If I try to loot from a death body, I can't take the first pistolclip (via rightclick). Seem so that the clip is loaded and fixed to the handgun. Taking the handgun takes this clip (full/half ammo) too. The own handgun disappears mysteriously with clip (didn't drop) and I get the 2nd clip if existing from enemy uniform/vest. With drag and drop also thirst first mag from enemy can be taken.
If I only have a handgun, taken Handgun is ready to fire (but only if afterwards take the rifle, without these the handgun stuck) but ammohud isn't to see, after pressing f ammohud becomes visible (also fix stuck). Same when I have only a rifle and take enemy rifle but seems to be every time ready to fire.
Rightclick on loaded mag, hud becomes invisible if no extra mag is in inventory.
If I switch loaded handgun first to enemy inventory, handgun is there, loaded clip is invisible. If I take the Handgun back, old mag is loaded in, no ammohud, stuck.
Soldier which only have a selected handgun don't drop the handgun when die.
When taking a unloaded rifle, it is instantly ready to fire if at least one mag is in inventory. Handguns also reload instantly but stuck same as before.