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Aug 15 2014, 4:59 PM (553 w, 3 d)

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May 11 2016

Chronic-X added a comment to T111089: Stuck under 2nd story of 2 story green house..

Do I get moved from being stuck or do I need to kill myself?

May 11 2016, 5:41 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X set Category to category:playerstuck on T111089: Stuck under 2nd story of 2 story green house..
May 11 2016, 5:41 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T109785: Persistence is not on for my server!.

After a lot of arguing with ViLayer where they pretty much refused to reset our server and we had to speak with management to get someone to log in and actually fucking check if there was a problem.... they released a patch to fix persistence problems (Told you so fuckers) on all ViLayer servers. Our server should be working correctly again, I will update if it is still broken.

*EDIT* Server persistence is still disabled.

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T109785: Persistence is not on for my server!.

Server IP is Feel free to come loot up, just don't drop anything you want to keep lol.

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T109785: Persistence is not on for my server!.

"Badly" isn't the word for it man. Other people are complaining of being looted dry... meanwhile my server creates fresh loot every time it restarts and I can't place ANYTHING to store gear in. If it isn't on my character when the server restarts then I don't get to see it again. At least the people with "No Loot" servers can keep what they do find. In the mean time anyone who reads this and plays 1st person feel free to take advantage of the loot until I get a response on how to fix it. R4L Roleplay|Persistence|No 3PP Pansies I'll update when persistence is fixed and invite anyone who wants to stick around to do so.

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T109785: Persistence is not on for my server!.
May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T109762: Tents disappeared.

At least yours went back to persistence. I'm still sitting on a server that refreshes loot on EVERY restart. I can't even lay a sewing kit on the ground at camp and hope for it to be there after.

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.

I love this new patch and completely understand what is being done to fix them. You guys need to read what the zeds in this game were always meant to be and are becoming or go back to Call of Duty and Battlefield. This is a SURVIVAL game, not a PvP game. All the PvP interactions and lame zombies of earlier Alphas seem to have clouded all your outlooks on this. The zombies are GREAT devs, keep up the good work and ignore the whiners that just want to loot and PvP without dealing with zombies. Great job guys.

I also point out that if you CROUCH (It's called "Stealth" there Rambo) and LOOK AROUND you can loot plenty of towns without ever dealing with a single zombie. Stop blaming the game for your lazy habits of sprinting all over the place without looking around first.

May 11 2016, 4:51 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T108582: Fish Fillet can't be cooked.

Confirmed. Can't cook fish without ruining it.

May 11 2016, 4:16 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T108558: Random framerate drops and game gets squarish (see screenshots below).

Same thing happens to me. Was fine before the patch. Now the game runs fine when I first log in and as long as I stay in the wilderness, but if I go towards any type of town/village of even small size the lighting starts going wonky and my FPS eventually tank to around 3-5. Same blocky textures and invisible buildings as the screenshot. Stays that way until I disconnect/reconnect and in some cases I have to completely restart the client. My group said they lost their characters after the patch (they were wiped), but me and one other member didn't get wiped. We still had our characters from before the patch, and he is having the same problems. I've tried killing my character so it would have a new file but didn't work. I just have to wonder if it has something to do with us not losing our characters after the patch.

May 11 2016, 4:15 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T104773: Would be nice to know, from where got hit by shot.

I actually agree with this. No need for any indication of how far or anything like that. But when someone shoots at you and hits, you should most definitely get some sort of indication for the shooter's direction. Only show the indicator if you actually get hit with the bullet of course though.

May 11 2016, 1:53 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T104451: Player dropped Item on ground (in this case: weapon) gets duplicated on server crash/restart.

Confirmed. Happened with me and my group a couple nights ago. The server was being wonky and we ended up with around 4-5 shotguns before it stopped restarted and duping them.

May 11 2016, 1:42 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T104235: Able to attach Firewood to a Fireplace Kit that is still in your Inventory..

Confirmed, this also works with a rock. You can attach them both to your fireplace kit and have a stone ready to repair axes with ready to go. All with the convenience of one 2x4 slot :)

May 11 2016, 1:34 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T103807: "Inception" Backpacks are working again..
May 11 2016, 1:19 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

@kerayz This is happening to everyone, they have definitely noted your issue kerayz. I wouldn't acknowledge you either though since you're being an open ass hat. You've made your report, you can't fix it, they can. So how about just shut up and let the devs work on this ALPHA instead of insulting them and making a prick of yourself?

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103716: Smersh vest not spawning at all.

Same here, never seen the thing before except in screenshots and CA.

May 11 2016, 1:15 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103693: When your clothes are dump/wet/soaked and you take them off they will automatically become dry..

Confirmed. I did this last night by mistake, clothes were damp with no option to dry out and I took them off to see if it was just a bug. When I put the clothes back on they were all dry but my character kept his "Soaked/Wet/Damp" status and still "Dried" out slowly.

May 11 2016, 1:14 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T103629: Infinite Saline/Blood Bags/Bandages/Morphine etc..
May 11 2016, 1:12 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103628: Food Dupe. Feed your entire party on 1 can..

My bad on the public post too, made these at 3 a.m. and wasn't thinking about much more than bed at that point lol.

May 11 2016, 1:12 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T103628: Food Dupe. Feed your entire party on 1 can..
May 11 2016, 1:12 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103538: [PRIMARY REPORT] Character cools down/gets hypothermic too quickly.

I'm having the issue with cooling but fires most definitely warm my character up at least. I can be at 35C, light a fire, and it INSTANTLY warms my character back up to 36.8C, I even checked with a thermometer to make sure. Before fire 35C, the second my animation finished lighting the fire I was 36C again instantly.

May 11 2016, 1:09 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103460: Am being damaged and or killed by running to quickly on stair-ways although I never go airborne..

Didn't your parents ever teach you not to run on the stairs? I don't think players should be able to sprint up/down stairs without risk of at least a broken leg but yeah this happened to one of my squad mates last night in the same area... He never left the ground even on my screen, so confirmed.

May 11 2016, 1:06 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103306: Hacked Ammo/Protective Cases "God Boxes" ENDLESS STORAGE AND ITEMS.

Thanks, all items are now gone from my character. Tossed everything then had my bud reset the server so it would de spawn immediately. Good luck.

May 11 2016, 12:58 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T103306: Hacked Ammo/Protective Cases "God Boxes" ENDLESS STORAGE AND ITEMS.
May 11 2016, 12:58 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T103172: Server resetting every 5-10 mins, but its not a server restart.

The items being the same isn't a bug. That's the new "Server Economy" and persistent items they are implementing. After .49 resetting the server won't make all the items magically respawn.

May 11 2016, 12:54 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102915: Can you think of a way to lock out minors?.

YES!! Lock them out then throw away the key and cane their parents with 50 lashes for allowing the little pricks to get online and wall glitch NE ACT. Really though, I know they are going to play but hate the little 12 year old pricks, kids are over rated.... especially when they belong to someone else and glitch ACT wall while calling your black friend the "N" word. Just wanna yank them through the screen and tear that ass up myself, disrespectful little bastards. I hope the little turds go back to CoD after the glitches are fixed and the Bans are working. We already plan for an 18+ only server, you sound 12 on the VOIP... bye bye.

May 11 2016, 12:45 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102915: Can you think of a way to lock out minors?.

I don't think it's being taken seriously... seems like sarcasm to me from the start.... you don't "humor" much do you bro?

May 11 2016, 12:45 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102902: Zombies are omniscient.

I just cut line of site by running through the woods and bushes. Usually after about 50-100 meters (that's about 300 yards if you don't know) running through the woods/bushes/cover I'm free and clear. If you run through a bush, then cut a hard right and stay behind more trees/cover (Keep moving, zombie might spot you if you just sit there) then when the zombies run out you will notice they run straight through the tree and will stop or keep going as long as you made a sharp turn and they don't see you. Once you break line of sight (as long as you are far enough that they don't hear you running etc) by running through bushes the zombies will continue on the last spot they saw you. When they get there, if they can still see/hear you then the chase continues. Like I said, run them through bushes and make a few tight turns, you'll be fine. I can lose 3-5 zombies in about 25 to 30 seconds flat every time. If you're stuck in a town cut around buildings, hop fences, crawl under broken wall holes, trap them in buildings (when that works)... Just anything to break line of site and increase distance from the zombies. Don't forget they can hear footsteps so you have to make them lag behind before the cover really works all that well. Zombies also key in on me if I talk in in game VOIP chat, so they can hear you talk in game as well evidently.

I'm not saying their line of sight and/or following AI is perfect, but the response to gunfire is perfectly fine.

May 11 2016, 12:44 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102902: Zombies are omniscient.

You've never heard someone fire an FNX45 have you? You're right, totally as loud as an AK/M4/Mosin. (SARCASM) Just to make sure everybody knows this... if you shoot zombies with automatic weapons (this goes for all guns if you keep shooting really) you SHOULD be swarmed as long as you keep firing. If you hate zombies now wait until they spawn in like the mod.... way more. You're not supposed to be running around Rambo style mowing down zombies with no consequences. You can go to YouTube right now and watch plenty of videos where someone got raped by zombies in the mod because of overused guns. I really hope the devs don't cave to derping zombies response to gunfire in a ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE, if you keep shooting you should either have to run, or die from an extreme lack of ammo and common sense.

May 11 2016, 12:44 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102902: Zombies are omniscient.

Were you shooting at the zombies? If so then you got swarmed for a reason and you should stop firing. I said you wouldn't get endlessly rushed for firing ONE bullet (from a pistol of course), and I still haven't been rushed by endless waves from limited firing. I fire a pistol shot, even the magnum and get at max 3 zeds on me which I then MELEE, no more spawn on me. If you're shooting them all with AKs, M4s and Mosins it shouldn't be a surprise when you get mobbed. The louder the noise the more attention you are going to get. Maybe it's just me but I've had no problem with being rushed when I took them out quietly.

May 11 2016, 12:44 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102902: Zombies are omniscient.

.49 hits stable tomorrow. If you'd played it or read the release notes then you would know they have addressed many of these issues and are implementing brand new AI and behavior for the zombies in .49 Now, while there are still issues with them, in my opinion they are vastly improved and no longer follow you for 75 miles or rush you in endless numbers because you fired ONE WHOLE BULLET. Just break line of sight for a few seconds and bye, bye zombie hoard. The frequency of being hit by "invisible" or "dead" zombies are also much better, still happens but not as much. Trapping zombies outside/inside works a lot more now too, again they still get out/in just not as much. Improvements are coming slowly, it's a lot of work recoding all the assets from scratch for a game like this.

May 11 2016, 12:44 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102737: experimental .49 server taking control of character.

Not a bug, it's a result of them moving player tracking back to server side. I personally welcome some random teleporting while the server puts me where I belong if it means I don't have to put up with some dumbass scripting to lag himself all over the place so he can "teleport" in and kill me.

May 11 2016, 12:39 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102728: Character overheats very quickly in new experimental update.

This is to be expected, you are going to have to start carrying around extra clothes for specific weather conditions instead of cramming all the guns you can carry onto your character and going on a death spree. I had no trouble with the system once I had a couple changes of clothes. Wear a cowboy hate, tshirt, and some cargos or cutoffs and you'll be fine. I even got away with replacing my tshirt with a hoodie as long as I actually wore a good hat and stayed in the shade. If you hit hyperthermia then get rained on of course your character would experience both hot and cold "Flashes". Don't run so much and stay out of the rain :)

May 11 2016, 12:39 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102720: Resolved.

I played nothing but .49 the past few days. Yes its hard to find loot in 40 man persistent item server. It's supposed to be, it'll be easier to find food etc. once more servers are supporting .49 in stable. I still say the energy system is fine too. Just like in real life you can't cram yourself full of food and be fully energized and healing to "healthy" instantly. The way it is now you drink and STAY hydrated while eating till stuffed and waiting to get light green "energized" status so you can heal. Once you finally hit light green "energized" status it's super easy to keep it. Makes more since to me that it takes a couple hours to get fully energized and healthy instead of spawning in, finding a few cans and being good to go in no time flat. Remember, this is supposed to be a "realistic" SURVIVAL game in the end. Not the random death match it has been for the last few months.

May 11 2016, 12:38 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102720: Resolved.

I played for 6 hours last night with 7 members from my clan and didn't have any problems. Was staying full energized and hydrated for around 15-20 minutes even when sprinting. Didn't have any trouble with this myself, something in your copy maybe?

May 11 2016, 12:38 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102653: glitch that allows players to get under the ATC in North east air strip and kill people from inside.

Not you, the posting of the message on a public board. Just tick the "Make Private" box and only you and admins can see the post. Sorry about snapping a bit there, but just got roasted by 8 of these 12 year olds in a wall last night. Blarg just hate the idea of new players hearing about it through this post, it makes my blood boil, little glitching bastards lol.

May 11 2016, 12:36 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102653: glitch that allows players to get under the ATC in North east air strip and kill people from inside.

Really man. Make these types of posts private. You not only tell everyone how to do it but provide a link to a video SHOWING how to do it as well. Not to bright. Make this shit a private post please admins.

May 11 2016, 12:36 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102525: Bug: No weapon sway while walking.

Confirmed. Works with ALL scopes and sights as well. Almost perfect aim while walking.

May 11 2016, 12:32 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T102441: Camp fires bugged. Cook super fast..
May 11 2016, 12:29 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102412: I am login and freeze a screen.

This is the same bug as I reported in issue 0015719. More details there.

May 11 2016, 12:28 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T102409: Grenade thrown. Didn't detonate so picked it back up. 5 minutes later, grenade blows up..
May 11 2016, 12:28 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102381: Zombie kept running on my screen after friend shot it.

Confirmed. Emptied a 60 round clip into a zed while frustrated only to shriek in terror as it kept running straight at me... Luckily it ended in a sigh of relief as the zed ran THROUGH me and on down a hill until it finally just disappeared. Not really "game breaking" but really annoying and can cause massive wastes of ammunition.

May 11 2016, 12:27 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X added a comment to T102340: Plate "tavern" in the sky.

I'll confirm this as well, noticed it last night while looting through Sev. Just like OP said, there are 2 benches with the sign floating slightly above "Eye" level. It's on the main road coming out of Svet into Sev. Left hand side of the road.

May 11 2016, 12:25 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T102129: After joining a server all keyboard and mouse input stops working..
May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T102118: Stove + Cooking Pot inventory space changes.
May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T102116: After picking up a Portable Gas Stove from the ground you can still here the hiss of gas..
May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ
Chronic-X edited Steps To Reproduce on T102114: Portable Stove and Accessories Randomly Change Condition.
May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Chronic-X added a comment to T100327: People camping inside the ATC structure, glitched into the walls, shooting people from inside the walls.

I've seen this as well. Me and 3 buddies were raiding the NE Airfield for loot on a medium pop server. Coming into the airfield from the south I spotted a sniper on top of the tower. We chose to engage him and started closing the distance to engage. He spotted us at the last second and ran inside the ATC. We watched windows for a few minutes trying to confirm his position. After not seeing him for several minutes we thought he had logged out and started moving in to clear the ATC and make sure. I entered second in line of the 2 man team that was sent in to clear everything. As my partner moved up the stairs to clear the second floor I paused on the platform above the first half of the stairs and turned to cover the front door. As he moved on up the stairs I turned to look at him for just a split second, what do I see when I look back at the door? Some n00b wannabe glitcher with just his head and gun STICKING OUT OF THE FLOOR. Luckily I had my gun up, and due to the fact that I'm not a cheating little homo my reflexes were much faster. I plugged the little glitcher right between the eyes and then proceeded to tell him exactly how much of a piece of shit he was for cheating. He logged out and probably told his mom on me.

Another time my friend had the same thing happen, was in a standoff trapped on the 2nd floor by a glitcher in the same spot as the one I had seen. Luckily the glitcher was dim witted and wasn't using his "Neck" to look around. When he turned a little to look his head popped up a little... so my buddy leaned out around the stairs and gave him a .357 lead injection.

If you are on the stairs in ATC and look directly back at the front door, the area where they are "Popping up" from for me is the floor just to the left of the door. No clue how they get under there, and don't want to know... would love to see it fixed though.

May 10 2016, 11:17 PM · DayZ