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- User Since
- Jul 3 2014, 12:04 PM (557 w, 5 d)
Thu, Feb 13
Sep 24 2024
@Geez Can this be closed?
Sep 5 2024
The lack of firemode switch character animations seem to be present on most weapons.
Sep 2 2024
I did and it was still no dice.
Aug 27 2024
Hi Geez, has there been any development on this?
Jul 18 2024
Do you know, how that workshop mod is called? I am curious how well that mod works.
With best regards
Jul 16 2024
Applying forced suppression screen effects and control effects is a cheap method to fundamentally apply a bandaid on a problem which is solved if you disable respawns or make dying actually a threat to a players gameplay experience. Would it work for quick session, rapid gameplay like conflict? Yes for sure. If you actually want this to be impactful and you are playing "MILSIM", turn off your respawns and see how that changes up the way players take part in a session. If they genuinely care about the experience of both themselves and those around them, they'll start working hard to not die and things like suppression will then just work even moreso than it already does, without forcing game-y filters over the player.
Jul 15 2024
Jul 11 2024
Can confirm this happening.
May 30 2024
Thanks Geez! :)
May 22 2024
This can probably be closed now. :)
May 20 2024
May 17 2024
May 16 2024
Im getting stuck in static weapons entirely and not being able to get off of them.
Feb 29 2024
@Geez I'm sure you guys have seen it, but there was a fantastic workshop mod that blended ragdolls into some of the existing downed state animations that are currently unused. I think he may have even made custom ones himself also. It massively enhanced the unconscious state as there were all these different variations.
Feb 25 2024
Feb 22 2024
Are we going to see the grenadier vest being able to be worn over body armour again once this is solved? Its a shame that we no longer can. I often wear that exact rig of M203 vest over my PASGT in real life!
Nov 16 2023
Still present on Adrenalin driver 23.11.1 and display driver on the 1.0 stable branch.
Nov 11 2023
The grenadier vest should be able to be worn with body armour, not really sure why its prohibited at the moment unless its just whilst they work out the clipping issues.
Oct 31 2023
I've noticed this myself. Was trying to do tests of the lighting and couldn't get it dark enough.
Oct 28 2023
Huzzah, thanks Geez and co!
Oct 26 2023
You now hold 'C' to put the weapon back at low ready. Check the keybinds, its still there don't worry!
Oct 16 2023
To add on to this, it doesn't just seem to be road curbs, even concrete platforms like those which are at the entrances to industrial areas for example have issues.
Hi Geez, I haven't tried this yet myself as that driver was causing some instability for me on some other things. I can try see about trying it though if its needed for confirmation.
Because we have control over the wheel brakes and the ability to lock them my thought was if you just unlock the wheel brakes and angle the main rotor just with 'W'/Pitch Down then it would taxi without applying any collective. But it seems to not be the case.
Oct 15 2023
23.10.1 which is the latest.
Oct 13 2023
Apr 1 2023
May 22 2022
There is no confirmation on whether or not they aren't going to be adding the editor so not sure why you are requesting it. It's a very complex part of the game that more than likely isn't ready yet, hence it being missing at the moment.
May 21 2022
Oct 3 2021
Oct 3 2017
May 30 2017
This must be solved, it's one of the biggest immersion breakers and I cannot stop noticing it anymore.
May 18 2017
That solved the problem, the ticket can now be closed.
May 17 2017
May 5 2017
As @Tsnfdsnkjsdn it is definitely NOT a hardware problem, it is engine related and came in with Apex. I presume it's part of Apex's new LOD rendering system. (Which I think was a step in the wrong direction as to me it's incredibly immersion breaking and distracting.)
Dec 2 2016
Nov 3 2016
According to my friends this issue apparently isn't just on 970's and someone on the BI forums informed me that it is apparently an engine issue and is out of player control.
Oct 24 2016
This issue still persists, especially on the latest NVidia driver 375.63.
Sep 23 2016
May 10 2016
I know for sure that RHS variants of the GAZ are not all spawnable with crew as I'm pretty sure the Virtual Garage skin changing has not been applied. I'm also pretty confident that some versions of the Humvee's are also not in the crewed section. It's not only RHS however, various mods which add new factions do not create crewed versions.
Could it not be an Eden option to put the 'Empty' category back in from the 2d Editor in the original messy list? With the new search bar it would make finding them even easier.
It should definitely occur, it happened with the legacy fatigue and in happened in ARMA 2 also. Have you tested if sitting doesn't recover the stamina faster as well?
I've updated my drivers to the latest version, even checked in the software and this problem isn't occurring anywhere else.
That's what I feared, I've got no problem with them being proud of it. For arcade modes it's a fantastic system which will keep the gameplay fast paced but it doesn't suit the core players.
What would be even better is if the original fatigue system was the default over the stamina system.
Indeed, it really sucks when I can just look at a building and instantly knowing it will be a waste of time searching it.
Needed badly.
After even further inspection, the F3 Framework is getting easier to understand and so far it has all been working. Besides gear as it seems very strange so I will need to play around with that more.
I guess that is a post closed and problem solved, unless it changes to Virtual Arsenal exports causing bugs (even though it may be possible to export that to a unit script file?)
Besides that, on behalf of the community I play with, thank you! While it may be slightly more complex, F3 Framework has some awesome features in it.
I take it this is a new error for the series? I never witnessed this problem back on ARMA 2?
I consider myself fairly learned in the scripting of units for the ARMA series, however looking into these scripts I have no idea where to start especially with gear. I understand using init, description, etc. But then gearing a unit with a file seems like it has the possibility to cause massive failure?
Hmm, well I have spent the last hour or so researching the F3 MP Framework and suffice to say, oh damn oh damn. This is both awesome and horrifying. However I do hope that one day this issue can be solved with virtual arsenal, albeit this post should probably change to that instead.
I was one of the people who helped test this in the session, it was using Virtual Arsenal exported loadouts, which should already resolve this issues automatically? It should not have to be altered in which to then have it set up globally and I have no knowledge as to altering it as a setting.
Unless this is done server side via a file or some sort.
Killzone Kid I previously reported this issue (0020360), even though it was vague as to what was the cause. You also classed that as to do with Global InvComm
I have also done a video to showcase it:
It is not missing, if you read the changelog it says they are only accessible via scripting.
Good point Tinter.
Let's hope this happens, then again it would also need the ability to be separately animated but hopefully if it is in the works that will already be in mind.
Isn't this possible now that the new animated grenade launchers visually represent different ammo types in 1.54?
There is a very horrible shake that is incredibly unrealistic, It should be subtle and then build up and up, not just horrible jolting.
Also a system similar to what Hardline did in which you can lean out the cabin window, which could easily be done with Stance Adjust Step Lean.
Had an identical idea, for the offroad however my idea was that if you were in the rear seats against the cabin you could stand up but as you were stood you had to hold on with one hand (or both when weapon lowered) and then you could only either one hand a pistol, smg, rifle, etc but without being able to aim.
Nice to see I was not the only one with the idea!
I think a similar idea follows with the MH-9 Benches being invisible.
I recall issue with Pond Verticales, but nothing major, all the ports to ARMA 3 all work besides ponds.