This ticket is about long going bug in ArmA 3 where non-local vehicles fly all over the place under unknown circumstances. The bug is a huge problem as it happens fairly often, doesn't let you engage the vehicle and these flying vehicles collide with your local object (sometimes kills you if you are near it). This ticket is collection of evidence that we have about the problem and repro of one of the cases of the bug.
Various video evidence: - Vehicle is driven by other player - Player is in cargo seat of glitching vehicle while it is driven by other player. - Player is in cargo seat of non-local vehicle (probably server-owned), no driver at all - Vehicle is driven by other player
More details about video:
- Was recorded right after joining the server, I received something from server that made me render vehicle flying around like this.
- All vehicles in all video examples are originally spawned by server (Wasteland and King of the Hill missions), all happened on dedicated server environments.
- The glitch can be fixed by changing vehicle locality (getting on driver seat), after some amount of such locality changes it becomes normal for everyone.