner in perfect perfect resolution? I think no.
As example, I played on the map Namalsk. Between some trees I found a death body. I checked him, suddenly stomps and deep breathing behind me. I turned around like a freak, seeking but nothing there. After a while I realized that it was a invisible buggy beast model that harmless. Then I was shoot down by a men that seemingly watched me.
camo facepaint kit
- using until it's consumed
- lost painting after a long time heavy rainfall or swim/dive
Yes with custom faces it could be realized and it would always bypass a tool like in my mind.
I never see a man (the exception proves the rule) that jumped with 40kg on his back over a 1m barrier and hit at the same time on 100m the bullseye with any gun. I see no point to disagree a jump on a physical base. There is fatiguesystem that controls. So I am sure that nobody will see a Soldier running or hopping like a deer and do something effective at the same time.
It was a bit hard to get the context. So I looked into and I think, playing with deathzone option in 1st.p. is absolute horrible. It give more the feeling to be a robot then a human. The deathzone make only sin for 3rd.p.. But besides that, why light turning torso isn't standard when the tech is present.
May 9 2016
Had civs ecuiped with P07 and uniform_shirt. All these uniformed Civs were aggressive to all forces except civs and shoot them all down. All Civs, also them with civilian clothes, tried a long time to equip on a nearby quad but were not successful. Looks funny. I set agression for independent to all. Don't know if civs consider as independent.
The deadzone reminds me more on some oldschool arcadeshooters from the 90s. It's a bit like terminator. Eventually shout BIS give you a robotmodel and fix the head on the center of view. Then that's it what really happen. Don't be shy to try this at home. You say the vision movement irritates and deadzone make aiming easier. I believe that this is a bit easier but it's absolute unnatural.
- terrorist, cartel, bandits, militia, paramilitary, bad guys
- undercover, the trick is to bluff the enemy
- if forces not exist in this way it's really unimportant which clothes the wear
As i know in the most countries it is not allowed to wear uniforms with official signs, no matter if armed or not. Also it is not allowed to mask the face in the publicness.
Wild life is always interesting in all aspects and I'm sure, to some kinds of snakes you would hold save distance. Set player to rabbit is also an impossible experience, hopefully there is no hunter in the range.
Seems so that the main problem you see is that a female soldier isn't sexy enough. There are also men which not look like a bull. If you think that some cm in the hitbox are so essential so they should be standard in combat overall when nobody shoot them. In the barracks I were the hole artilleristcommando where female. They have other problems then the size of their uniforms.
A bit variety. In every case it is more work. If black, brown, red or female. Can't see the point of this discussion. Everybody how can hold a sword/rifle is able to fight especially when you have no choice.
You always can change brightness, gamma etc. directly at the monitor settings. All you do in the options is to adjust the game graphics on the hardware based settings. There is always a way to by pass this.
Understand, but by and by the player evolve a sense for these all. Every ui make it a bit easier, so all is a part of difficulty settings. In this case it would be fair, when all these settings where dictated by server rules. Then all is fine. In my opinion the ammo ui should also toggled on/off by rules.
One example. If you have a broken leg, you don't feel it. There is no pain like a distortion. You realize it only then when you try to stand up and walk a step. So now you have the choice. Did you need/want an ui for these?
Same for viewrange, fog, gamma (on night play) etc.. (yes there can be differences by hardware) but these all are Rules and all should play with the same if possible and if they want play together. Don't want don't play.