In Theseus Services we have this backpack:
class CfgVehicles { class B_AssaultPack_Kerry; class CLASS(Backpack_AssaultExpanded_Black): B_AssaultPack_Kerry { dlc = QUOTE(PREFIX); scope = 2; author = "BadHabitz, Jonpas, Rory"; displayname = CSTRING(Backpack_AssaultExpanded_Black); picture = QPATHTOF(UI\backpack_assaultexpanded_black_ca.paa); hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "\a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\data\backpack_compact_blk_co.paa", QPATHTOEF(vests,data\vest_platecarrier_black_co.paa) // Expanded part - vest texture }; maximumLoad = 180; }; };
It is based of off B_AssaultPack_Kerry
But at distances it turns back to the default texture (shown in screenshot).
It is hard to see in the above image but the same issue appears when you look back over your shoulder with the backpack on