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- User Since
- Jul 21 2013, 10:33 AM (604 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I reported what I consider a bug or exploit for the Devs to looks at, if i wanted to debate about the issue I would use the forums.
Edit ... Just cleared a corridor and the room at the end of it nobody there..
I sit watching the entrace to the corridor with only an empty room behind me...
Exploiters spawn in the room behind me and kill me...
I have overwatch covering the outside of the building.
Nobody entered.
2013-12-19 12:55
If you lower the VOIP slider in the configure options to Zero you can still hear people close to you but you no longer hear the people that are transmitting to everyone.
Hope this helps solve this somehow
Still present in latest experimental
Get the anti cheat systems to check driver settings as well.
Never mind monitor is doesn't work anyway.
Yes yes we know you can do it out of game the point is it should not be encouraged in game.
Hmm strange Does for me.
Did you restart DayZ after making the changes to your catalyst ?
@Fosh33zy wont or doesn't ?
Work around for the AMD crossfire
In your catalyst control center.
goto gaming
then 3d application settings
then ADD a new profile
select your dayz.exe
then in crossfire mode select Use AMD pre-defined profile and select the ArmaA2OA.exe profile and save.
restart dayz and you should now have 2 cards working.
True but I am letting the devs know of the non existence of the 2gpu support via the correct system.
You are commenting to the people reporting
I expect to be able to report the lack of crossfire support on the feedback tracker without someone thinking this is a forum and pointing out its and alpha :)
Same problem with Crossfire.
Currently as the game is.
The non support of Crossfire actually causes spikes when the PC tries to use two cards and the game denies it.
So until they support crossfire using crossfire causes problems and reduces FPS.
Image of GPU spikes caused uploaded
Considering Arma2 works and Arma3 works It cant be too hard for them to pop into the other room at work and say hey gimme the files I need to make crossfire and sli work on dayz please... can it ?
The same 10 idiots who run around cherno shooting on sight ?
If you lower the VOIP slider in the configure options to Zero you can still hear people close to you but you no longer hear the people that are transmitting to everyone.
Hope this helps solve this somehow
Our comunity has stopped playing arma because of this server bug
Out Of Memory reports :-!Gx0GTAAI!vsNpidIv2ATxNtNYfWTqhfcXsI9bcs1LOhKyOc2UaBI
Crashed alot over the weekend... just so you know :)
Currently our servers are down until a fix comes along. Saves on disappointment when the persistent mission crashes.
Hello we at our group are still getting the out of Memory error.
Link to the rpt and bidmp of last nights crash in .rar :-!K1MFhB7B!mAAuZDq5tj7JuBMhl9ucoIZBQKc-rQCer56RZk6VDqE
We are playing modded but not Zombies or anything weird like that.
Still present in
Yay an explanation from Killzone !
Thanks m8 :)
Heres a vid of it doing it
Still present in
Still present as of 15/11/14
Signed for SOS :)
You need to be in a group I would imagine so you have someone to report it too.
I will attempt to repo this. With some of our community members, to make sure im not just spouting bs at you. :)
It may well report that Autospot is set at 0 but the problem is that Player characters in MP games call out enemy spotted etc when they should not.
It will soon be 15 years since this was first reported for OFP do you ever plan to actually fix this ?
Or are you going to bull shit us for another 15 years ?
Bump... Needs fixing
Another thing which most people who use elite mode do is try to disable the player AI radio message and radio subtitles.
Disabling the Radio messages the players send also disables the AI radio messages so that in coop all Enemy AI no longer talk.
There is no current way to disable only the Player radio chat sounds like "enemy spotted" without using a mod.
There is also no way to currently disable radio subtitles without using a mod.
Both of these should be a configurable setting in possibly the description.ext.
Hello killZone Kid.
First thank you.
I am unsure what you mean exactly or how it differs from what we do, so I will explain how we call the EH.
In the initPlayerLocal.sqf we do :-
call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "core\FAR_revive\FAR_revive_init.sqf";
In the FAR_revive_init.sqf we do :-
call compile preprocessFile "core\FAR_revive\FAR_revive_funcs.sqf";
player removeAllEventHandlers "HandleHeal";
player addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", dr_handle_healing];
In the FAR_revive_funcs.sqf, we have the function dr_handle_healing ={}; as posted in the first additional information post.
I don't see how what we do differs from running a foreach allunits.
But we will try your example :)
I just thought I should explain our process first.
Does this only effect altis life missions then ?
Haven't seen this happen on our coop missions at all.
Not saying your wrong just saying Never seen this happen.
But I never play Altis Life so that's why I was asking.
We are still getting Exploding vehicles if one person makes creates it and another gets in it when joining the server.
This started as soon we updated to the latest stable update.
On our dedi the following can and does happen in our stock edited mission.
Editor placed vehicles will be sunken into the ground for 1 client but not another.(choppers)
Editor placed land based vehicles will float in the air after use.
Script created infantry that are placed into building positions will be outside the building until shot at which point they will teleport back to the position they should be at.
If a player has been using a vehicle and then disconnects the vehicle he last used explodes.
(quite rare only seen happen on air vehicles)
None of the above was happening the day of the update before the update.
we where playing on our server at the time of the update.
After we updated and rejoined our server the bugs started.
Some but not all vehicles run a server side script that will respawn them when destroyed or when left unattended.
We also use a system that spawns vehicles on the server at the request of a client
The vehicles that he spawns will sometimes explode if he disconnects back to the lobby.
And upon creation other clients will see the vehicle placed and then see it turn to face the requested direction whereas the client who orders the vehicle see it spawn facing that direction already.
Another thing to note is that each client can see something different.
One client will see a chopper buried upto its rotor blades another will see it as normal a third will see it half buried.
We have even had an instance where a client took a chopper and flew 10km away
but for other clients the chopper was at base with its engine on.
One of our guys got into the chopper and was teleported from base into the chopper 10km away.
I hope some of this info helps get this anoying bug fixed.
User Error -- User is an idiot :)
forgot to update server game and only updated to new server exe
Small point of note Larrow.
Even when using that event handler the error still happens but only at about 0.05% of the time rather than 100% of the time as it is with BIS
Just pointing that it still happens but very rarely
Up voted as a very bad bug for progressive zone capture missions using advancing frontline respawns
Yes seems to be working now as expected
Such a pain this bug Please fix Mr BIS.
Here is a video on a dedicated server just doing tests for the video
Seen this alot.
The medic goes into the animation and gets moved into a position on the injured player.
Noticed the same thing
Yer true why would anyone want to make Missions that utilise the Headless Client when you can have Zombies and Defibrillators !
I was so ready aswell I had downloaded the tutorials to learn how to script in the HC I had found some nice scripted AI packages.
Then I found the AI silenced weapons bug ...
Then I found out you cant use Headless Client in Arma3 without paying twice.
If I didn't love this game so much and I had a life I would have moved on by now.
Alas I do and I don't so I haven't :)
Well now that's just crazy.
+1 for me
I Will be waiting patiently to test this in stable.
Sounds good that its been addressed in the dev build though.
Error still present in 1.04.111668 or Is it 111888 or 111666
New bug.... fix the fonts so 6 and 8 look different on small interface with 1920x1080 :)
I notice this got assigned Please let me know if you need any more info or a repo mission.
Repo added.
It is just a player on stratis and 4 groups of enemy AI (editor placed).
just let them shoot you and watch them use the bug ammo after they reload.
remember that the MG gunners take ages before they reload
O yer turn down your sound before ya test that repo
4x8 infantry all shooting next to you at once is quite loud :)
And as a note the editor and script placed ai both have this bug.
Also noticed that if you kill an AI using the none existent bullets.
Then take the gun, his gun has zero bullets even if he has just reloaded.
An AI NOT shooting the none existent "silent" bullets when killed will have a number of bullets in the gun.
Voted up as I would like this as a server settings also
running some test
might be a false post sorry.
I was getting the errors when TacBF MOD was turned on, on the server. but I wasnt playing a TacBF mission.
this above is Correct.
As stated in the video.
shoot the bottom of the fence on the rubble or corrugated metal.
and the alpha becomes solid/ none transparent.
Here is a video of it happening.
Posted something about this on the forums
and up voted this
Needs fixing this is bad
We get this thousands of times in our mission Because we use a dynamic AI creation script. Even though we add a backpack to all AI units that do not have one.
I guess the error is called before the backpack is added.
We get these in our mission on our DS aswell
Coop mission
Your right tanky my report is from a BECTI where a building was destroyed but...
Its ruins where placed but the outside of the building was still present...
Basically we had ruins and building occupying the same space which I think you are right that thats what caused the error.
50991890 lines of "SubSkeleton index was not initialized properly"
Started here
2013/11/24, 16:45:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 5ff2f900# 1912970: house_big_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
2013/11/24, 16:46:26 Ref to nonnetwork object 5ff2f900# 1912970: house_big_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
2013/11/24, 16:47:33 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:47:33 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:47:49 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:48:06 Client: Object 3:61 (type Type_84) not found.
2013/11/24, 16:48:06 Client: Object 3:61 (type Type_85) not found.
2013/11/24, 16:48:12 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_sniper_f.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:48:27 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f_beta\acc\reticle_mrco_f.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:48:41 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f_beta\acc\reticle_mrco_f.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:48:47 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f_beta\acc\reticle_mrco_f.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:50:08 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:50:12 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:50:19 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:50:31 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:50:54 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:51:06 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:51:09 Client: Object 3:60 (type Type_85) not found.
2013/11/24, 16:51:20 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:52:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 5ff2f900# 1912970: house_big_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
2013/11/24, 16:52:59 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:54:20 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:55:01 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f_beta\acc\reticle_mrco_f.p3d]
2013/11/24, 16:55:06 Server: Object 4:64 not found (message 110)
2013/11/24, 16:55:06 Server: Object 13:48 not found (message 110)
2013/11/24, 16:55:32 Error: SubSkeleton index was not initialized properly
2013/11/24, 16:55:32 Error: SubSkeleton index was not initialized properly
2013/11/24, 16:55:32 Error: SubSkeleton index was not initialized properly
The sounds in Playsound3d seem to be played only at the direction they are first played on.
IE if a sound is played while its on your left ear but you turn so its now on your right ear as its playing. The sound remains on your left. until its over or repeated.
This happens for grenades, reload and otehr ingame sounds aswell.
But with reload and grenade the sound is too close to the player who hears it rather than the one who initiates the sound.