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playSound3D is not fully implemented
Reviewed, NormalPublic


When attempting to use playSound3D I expect a sound source that will be represented in the 3d environment much like a moving car with the stereo turned up. Instead I get an immediate cutoff past the set distance and only my right rear speaker seems to be "directional" (5.1)


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Name a object h1

Exec in debug console:
playSound3D ["a3\music_f\music\Track02_SolarPower.ogg", h1, false, getPos player, 1, 1, 50]

Event Timeline

zorrobyte edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
zorrobyte set Category to Scripting.
zorrobyte set Reproducibility to Always.
zorrobyte set Severity to Minor.
zorrobyte set Resolution to Open.
zorrobyte set Legacy ID to 3260500593.May 7 2016, 1:25 PM
BL1P added a subscriber: BL1P.May 7 2016, 1:25 PM
BL1P added a comment.Sep 27 2013, 1:21 AM

The sounds in Playsound3d seem to be played only at the direction they are first played on.
IE if a sound is played while its on your left ear but you turn so its now on your right ear as its playing. The sound remains on your left. until its over or repeated.
This happens for grenades, reload and otehr ingame sounds aswell.
But with reload and grenade the sound is too close to the player who hears it rather than the one who initiates the sound.

IS this still an issue?

been an issue for a year