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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 11:20 AM (629 w, 12 h)
Aug 2 2023
I should like to note that the Sun also has this issue.
Dec 1 2022
This appears to be fixed in the 'Ground Support' update (
Oct 2 2022
Jun 6 2022
Aug 2 2019
Sorry, meant to add that it was opening the MAP screen that instigated the crash.
Aug 1 2019
Aug 24 2018
Thanks for this Wulf but it appears to be only a partial fix, as the three small bags attached to the pack still have an incorrect 3rd LOD (15m) at distance. and appear bright in colour.
May 19 2018
Mar 22 2018
Desert_Foxtrot, though it seems evident that you are just here to wind people up, you did actually inadvertently help me by directing me, (through other facetious comments in other topics), to one of the other reports for the same issue, that is with actual helpful information from Wulf.
Sep 10 2017
Aug 16 2017
May 23 2017
Super! Thanks!
Apr 26 2017
Can confirm the debug console is not processing commands
Apr 25 2017
Very much like to see these updated too.
Especially enticing as the 45 pistol appears to be getting a new flash-light attachment.
It would look great in a little black dress! ;)
Apr 13 2017
Jan 15 2017
This appears to be fixed.
Jan 10 2017
Crash files added.
Aug 25 2016
May 10 2016
Indeed every weapon could do with a black variant but particularly the TRG, MK20s and MK18.
Yep seeing this on Dev currently: 1.49.131726.
Yup! good idea, would certainly like to see this.
Confirmed, seeing this though not quite so extreme an example. Virtual map probably increases the effect.
This seems also to be the case when entering and exiting ZEUS.
Not always reproducible, but the effect is the same, player is unable to do any actions other than go back and forth from deployed state.
Could possibly be by design or a feature of the new suits...
Also seems to have a knock-on effect towards VAS, which has all the inventory icons black like silhouettes. Difficult to read and impossible without text to tell you what they are.
This appears to be fixed. Thanks
You are correct, my mistake, I think I must have mixed them up with the HOLO sight which is fixed.
I believe this was resolved in DEV.
EXE rev. 127272 (game)
You have to be in the menu, or have the game paused. It won't do it during play, this is by design to stop accidentally Alt-tabing out mid-game.
This can be marked as resolved.
EXE rev. 127167 (game)
Fixed: CTD in Sling Load's unhook action
Uploaded my mission test.
This also occurs when effect is placed in ZEUS, the object is deleted, but the effect stays.
I have found a bit more info on this issue with the use of the ARES mod that expands ZEUS's functionality.
Download and activate the ARES mod
Then in the editor:
- Set Environment to night time.
- ZEUS to night vison mode.
- Place an IR strobe from the ZEUS effects modules.
- Notice on left panel only the EFFECT shows up.
- Select 'ADD OBJECTS TO ZEUS' under the ARES 'Util' menu, and place in the editor selecting 50m option.
- Observe now in the left hand menu that a new object NVG TARGET has appeared which is now selectable.
It is now possible to move the IR effect in addition to deleting it altogether.
The 'Tracers' effect module, which uses a similar method (placing an invisible soldier object to generate the tracers), can be moved around and deleted.
Therefore there would appear to be a disconnection between the IR NVG TARGET object and the IR effect that means selecting the IR effect DOES NOT select the NVG TARGET object.
ARES thus provides a temporary workaround, but it would be great to see the effect and the object re-connected.
Confirmed see attached screenshot.
I'm currently not seeing them, but that's not to say that there are a lot of missing/confusing entries in the gear config still.
Just as an interesting side note, you should look up the wiki entry for Kabeiroi or Cabeiri, a remenant of 'what could have been'? ;)
This seems to now work in todays Dev update.
I just tested the mission on stable, and everything played through as it should.
I notice that the Hunter should have 4 WPs after it's start WP:
- -First Drop WP
(Player Moves to OP)
- -10m from Hunter, vehicle moves to a Hold WP.
(Player Destroys Towers and moves to Road.)
- -Hunter moves to Pickup WP
- -Second Drop WP close to Mike 26.
So something broke following the new HUB updates last week.
Can confirm this:
When the Hunter drops you off, I seem to remember it was supposed to wait until the towers obj. is complete then it meets you at the bottom of the hill, and you drive closer to Mike-26.
the player then joins Bravo to assault Mike-26.
After drop off hunter moves off after player moves away from it (est. 10m)
The Towers obj. complete fine but at the point at which the player is to re-board the Hunter, your squad leader simply goes into safe and walks to Mike-26.
Once the base is cleared the squad leader just stops.
I have mo mods.
I have tried this fresh 3 times to eliminate discrepancies.
Campaign progression, if relevant runs as follows:
Sit Normal
Blackfoot Down
Wet Work
Death Valley
Radio Silence
Please Note the '0' on the zeroing part of the HUD, in the attached screenshot.
Seeing this too.
Yup would be a better title: edited for clarity.
1.23.125433 Dev from 26th -27th June
Now the 29/06/2014 and still encountering this issue. Been happening in the survive campaign and so far first Bomos mission of Adapt.
I load the quad with a backpack full of gear and have gear on my person and still the gear in the quad bike disappears upon returning to the HUB.
Playing on my own.
Just looking for exactly this! Upvoted; really would like to see WATCH1 and WATCH2 back in the BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat section as it is far more useful than STAND_IA.
I was about to report this myself good to see it's being sorted.
Related to my ticket:
I have added info on the FOV not just the zoom so I hope this has been addressed at the same time.
Resolved in EXE rev. 110304
Good stuff!
Resolved in EXE rev. 110304. Closing
Haven't had a repeat issue, therefore probably a hardware issue; closing.
So I have played for the last few hours with no crash. Tested with the same missions and editor situations. The only change I made was reducing the view distance from est 4600 to 2100. Not sure which part of my hardware the view distance draws most, but usually bsods are down to low/faulty RAM.
Strangely no, they didn't appear in my dump folder.
Indeed reproducible.
Probably related to the addWeapon command that broke briefly (now fixed).
Appears fixed in most recent DEV update. 0.77.109446
Good stuff! :)
Could we get this ticket confirmed or denied as a bug please.
I can't be the only one who experiences this?
Would also be great to get the LD up to spec with regards to it's third person view/'iron sights etc. as have been achieved with it's 'ocular' counterparts i.e. binoculars and rangefinder.
Still apparently unfixed following release and susequent DEV branch: EXE rev. 110181. Will monitor.
Fixed in the latest DEV: EXE rev. 113095
Textures still look a little flat on the glassy bits in comparison with the rangefinder for example but I won't quibble over minor blemishes.
Good job guys!
Confirmed fixed in DEV 0.75.108570
Thanks team very speedy.
Just been testing this out now in Single player, using the repro mission. Both issues placing explosives and reloading + change in sound emission direction appear resolved. Anyone else confirm fixed?
This appears to have been fixed in 0.55.104211.
May 9 2016
Just tested this and confirmed on
Version: 0.55.104166.
Player is in prone stance.
Press ctrl + reverse (S) to adjust stance to 'prone lean right'.
By adding in a sidestep key (D) in quick succession, causes the player avatar to slide to the right.
It's easy to escape slide by adjusting stance up ctrl + forward (W)
Sometimes occurs with 'Sniper Stance' but harder to reproduce.