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bloxi added a comment to T189611: Mouse and Items are Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue.

That sounds really frustrating! 馃槗 It seems like a possible issue with input lag or frame rate desync between the game and the cursor. Have you tried adjusting your Xbox display settings or lowering the frame rate mode to see if it improves? Hopefully, the devs address this in a future update!

Tue, Mar 4, 2:08 AMDayZ Xbox
Ryanopuffs changed Category from category:general to category:performance on T189611: Mouse and Items are Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue.
Tue, Mar 4, 1:57 AMDayZ Xbox
Ryanopuffs renamed T189611: Mouse and Items are Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue from Mouse is Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue to Mouse and Items are Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue.
Tue, Mar 4, 1:56 AMDayZ Xbox
Ryanopuffs created T189611: Mouse and Items are Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue.
Tue, Mar 4, 1:53 AMDayZ Xbox
it_is_Sunshine created T189610: Feedback: Binoculars now showing nameplates.
Tue, Mar 4, 1:40 AMArma Reforger
DrZiLLo added a comment to T182473: Server crash after restart.

Maybe I should contact one of the developers and provide a server machine for a full analysis? This is already "f0褋k械d 0p", take the initiative and find the problem!

Tue, Mar 4, 1:13 AMDayZ
eLoneX added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

@Geez What i can confirm so far regarding CLIENT crashes, its related to attitional spawned in items (for our server with Dayz Editor loader), reducing spawned in items will lower the risk of client crashes, so it think it has to do something regarding network and network bubbles, most related to networkRangeFar

Tue, Mar 4, 12:21 AMDayZ


tjensen added a comment to T189590: DayZ 1.27.159420 exits during game launch when BattlEye is enabled.

@CosmoDayZ Thanks!

Mon, Mar 3, 11:53 PMDayZ
CosmoDayZ added a comment to T189590: DayZ 1.27.159420 exits during game launch when BattlEye is enabled.

@tjensen To uninstall BattlEye

Mon, Mar 3, 11:32 PMDayZ
HAKIM created T189608: CHEATER on pc using speed hack.
Mon, Mar 3, 11:10 PMVigor PC
Send6624 added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff6afd8e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff

Mon, Mar 3, 11:02 PMDayZ
Sfmplayer added a comment to T189561: Client to desktop crash 0x7ff725ceba5e at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Why was this ticket merged with https://feedback.bistudio.com/T189322 ? It looks like a completely different issue.

Mon, Mar 3, 11:01 PMDayZ
Jayboy added a comment to T189607: Game glitches ,need more servers .

Game glitch need more servers

Mon, Mar 3, 10:55 PMDayZ PlayStation
Jayboy changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:always to reproducibility:random on T189607: Game glitches ,need more servers .
Mon, Mar 3, 10:53 PMDayZ PlayStation
designful added a comment to T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.

Also no, @Funatic it's crashing servers as well. In my cases it was server crash.

Mon, Mar 3, 10:53 PMDayZ
designful added a comment to T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.
modded class YourActionName
	//your normal code up here or just nothing if you're overriding it
Mon, Mar 3, 10:52 PMDayZ
Jayboy created T189607: Game glitches ,need more servers .
Mon, Mar 3, 10:51 PMDayZ PlayStation
UFOBeaver added a comment to T189473: Vehicle sinking into the ground.

Yes, the cars are slowly sinking into the ground and then vanishing under the map. It鈥檚 really annoying when you have loot and it鈥檚 gone.

Mon, Mar 3, 10:23 PMDayZ
Funatic added a comment to T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.

Also, i think ticket name is sort of wrong "Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server" just change it to Client crashes :P

Mon, Mar 3, 10:08 PMDayZ
Sfmplayer added a comment to T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.

Hi There.

Mon, Mar 3, 10:04 PMDayZ
OGBDayz added a comment to T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.

I'm new to this so not sure what this means at heart. Is there a solution or direction coming?

Mon, Mar 3, 9:57 PMDayZ
MickelDaPickle added a comment to T189430: You can not heavy punch in sprint.

I've noticed this aswell. You are currently unable to perform sprinting attacks with LMB + SHIFT. You can perform the "shorter" version, but not the original version.

Mon, Mar 3, 9:50 PMDayZ
Moruachok added a comment to T189295: Probably cheater on the server.

@Geez it happens again in same area with same teammates during raid of base, one kill through the wall, another from + 400 m in bushes... all another thinks very similar like strange white smoke and bugged trees, I don`t believe that there players didn`t use any cheats. guys came on, we can see that it was not honest kills at many time a row...

Mon, Mar 3, 9:48 PMDayZ
Funatic added a comment to T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.

Copy and paste from other ticket

Mon, Mar 3, 9:46 PMDayZ
Funatic added a comment to T189561: Client to desktop crash 0x7ff725ceba5e at 0xffffffffffffffff.

I will copy and paste what i found out:

Mon, Mar 3, 9:45 PMDayZ
13SNCFiasco added a comment to T186921: Queue system - VIP queue.

Hi, Any update on this? We currently run HLL servers and this feature is a must have. Please update this ticket we want to add Reforger to our arsenal.

Mon, Mar 3, 9:05 PMArma Reforger
Ryanpeachey98 added a comment to T189604: Bug is CRASHING GAME!!.

Hello, I have built a base on official 1492DE (Xbox)

Mon, Mar 3, 8:52 PMDayZ Xbox
Ryanpeachey98 added a comment to T189604: Bug is CRASHING GAME!!.

Hello, I have built a base on official 1492DE (Xbox)

Mon, Mar 3, 8:52 PMDayZ Xbox
Ryanpeachey98 added a comment to T189604: Bug is CRASHING GAME!!.

Server crashing BUG!!

Mon, Mar 3, 8:52 PMDayZ Xbox
Ryanpeachey98 created T189604: Bug is CRASHING GAME!!.
Mon, Mar 3, 8:51 PMDayZ Xbox
illya30 added a comment to T189119: PlayerProxy.p3d.
Mon, Mar 3, 8:46 PMDayZ
Deferto added a comment to T189495: Unplayable game - desynch all the time.

I confirm : when low pop, usually by night, the game is playable, no desynch, no kick but in the afternoon especially in the evening, the red or orange desynch icon pops up. Players are teleporting every meter, cars are bouncing and we get kicked. My friend cannot play the game because it has become too laggy. Please, consider this message or you'll get more bad reviews on steam from all the other players. Also : please, make the vehicule stop so that it doesn't crash & get ruins when we get kicked from the game because the server automatically kicks us and a lot of players at the same time, it's so frustrating. It's urgent.

Mon, Mar 3, 8:43 PMDayZ
SToNED updated the task description for T189592: Custom buildings before and after 1.27.
Mon, Mar 3, 8:41 PMDayZ
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T187299: Experimental. Mortars, ranks and AIs.

It seems that all the problems from this ticket have already been fixed and it can be closed.

Mon, Mar 3, 7:57 PMArma Reforger
django_on_pc added a comment to T189480: crash.

drivers are ok
scannow found corrupt files and repaired it
the nvidia app? ok i will see

Mon, Mar 3, 7:54 PMDayZ
PR9INICHEK renamed T189096: [Feature Request] (Conflict) A collection of tickets for improving position of some defensive buildings on FIA bases from [Feature Request] (Conflict) Change the position of some defensive buildings on FIA bases to [Feature Request] (Conflict) A collection of tickets for improving position of some defensive buildings on FIA bases.
Mon, Mar 3, 7:50 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T182865: Starting a vote-kick should not be anonymous - what have been done to fix this?.

Duplicate T181075

Mon, Mar 3, 7:46 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T189146: Make it show who is starting a votekick.

Duplicate T181075

Mon, Mar 3, 7:46 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T188362: AI sees everything at night.

Relates to T183762

Mon, Mar 3, 7:45 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T183762: Enemy AI can see in the dark.

Relates to T179982

Mon, Mar 3, 7:45 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T179982: AI accuracy at night extremely high again.

Relates to T165421

Mon, Mar 3, 7:44 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T189603: [] (Conflict) The player's group has no limit for AIs that can join it..


Mon, Mar 3, 7:41 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T189603: [] (Conflict) The player's group has no limit for AIs that can join it..

I have 16 AIs in my group.
There is just a limitation due to the capacity of the Mi-8

Mon, Mar 3, 7:41 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T189603: [] (Conflict) The player's group has no limit for AIs that can join it..

Relates to T189136

Mon, Mar 3, 7:39 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T188060: [Feature Request] Add restrictions for Recruit AIs.
Mon, Mar 3, 7:39 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK created T189603: [] (Conflict) The player's group has no limit for AIs that can join it..
Mon, Mar 3, 7:39 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T187233: [] (Conflict) Unable to place as max budget has been reached.

There are two main bases and 37 regular bases on the map

Mon, Mar 3, 7:35 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T187233: [] (Conflict) Unable to place as max budget has been reached.
General AILimit - 1024/1500
Active AILimit - xx/256

Mon, Mar 3, 7:30 PMArma Reforger
Whoami created T189602: Walls despawning after 10 hours.
Mon, Mar 3, 7:26 PMDayZ PlayStation
Yuki added a comment to T189561: Client to desktop crash 0x7ff725ceba5e at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Same for us


Mon, Mar 3, 7:25 PMDayZ
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189601: [] (Conflict) Large groups of AI are created in rarely accessible places.
Mon, Mar 3, 7:16 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T189601: [] (Conflict) Large groups of AI are created in rarely accessible places.

Relates to T187233

Mon, Mar 3, 7:09 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189601: [] (Conflict) Large groups of AI are created in rarely accessible places.
Mon, Mar 3, 7:09 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189599: [] (Conflict) AIs are created at starting locations where the main bases should be.
Mon, Mar 3, 7:03 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK created T189601: [] (Conflict) Large groups of AI are created in rarely accessible places.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:52 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189600: [] (Conflict) Main player bases are never created in two places.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:50 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T189600: [] (Conflict) Main player bases are never created in two places.

Relates to T189599

Mon, Mar 3, 6:49 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK created T189600: [] (Conflict) Main player bases are never created in two places.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:49 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189599: [] (Conflict) AIs are created at starting locations where the main bases should be.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:46 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Steps To Reproduce on T189599: [] (Conflict) AIs are created at starting locations where the main bases should be.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:40 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189599: [] (Conflict) AIs are created at starting locations where the main bases should be.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:37 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189599: [] (Conflict) AIs are created at starting locations where the main bases should be.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:37 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T189599: [] (Conflict) AIs are created at starting locations where the main bases should be.

Relates to T187233

Mon, Mar 3, 6:35 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK created T189599: [] (Conflict) AIs are created at starting locations where the main bases should be.
Mon, Mar 3, 6:35 PMArma Reforger
Meraj_br added a comment to T189598: Glitch that allowing players to clip into locker at sakhal power generator building .


Mon, Mar 3, 6:12 PMDayZ PlayStation
Meraj_br changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:none to reproducibility:always on T189598: Glitch that allowing players to clip into locker at sakhal power generator building .
Mon, Mar 3, 6:12 PMDayZ PlayStation
Meraj_br created T189598: Glitch that allowing players to clip into locker at sakhal power generator building .
Mon, Mar 3, 6:09 PMDayZ PlayStation
byNautiic added a comment to T189596: Holding Breath While Aiming.


Mon, Mar 3, 6:05 PMDayZ Xbox
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T165573: [Feature Request] Change position of number of players who will capture the point in UI.

This can also contribute to a better interface.
Players will see a number and think about what it means and maybe start to figure it out and mark the points they will go to.

Mon, Mar 3, 6:00 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:52 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:51 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:51 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:51 PMArma Reforger
CreepingMunster added a comment to T189569: Banned.

Usually via their discord. If you don't know what their discord is, you may be out of luck. It's a shared ban, so it's probably on multiple servers. What's your steam name?

Mon, Mar 3, 5:49 PMDayZ
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:49 PMArma Reforger
Fentonito edited Steps To Reproduce on T189596: Holding Breath While Aiming.
Mon, Mar 3, 5:48 PMDayZ Xbox
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:48 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:47 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:47 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK edited Steps To Reproduce on T181369: [Feature Request] (Conflict) Give points for capturing a base, even if the player only participated 50-75% of the time.
Mon, Mar 3, 5:47 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK renamed T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP) from [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving to [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:47 PMArma Reforger
PR9INICHEK created T189597: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving earning experience(XP).
Mon, Mar 3, 5:46 PMArma Reforger
Fentonito added a comment to T189596: Holding Breath While Aiming.
Mon, Mar 3, 5:42 PMDayZ Xbox
Fentonito created T189596: Holding Breath While Aiming.
Mon, Mar 3, 5:42 PMDayZ Xbox
it_is_Sunshine edited Additional Information on T189594: 6B2 Body Armour Possibly Broken.
Mon, Mar 3, 5:28 PMArma Reforger
Vovka_Novikov added a comment to T189558: 袙褘谢械褌 锌褉懈 蟹邪谐褉褍蟹泻械 谐谢邪胁薪芯谐芯 屑械薪褞.

Will you fix it?

Mon, Mar 3, 5:26 PMDayZ
it_is_Sunshine created T189594: 6B2 Body Armour Possibly Broken.
Mon, Mar 3, 5:26 PMArma Reforger
tjensen added a comment to T189590: DayZ 1.27.159420 exits during game launch when BattlEye is enabled.

@Geez I have disabled Steam cloud sync and I have deleted my Documents\DayZ folder, but the issue persists.

Mon, Mar 3, 5:19 PMDayZ
Schnitzelfresser created T189593: Hackers on official server.
Mon, Mar 3, 5:11 PMDayZ
Geez closed T189480: crash as Resolved.

The crash dump points towards nvppex.dll file, indicating a problem with your GPU drivers. Please do a clean installation and check your OS for any corrupted installations/files. Also make sure your system is up to date.
Disabling HWAA in the game might resolve the issue but the root cause is somewhere on your system.
There is also a chance that if you are running Nvidia app instead of Ge-force experience that that is the cause of the problem.

Mon, Mar 3, 4:53 PMDayZ
Geez merged T189558: 袙褘谢械褌 锌褉懈 蟹邪谐褉褍蟹泻械 谐谢邪胁薪芯谐芯 屑械薪褞 into T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.
Mon, Mar 3, 4:52 PMDayZ
Geez merged task T189558: 袙褘谢械褌 锌褉懈 蟹邪谐褉褍蟹泻械 谐谢邪胁薪芯谐芯 屑械薪褞 into T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.
Mon, Mar 3, 4:51 PMDayZ
chooknany added a comment to T189569: Banned.

How would I contact the community server owner?

Mon, Mar 3, 4:49 PMDayZ
SToNED created T189592: Custom buildings before and after 1.27.
Mon, Mar 3, 4:30 PMDayZ
Selmer711 created T189591: 1.27 Collision Issue in Warehouse Door.
Mon, Mar 3, 4:21 PMDayZ
Geez changed the status of T189590: DayZ 1.27.159420 exits during game launch when BattlEye is enabled from New to Need More Info.

Hello tjensen.
Have you tried to uninstall BattlEye and install it again? And have you tried to delete the DayZ documents folder + disabling Steam cloud sync?

Mon, Mar 3, 4:21 PMDayZ
Geez changed the status of T189449: The game does not start after the latest update from New to Assigned.
Mon, Mar 3, 4:12 PMDayZ
Geez changed the status of T189450: Dayz crash 0xC000001D from New to Assigned.
Mon, Mar 3, 4:12 PMDayZ
Geez changed the status of T189454: Recurrent unhandled exception access violation crash in exp server 1.27 from New to Need More Info.

Hello Schrodinger.
Can you please check on stable if the issue occurs there as well? Also does this occur on a vanilla setup?

Mon, Mar 3, 4:11 PMDayZ
Geez merged T189483: Fault address: 833EE1B4 00:833EE1B4 Unknown module into T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server.
Mon, Mar 3, 4:11 PMDayZ