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[DEV] Debug Console always visible + unusable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since the DEV patch from 25th April, the debug console is always visible and not usable anymore (nothing happens when you enter something).

When you click to Options in the menu, an error pops up.

Also not useable on servers as Administrator.

Image is attached.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Ingame UI
Additional Information

Launcher version: 1.5.141445

Game version: 1.71.141445

Branch: development

Event Timeline

TrueCruel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Can confirm the debug console is not processing commands

Can confirm. Not processing commands and "Watch:" fields, but also not allowing access to spectator, camera, functions, config, animations and the gui editor.

As TrueCruel's image shows, BIS_fnc_isDebugConsoleAllowed is undefined in RscDebugConsole.sqf.

Lex added a subscriber: Lex.Apr 27 2017, 1:00 AM

I have received a game error in the editor, the ambassador of start of a mission in a few minutes on this release of DEV

razazel claimed this task.Apr 27 2017, 9:35 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


thank you for the feedback. This issue should be fixed in today's update.

BIS_fnc_KK closed this task as Resolved.Apr 28 2017, 2:24 PM
BIS_fnc_KK changed Resolution from Open to Fixed.
Lex removed a subscriber: Lex.Jun 11 2017, 3:31 PM